Chapter Sixteen

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The mustached reporter ate his dinner, tiredly watching the recaps of the fight on the news. He saw himself helping Poultry Man, and that meant the rest of the city had seen it too. Luckily, they hadn't been able to catch their getaway. "There goes my stellar reputation. I'm surprised no one's tracked me down for an interview yet. I suppose I should be counting my lucky stars then."

Mumbo glanced at his phone, wondering if calling Iskall at this hour would be rude. He knows something big about Poultry Man. If not his identity, he at least has some idea where the base is. He hasn't answered his calls all day, either. The tall man rubbed his eyes, trying to not feel a little jealous. "It definitely doesn't hurt that Iskall knows personal things about Poultry Man that I still don't. Doesn't bother me at all. Nope. Not in the slightest," he mumbled to himself.

He inspected the strange bracelet on his wrist once more. He had no recollection of where he'd gotten it, and he could not take it off either. It was just a useless metal band stuck to him that was another mystery in his life.

Mumbo picked up the tea cup that was near him and threw it onto the floor, watching as it shattered into many pieces, then pounded his fist on the kitchen table. "Why?! Why can I not figure anything out?! The pieces are right in front of me and silly old me just cannot connect them together! This bracelet, Doc's behavior, Poultry Man- This entire situation has gone horribly wrong! I just want to know who he is. I want to know what is going on!" The sound of a broom stick pounding above him caused him to end his rant.

"When will anything start making sense?"

Mumbo clicked off the television and glanced again at his phone. Iskall knows something, and I won't allow him to avoid me for forever. He dialed his friend once more, waiting for anyone to pick up. When no one did, he called again. Then again. Then again. Then again.

It wasn't until he received a text from Iskall saying that he was trying to sleep and would explain tomorrow did Mumbo finally settle in for a restless night's sleep. I wonder if I'll even be allowed into the newspaper building tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

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