Chapter Twenty

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Mumbo sat with his arms crossed irritated in his chair. His stomach growled, serving as a constant reminder of all the food he'd turned down from Doc since Mumbo thought taking the food would somehow suggest that the whole situation was okay. Well now I've just made myself suffer more, haven't I? Maybe if Doc offers again I'll- No. I'm not taking anything from him or anyone else here.

As if on cue, Doc once again came into the room, carrying a tray loaded with various foods and snacks. "Um, Mumbo? I brought you some food again in case you changed your mind. I know you don't like it here, but that doesn't mean you should starve yourself." The reporter turned his head away, refusing to look at Doc. Doc put the food down on a table and approached his friend. "You are acting like a kid, man. I mean, it's not like we're doing anything to you. You have a chair, a table, some blankets, a bathroom, and a TV. What else do you want? I can get it." Mumbo turned his entire body away from Doc, keeping his arms crossed and making no attempt to respond to the detective.

Doc sighed. "Look, I know you're angry at me for tricking you and stuff, and I'm sorry. But it's the best way that the city can be safe again like it used to be! I tried and I tried, man, to catch Poultry Man and make things normal, but I couldn't do it and you know it. These guys? These guys actually know him... unlike you." Mumbo swiftly turned to face Doc, an angry look in his eyes. "And so what?! You drag me into this? Drag Grian into this? I'm sure Iskall might be in danger too if Grian and I are! You want to be a hero or something so bad that you've lost it, Doc! I genuinely think you've gone mad!"

"And what about you?!" Doc bellowed. Mumbo scoffed, standing abruptly so that the chair he'd been sitting on fell with a crash behind him. "Me? What about me?" Doc let out a scornful chuckle. "Last I checked, you were the one trying to play 'hero' and befriend the villain of the city, hoping to get him to change. How did that work out for you, mister reporter? Has he reformed after spending so much time with you?"

"Why, yes, in fact! He has changed!" Mumbo retorted.

"Oh yeah? Well then if he had nothing left to hide, you must know who he is. Or where he's from! Better yet, maybe you've gotten to see his little hideout, right? Right?" Mumbo stayed silent.

Doc continued. "I knew it. You... you're ridiculous, Mumbo. You put your neck out for this guy, and all he's ever done is gotten you into trouble. He left you on a rooftop the first night you met, he almost ruined your career when you went to save him from the Justice Duo, and that wrist band you've- we've- got? The people who broke into your apartment were after him too, and he wasn't even there to help! I have been there to help you every single time damn it! Why is he the one you still think is a hero?! Why am I so bad for trying to keep you and every citizen in this place safe from a maniac?!" Doc punched the wall behind him, his robotic arm leaving a large indent and caused Mumbo to jump. The tray of food that had been on the table clattered to the ground, being the only noise besides Doc's heavy breathing.

He's... right. I've gone through all this trouble, all this danger, and now my friends are involved. Poultry Man hasn't even- He's never been there for me. Not once. He lied to me about why he was here the first time I asked him. When I jumped in front of Doc to stop him from shooting Poultry Man, that man didn't hesitate before jumping off the roof and leaving me there alone! He hasn't changed! Not in the slightest! And yet... Mumbo's mind turned to all the times he and Poultry Man had sat talking on the rooftops and when they'd sought refuge in Iskall's apartment. He remembered Poultry Man constantly saying: "I don't want you to be dragged into this" and "I don't want you getting hurt".

All of that seemed genuine enough. And besides, he never did ask me to do all of those irrational things I did. I... I got myself into all of this. Now...

"He's going to be hurt because of me, isn't he?" Mumbo whispered. Doc gave a noise of disbelief. "You are kidding, Mumbo! Who CARES if he gets hurt?! None of this is your fault-"

"No, it is my fault, Doc! I went looking for him! I stole from you to try and see him! I ran out into a battle for goodness sake! Don't you see? You're chasing a villain when the real one is standing right in front of you! I'm the one who's broken the law over and over again, and you're just as bad for trying to protect me! What's happening between the guys who are keeping me here and Poultry Man has nothing to do with me, and I inserted myself in anyhow. You're right. I tried getting close to Poultry Man at first out of pure selfishness, and you got roped in even more because of it. But-," Mumbo crossed to the table, picking up the food that had fallen below it, "I'm certain Poultry Man told me the truth when he said he was here to stop some bad people. You and I both know that the guys in this building are it. They invaded my apartment to put on these bracelets, and they have probably been the ones allowing all of those other villains to fight Poultry Man and endanger the lives of citizens by actually trying to fight him."

Mumbo put his hands on the table, his back turned to Doc. He glanced at the metal that was clamped around his wrist, and felt his anger grow once more. "So I'm going to do what's right. I'm getting out of here and helping Poultry Man once more to end all of this. I hope you'll help."

Doc let out a grunt, stepping toward Mumbo until there was no room for the mustached man to slip away. "And just how do you suppose you'll do that? I'm not going to let you leave to get into danger again. This is for your own good." Mumbo sighed.

"I was afraid you might say that. Sorry, Doc." In one swift movement, the reporter had grabbed a lone cup of water that had luckily stayed upright on the table and splashed it onto the detective. Doc laughed. "Really? I thought you knew by now that I'm waterproof, Mumbo. I'm kind of hurt, man." Mumbo raised an eyebrow, allowing a small smirk to come to his face.

"I remember. I'm also aware of when you once told me that under your robot arm there's one place that's just a bit more sensitive to water, which is why you don't wear muscle shirts." Doc's eyes widened in terror as he looked down to see that Mumbo had splashed him under his arm pit, and his heart dropped when he began to hear sizzling. "Mumbo, don't go! Please!" Suddenly, Doc's entire robot side was seizing up and made zapping noises. His robot eye started to dim, and soon all metallic parts of him were no longer functional.

Mumbo tore his eyes away from Doc as he bolted for the door. "I promise that I'll try to be less of a spoon out there! And I'll come back when this is all over! Hold tight!" The mustached man called out as he ran. He winced at the sound of his friend hitting the floor behind him, but knew he had to escape immediately.

He was rounding the corner when he literally crashed into a familiar person. He looked up and let out a relieved laugh. "Oh thank goodness it's you! I was worried something bad was going to happen to you!" He was helped up, but Mumbo frowned in disappointment after looking carefully at the face of who he thought was his friend. "Oh no."

"Oh yes!" Npc Grian chuckled, his eyes flashing dangerously. "But if I were you, I'd be more worried about yourself!" 

[And just when he promised not to be a spoon smh (-o-)]

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