Chapter Twelve

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Doc walked out into the street, noticing the battle taking place between Poultry Man and the Jangler. If the Jangler accidentally kills him, I will be very angry. He continued on his way toward a back alley where Npc Grian was sitting on a dumpster petting an alley cat. "I am here," Doc said annoyed.

The cat hissed and scampered off, leaving only Npc Grian and Doc. Behind Doc, a stray explosion had hit the street, but neither were bothered. The Grian look alike grinned and slid off the dumpster, beckoning Doc to follow him deeper into the alley. "I must admit, I was worried that my partner must be crazy. I mean, in this entire plan, there isn't a single rustic house! However..." he paused for a second, looking Doc up and down, "Maybe that's something I can tweek a bit later," he winked.

Doc rolled his eyes. "What is your deal with rustic houses, anyway?" Npc Grian chuckled and continued walking down the long alley. "They are magnificent structures. I love them very much. Those who do not appreciate their beauty as much as I do," he flashed a scary grin at Doc, "Do not deserve to be on the same Earth as them. Now then, where were we? Oh yes! I'm taking you to the hideout."

The shorter man gave a knock on a brick wall, and a door opened, revealing that the wallpaper on the door was simply meant to look like brick. The person who had opened the door for them was a man in a black morphsuit with a jingle bells around his wrists and neck. "Helloooooo, Jingler! I bet you're wishing you were out there instead of the Jangler?" The man in black stepped aside silently after giving a slight 'huff', allowing the two to enter.

Doc followed behind Npc Grian, noting the other individuals in the room. There was one man in a salmon mask who stared at a random jar of pickles on his table. The Jingler went to sit alone at a different table, eyeing the assortment of weapons in the armory behind the salmon masked man. A pair of people, one female and one male, sat together at a table, laughing and talking to one another in quiet whispers. The woman had bright orange hair and pale, sickly skin that was sunken in while the man had a black blindfold and simple clothing. As Doc passed their table, he overheard them discussing the concept of justice.

"You know, Chleo, it is downright ridiculous how ordinary people like you and I have to abide by the rules in this society and do our best to be helpful and good while guys like the Poultry Man are allowed to cause some problems without consequence," the man frowned disapprovingly. "You're so right, Joe! It just isn't fair. I guess it's a good thing that we finally have the chance to make our point," the woman said, slamming her hand on the table. Upon noticing that Doc was listening in on them, they became silent. The woman glared, while the man gave a small smile which Doc was uncertain of whether it was threatening or welcoming.

He continued passing other tables, including one with a man completely in a pufferfish outfit. At last, Npc Grian stopped in front of a booth in a dark corner where a figure was sitting. Doc squinted his eyes to get a better view at who it might be, but the figure was too much hidden in the shadows of the corner. Npc Grian hopped into his seat, patting next to him for Doc to join them.

"I brought him! This is the detective you wanted me to... recruit," Npc Grian smirked. The figure extended a hand for Doc to shake. Doc tried once again to get some idea of who it was, but the arm was hidden under long sleeves while the hand was gloved. He took the hand and tried not to cry out from the harsh grip it had as they shook. After he was released, Doc drew his own hand back fast and quietly waited to see where the conversation would go.

"This is good. He is perfect. I, for one, feel that with him, we can exterminate G- Poultry Man once and for all," the figure stated in a smooth, unnatural voice. Npc Grian leaned on the table, giving a pleading glance toward the figure. "Surely I can add a rustic house into the plan somewhere then? Please?" Doc felt his left hand twitch, and in an instant he had Npc Grian by the neck. The figure from the shadows spoke in a grating tone, "There will be no rustic houses of any kind. Should I see one, there will be consequences. Do you understand, you inferior being?" Npc Grian smiled, showing no signs of pain in the detective's hold. "Of course." Doc looked underneath the table and found that Npc Grian was crossing his fingers, but he felt himself release the look alike anyway.

Doc closed his eyes to process his actions, but the only thing that flashed through his mind were the repeated words 'kill Poultry Man'. He held the table tightly, feeling that something was wrong but incapable of putting his finger on it. "You are only useful to me when you are not thinking. While I know I am correct, I must clarify that you do indeed want Poultry Man gone, yes?" Doc nodded, growing angry in an instant at the thought of the villain. "I want him gone, whether dead or alive."

Npc Grian's eyes lit up at this. "See? He doesn't care if he lives or dies, either! I definitely think that this would all be easier if we got rid of him now while we have the chance. A rustic house would do the trick." The gloved hand raised in a gesture for the two to stop talking. "I have superior intelligence than the two of you combined. Poultry Man will be dealt with in time. For starters, we must ruin him. Do you not want him to suffer first?" the voice reasoned.

Doc frowned. I want him gone as soon as possible. Poultry Man must be stopped. What came out of his mouth instead was, "You're right." Both he and Npc Grian said the same thing in sync. " Ha Ha Ha. Good. When he beats the Jangler, send out the Justice Duo. Justice Joe's unique abilities will weaken Poultry Man greatly. The Salmon Man, Jingler, and Pufferfish Prankster are to be sent out in the third wave. The detective will be after them. Npc Grian, you will follow after his battle. I will do the honors of finishing him. No one is to kill him before it is my turn. Everyone is aware of this plan already."

Doc remembered receiving the plan in his brain shortly after leaving Mumbo's apartment  and going to meet with Npc Grian. "I can't wait," the detective grinned evilly.

"I was accurate to have picked you to be a part of this. Do not let me down, Detective Doc. I do not like being disappointed."

[Author's Note: Just wanted to thank everyone again for all the support you've given this story! I really love writing it, and I'm glad it is at least a bit interesting to some people as well hehe! Just a reminder: If you ever get confused at any part of the story or are genuinely curious about something, I can do my best to explain without giving away spoilers. Thanks again.]

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