Chapter Fourteen

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Mumbo yawned and slowly opened his eyes, blinking at the gentle rays of sunlight that were attempting to shine through his blinds. He sat up in his bed, staying that way for a long while as he considered the new day. "Wow, I must have been exhausted yesterday. I cannot believe that I don't recall falling asleep! What did I even do last night?" He closed his eyes, trying to remember what had happened.

Hmm, well I think I remember the paper about Poultry Man selling well. I waited until late evening, then followed a flying figure to the top of a building. Then... Come on, Mumbo. Think! The reporter ran a hand through his hair. "It's much too early to be getting upset over these types of things, isn't it?" He tried once more to remember.

Then, Doc came! I'm such a spoon! How could I forget that? Doc was trying to catch Poultry Man, but he escaped. Doc and I walked to my apartment... Doc should still be here then, right? Mumbo got out of bed, neatly folding the sheets, then hurried to the living room to see if his friend was still on the couch. The only thing there was a bundled up blanket on the couch, but the rest of the detective and his things were gone.

"Well that's a bit strange, isn't it? Doc normally folds the blankets for me before he goes. It isn't a big deal. He was probably busy with important police work or something of the sort." Mumbo folded the blankets and put them away, then turned on his T.V as he made himself tea.

"Reporting live from the shopping district where a relentless battle is currently unfolding is Stacy Grey. Stacy?"

"That's right, Michael. As you can see, some distance behind me, Poultry Man and two others are in the middle of some kind of fight-" Mumbo almost spilled the tea he was pouring at this news. He hurriedly sat on the couch and turned up the volume, watching the screen in worry. "Who on earth is he fighting? He shouldn't be out at this time..."

"Do we have any information on who the two people with Poultry Man are, Stacy?"

"The only things we know are that the pair calls themselves 'The Justice Duo'. During the fight, we have caught the names 'Joe' and 'Chleo' which we think belong to Poultry Man's opponents. One male seems to have some invisible ability that is weakening Poultry Man while the woman taunts and keeps the villain from getting too close to her partner. The man in the chicken costume seems to be losing, meaning that this could finally be the defeat of our most infamous villain. Remains of explosive debris have been recovered, along with some businesses reporting damages to their buildings that are believed to be from Poultry Man's nightly escapades. As of right now, the police have shut down many roads, keeping civilians back a large distance from-"

Mumbo grabbed his things, especially his journal, before dashing out the door to the area where the fight was taking place. There's something wrong. Poultry Man has never once acted in a hostile manner. He just enjoys egging people is all! Is he in danger? Or does the Justice Duo truly have heroic intent? This must have been why Doc left in a hurry. Why couldn't I have been more athletic?! Mumbo continued sprinting, panting as he struggled to keep going.

At last, he reached the area that was surrounded by police. In the distance, he could barely make out the fight that was still going on. He began desperately searching for Doc for answers, pushing past other civilians who were watching in awe at the scene before them. At last, a shine caught his eye, causing him to rush toward it. Doc's robotic parts glistened in the morning sun, as he watched the battle with a steely eye.

"Doc! Oh my word I'm glad I found you. What on earth is happening over there?" Doc glared at the man with the journal. "None of your business, Mumbo. It isn't anyone's business until the fight is over and Poultry Man is behind bars." Mumbo furrowed his brows, not believing what he was hearing. "Not my-?! What do you mean?! How is it not a reporter's business to know when there is a giant battle taking place in the city? Doc, can you please just tell me, as friend, what is going on?" Doc turned, taking a step toward Mumbo, causing the reporter to step back in tandem.

"It's Detective Doc. My job is to protect the people of this city. And if you are going to only use me as a source of information, I don't want to be your friend anymore. Clear the area, sir." Doc turned around, once again facing the battle and not even sparing a glance when the reporter ran away.

What is wrong with him? That's not the case at all! We are- WERE friends! Weren't we? Mumbo continued reflecting on Doc's words when he reached the building he was looking for. It was a short building with a fire ladder, one that Mumbo instantly began climbing. He made his way to the roof of the building, then stared at the scene not far from him. "Poultry Man doesn't look well... It's like he's too lost in thought while fighting. Well that just doesn't seem very fair, does it? I mean for goodness sake it is two against one!"

The next thing the mustached man knew, he was running full speed across the roof top, preparing to jump to the roof of the other building in front of him. He felt his foot push off the ledge of the building, and luckily he landed in a rough roll on the roof closer to the fight. He glanced at the crowd of people a long distance away, spotting Doc among them. The detective seemed to notice him too, for the former crossed under the police tape and was yelling something at Mumbo. Mumbo went down the fire escape of this new building, and was standing across from Joe and not far from the fighting Chleo and Poultry Man.

"Justice Duo! Stop!" Mumbo shouted, catching the attention of all three of them. Poultry Man froze realizing who it was. Joe, however, clasped his hands nervously. "Chleo? Who's that? Are they police?" Chleo stepped away from Poultry Man and took a protective position in front of Joe. "Are you a cop?" she shouted at Mumbo. Mumbo stayed in his spot, suddenly worried for his safety but responding anyway. "My name is Mumbo. I'm a reporter actually, but I... Can you all stop fighting? Someone may get hurt." Chleo let out a loud laugh.

"That's the point! Don't worry, it will be Poultry Man who gets hurt, not us. Be on your way!" Joe nodded in agreement from behind. Poultry Man grabbed his head as if having a migraine, yet prompted Mumbo to leave. "Get going, Mumbo. I don't want you to be hurt at all. I can fight them well enough on my own."

Mumbo crossed over to Poultry Man, who was now on his knees gritting his teeth in pain with his eyes squeezed tight, and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere." Mumbo turned to the Justice Duo, who were still looking at him in curiosity. "Besides, for a team called the 'Justice Duo' and all about doing the 'right thing', two against one seems very hypocritical to me." Chleo seemed about to charge at him when Joe gently grabbed her arm. "Wait a minute there, Chleo. I can make him skedaddle without physically hurting him. Keep an eye on Poultry Man for me?" Chleo nodded her head and smiled. "Sure."

The blindfolded man bowed his head, and the next instant Mumbo saw flashes of memories playing through his mind, hurting his head slightly. He saw himself first getting his reporter job, then meeting Iskall, then interviewing Doc for a hero recognition article. He remembered the time when he had written an article for a charity, which raised a lot of money. He remembered switching from his expensive apartment to a cheaper one, where Doc began to visit. He remembered the first claims of Poultry Man, and saw their meeting for the first time all over again. A flash of his recent arguments and guilt from Doc appeared, causing a quick jolt of pain. Finally, an image of his reckless actions to get to Poultry Man and the Justice Duo popped up, and then his mind felt normal and less flooded once again.

Joe took a step back as Mumbo was taking in his surroundings. "That can't be right. I've never met anyone 'sides myself and Chleo who is that good a person. If that weren't enough, you even believe you could be better! Why are you hangin around someone like G- Poultry Man for?" Mumbo helped his friend to stand up. "He isn't as bad as everyone believes." Then the reporter's eyes widened. "Wait... do you know who he is? You were about to say a different name besides Poultry Man!" Chleo turned and looked at Joe. "You know his name? Tell me, Joe! And tell the reporter so we can stop Poultry Man once and for all!"

Joe shook his head. "I can't Chleo. That would take away from the experience... I'm awfully tired now. Let's get out of here before any other innocent people start getting involved." Chleo grumbled, but began to leave through a nearby alley with her partner. "You're lucky, Poultry Man. You'd better appreciate what you have. It's all going to be torn away soon. And reporter? I'd abandon him now, before a nice guy like you gets hurt too."

With that, the two made a quick getaway, leaving Mumbo to carry Poultry Man and hide before the police made it onto the scene.

[Author's Note: The chapter is kind of long and boring but it somewhat has to be for the next few parts? I did my best to make it exciting but yeah... thanks for the waiting and support again!]

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