Chapter Eighteen

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Mumbo sighed as he heard a knock on the door to his apartment. "Come in, Doc!" He yelled from his seat at the dining table. The detective opened the door and took a seat at the table across from Mumbo. "Thanks for agreeing to see me at this time. I know we aren't on the best of terms right now, but I'm glad you at least have some reasoning left," Doc stated. Mumbo crossed his arms and frowned. As he spoke, he slowly made a move to leave the chair in annoyance. "I didn't accept your invitation for you to merely come and insult me. If that's all you're hear for-"

Doc hit his hand on the table, causing the reporter to stop. Mumbo settled himself back in his chair, watching Doc cautiously. "I... am sorry, Mumbo. I know it feels like I've put a lot of pressure on you lately, man. I just have to do my job." Let's get on with this shall we? I don't fancy having him near me too long. After this, I want to see Iskall and find out what he knows. I need to get rid of Doc as quickly and inconspicuously as I can first, Mumbo thought.

"I understand, don't worry. You said you had information about..." Mumbo raised his wrist, showing the bracelet. Doc did the same to show that they had similar bracelets. "Yes. Well, I have figured out that they are from Poultry Man who is using them to track our every move. That's how he always knows so much about people. The company that helps make these watches agreed to meet with me so I can figure out who is buying them, which will lead me to Poultry Man's identity. Not to mention, they are the only people who can actually get the bracelet off, so I figured you should come with me to see them. Besides, I think you're probably the most deserving to find out who Poultry Man is. Will you come?"

The reporter bit his lip, looking down at the table. Something feels a bit strange. I don't know why, but it feels off. Maybe if I talk to Poultry Man first he'll-

"Poultry Man might become dangerous if he knows that we know about this. After all, we still know nothing about him. And we can't be for sure that the things he does say are not lies, you know? I think this is our best bet, Mumbo." The mustached man looked up from the table quickly and stared wide-eyed at Doc. How did he know what I was thinking?! Actually, to be fair he has known me for a long time. He probably already knew that I would think that. Maybe the timing of it was just coincidence. After all, it's pretty silly to think he could read my mind or something of the sort.

"I... suppose you're right," Mumbo muttered. Doc gave a slightly hopeful look. "Then, it's agreed? You'll come?" He asked. Mumbo paused, still feeling wrong. Seconds later, he found himself nodding anyway.

Doc gave a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "The business is always open pretty late. If we go now, we can-" The reporter interrupted before Doc could get out another word. "Really?! At this hour? Are you mad? I don't care to be anywhere outside my home at this time, especially now that people are taking umbrella's outside. Who knows what kinds of criminals might be out there?" Doc frowned.

"Precisely, Mumbo! If we don't go now, then criminals like Poultry Man will take over the city in the night and day. I know you're not a bad guy, man. Just come with me and after this we never have to talk again if you don't want." The detective shifted in his seat, waiting for a response. However, the mustached man could not think of an answer that felt right.

I mean, surely there can't be any harm in going now, right? Doc is a detective, after all. He can protect us both. Maybe I can even spot Poultry Man if I'm lucky. And I can always head to Iskall's afterward. So... why don't I want to go still?

"Mumbo? You in?"

"Fine. Let's make it quick, alright?" Minutes later, the two left the apartment and walked down the slightly populated streets. "So, Doc... How do you know it's Poultry Man who bought the bracelets?" Doc gave a deadpan expression. "Who else in the city would do something this weird?"

The conversation remained minimal after that, so Doc and Mumbo focused on the walk to the building. Every now and again, they would make eye contact with shady people who had a greedy or malicious glint in their eyes. However, Doc would simply brush his hand against his gun, allowing others to see the metallic glint and warn them of what could happen if they caused any trouble. On that front, Mumbo was thankful. There is no way in Earth I can walk into the city alone anymore. It is far too dangerous for an average person like me to be out here without any defense. After I go to Iskall's tonight, this will have to be the last time I leave my home at night without a weapon or anything of the sort.

Doc's slowing pace shook Mumbo from his thoughts. Before him was the entrance to a looming building that seemed to be for-

"Watches? Doc, I thought we were here about bracelets. This company makes both?" Mumbo asked. The detective nodded. "They are best known for their watches, yes. Although, they do make more than that. It isn't that surprising if you ask me, Mumbo. Let's go in. Follow me."

It was dark in the main lobby, but a light was emitting from a room farther down the hall. Mumbo found himself scooting a bit closer to Doc, feeling great unease about his surroundings. "I thought the business is open late. Shouldn't there be more people? At the very least, there should be a receptionist!" Mumbo whispered worriedly. Doc continued to walk toward the lit room without giving a response. Mumbo stuck close.

"I here footsteps! That must be them! Excellent!" A voice excitedly whispered from the room. That- That sounds like Grian! Well, something does strike me as strange about the voice, but Grian is a strange man after all. Mumbo let out a sigh of relief. "If only you'd told me Grian would be here, Doc! I wouldn't have been so hesitant! Actually, why didn't Grian tell me he would be here himself? When I spoke with him at work, he didn't seem to know-"

Doc and Mumbo stopped at the doorway of the room, looking at the sitting figures before them. "Grian isn't here right now. But don't worry! Soon, you'll get to see him. For now, we're the closest you can get!" Npc Grian grinned from the desk he was sitting on. The other spoke:

"Yes. We absolutely are glad you could make our meeting."

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