Chapter Seventeen

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Grian quickly fed his cats and rushed out the door, trying to hurry and make his way to the little coffee shop. Before opening the door, he smoothed out his shirt and checked his reflection for any giveaways that he was Poultry Man. After feeling satisfied with his appearance, he opened the door and stepped inside.

Iskall and Mumbo were already waiting at a booth, and they both waved him over. Grian sat, ignoring the beating of his heart. "How's it going, lads? A nice day out, isn't it?" Iskall glanced at the window, as if noticing his surroundings for the first time. "Ah, I guess it is! Thanks for meeting up with us, Grian. These past few days have been a little rough on all of us I think." Mumbo looked up, his chin resting on his hand. "You can say that again, Iskall. Doc and I had a fight and I'm having a slight bit of trouble balancing my life and friends' lives. What about you all?" Grian noticed that the question seemed to be more directed toward Iskall, so he waited to respond.

"Uh... heh. You see, my apartment rent is due soon, so I'm stressed about that," Iskall said with a nervous laugh. Mumbo glared. "Is that all...?" Iskall shrugged his shoulders, not saying another word. I really need to try to ease this tension, Grian thought. "Yeah, mine is due at the beginning of next month! Not to mention, construction at the newspaper building is slowing down because I was under the weather for one day and there have been a few mistakes made by the crew. But you guys aren't complaining about me being around for now, right?~" Grian smirked, earning a chuckle from his two friends sitting across from him.

"I don't know, Grian. Sounds like you're slacking off just so you can keep having lunch with Mumbo at work," Iskall accused jokingly. "Well can you blame me? Who wouldn't enjoy lunch with this fabulous mustached man?" The smaller man gestured toward Mumbo, who was rolling his eyes with a smile at their behavior.

Iskall gigged. "'Fabulous mustached man'. Hahaha! I love that so much, Grian! It's a perfect description!" Mumbo gave an amused look. "I, for one, very much like this name. Feel free to call me it every now again. I also accept master reporter and magnificent friend."

"Hey! I already called that name, right, Grian?" Grian laughed, but tried to signal to Iskall with his eyes that he should be more careful with his words. If Iskall accidentally messes up in this fairly busy coffee shop about my identity, I will have to get my revenge. Maybe I'll use chicken poop and throw it on him. That is, if I don't die or get arrested first of course. "Yeah, Mumbo. Iskall already claimed that title. Oh, look at the time. I think we should be off to work, don't you think?"

The friends nodded, and walked outside. "Wow. There are a lot of Poultry Man posters everywhere. The poor guy had better be careful," Iskall said,glancing slightly at Grian. Grian gave a small smile before looking at Mumbo. "Maybe he deserves all of this after all! I mean, it's not like he contributed to the city or anything." Mumbo stopped walking and gasped. "Grian, where is this coming from? That's an awful thing to say! He did go through quite a lot yesterday."

"Ah, you would know wouldn't you. Mumbo? After all, I think I remember seeing a familiar mustache on the news the other day. Did you see, Iskall? I believe a certain someone among us is famous!" The smaller man elbowed Iskall jokingly. As the three began walking again, Iskall also poked fun. "Ah why yes that does ring a bell, Grian! I wonder who it was! His mustache could've used some work, I think," Iskall chuckled. Mumbo pretended to be offended. "But you just said my mustache was fabulous!" The three began to laugh again.

At last, they made it to the newspaper building, their sides aching from laughter. At the sight of Doc, however, all three froze. "I need to speak to Mumbo. Our conversation doesn't concern the two of you," he glared at Grian and Iskall. "I think that if it concerns our friend, it concerns us, too. Nothing personal, Detective, but I just don't trust-" Grian took a step toward Doc, but Mumbo put an arm out to stop him. "It's alright, Grian. I should be fine on my own. I'll see you two inside, alright?" Grian gave a worried look, but walked into the building with Iskall.

"Mumbo's in pretty deep for not even knowing who Poultry Man really is. You should tell him," Iskall advised quietly once they were inside. Grian let out a groan. "It isn't nearly that easy, Iskall. I was about to tell him yesterday, but I feel like if I do, he'll be in even more danger. I already am sure that just you knowing will make you a target, although I hope it doesn't. Imagine what could happen and the situations he could wind up in if he knew!"

"True true. But I just think that he should at least know who he's getting into trouble for, that's all. It is up to you. Anyway, why do you think Doc wants to talk to him?"

"Probably because Mumbo helped me escape. My bet is Doc wants Mumbo to tell him about me so that he can take me to prison." Grian scowled at the thought, and Iskall made an annoyed sound. Unfortunately, that was all they could say before the two had to part ways to start work.

Grian, surprisingly, enjoyed doing something that wasn't flying, egging, and fighting. He instructed the team on what needed to be done, they would do it, and he would help where needed. While the building was coming along slowly at first, he managed to catch them up so that they were once again on schedule. He saw Iskall a couple of times walking around the building to assist with editing in the paper. He, however, did not see Mumbo until it was their lunch break.

"Phew, I'm glad you're still around, Mumbo! I wasn't sure if you were okay after seeing Doc in the morning. If you wouldn't mind me asking, what did he want anyway?" Grian asked curiously as he sat across from Mumbo at their normal lunch table. "Well not a whole lot. He simply asked me to not cross police barricades by any means. That's all." He looks uncomfortable. Doc probably said more. I won't pressure him about it, though. The poor guy hasn't caught a break in a long time, if you ask me. Grian dropped the subject and the two friends talked about work, which both found very relaxing.

At the end of the day, Iskall, Grian, and Mumbo walked tiredly to their separate homes. Grian opened his door to find Maoi and Pearl brushing against him in happiness. He smiled and bent down to properly pet the two. This almost feels like things were normal again. Grian changed into his Poultry Man outfit and strapped on his wings. He sneaked onto the roof of his apartment, then took flight toward the abandoned building's sewer so that he could get into his hideout.

"Things haven't been normal for a long time."

Npc Grian giggled as he began to follow the soaring figure in the sky. "And it will most certainly be a long time before they're ever normal again, creator!"

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