Chapter Thirteen

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Poultry Man continued dodging the explosive cookies that sailed at him from above. If he hits me while I'm in the air, that won't be good. It's safer to stay on the ground for now. Maybe he'll run out of explosives soon... Another explosion in front of him sent him flying backward, where he managed to gain proper footing and slid back while remaining upright.

The Jangler laughed with every cookie he threw. "Who knew that a game of chicken could be this fun? I plan to beat you, no matter what that dumb Npc says! There's nothing I'd love to see more than this entire city crumble apart! Hahahahahaha!" The cookie explosives were pouring from the sky at an alarming rate all around Grian. The man in the chicken costume ran off the side of the building he was on, just as the entire roof exploded.

Once again, thank goodness businesses stopped operating at night because of me. He flew upward, soaring right for the giant cookie hovering in the sky. "Hey, Jangler! Couldn't you think of something more creative than being a Joker knockoff?" Poultry Man yelled, tauntingly. The Jangler momentarily stopped laughing and glared at the incoming threat.

"I'm not a knockoff of anyone. I'm better than any villain that exists!"

Grian landed on the cookie, standing across from the Jangler with an egg in hand. "What? Is something not funny anymore? In my honest opinion, you're just one in a batch of cliche, evil clowns. Not very original, if you ask me..." Grian tisked. A giant smile spread over the Jangler's face. "We'll see if you feel the same way when you splat on the ground like an egg!"

The cookie villain's hat flew off as he charged at Poultry Man, laughing so harshly that it almost sounded like a painful yell. Poultry Man threw an egg at the ground right in front of him, causing the Jangler to slip and fall. Poultry Man instinctively grabbed the Jangler's wrist, hanging onto it so tight that something around it had broken and fallen to the ground. The Jangler blinked a couple of times, then gave a look of confusion,

"What- Where am I? Poultry Man?" The Jangler rubbed his eyes with his hand that wasn't in Poultry Man's grip, then seemed to realize the situation he was in. "Poultry Man! Oh no I don't want to fall! Could you pull me up?" Grian struggled, but eventually managed to pull a confused Jangler up onto the cookie. "You're lucky I need information about Npc Grian, Jangler," Poultry Man growled as he stood above the sitting man.

"What are you talking about, Poultry Man? Who's the Jangler? What's an Npc Grian?" Grian walked to grab the jester hat that had fallen on the floor and returned to wave it in front of the man's face. "Really? You were trying to kill me less than a minute ago. Who are you, then?"

The man stood up and seemed to be reaching to tip a hat that wasn't on his head. "Oh, I guess my actual hat is gone. Doesn't matter. Anyway, my name's Scar. I think this is some misunderstanding or something. All I know is, one second I was settling into bed to get ready for work tomorrow, and the next I was dangling off of this cookie. You wouldn't happen to know a way down, by the way, would ya?" He seemed to be shaking slightly as he glanced down at the city below them from the floating cookie.

Grian let out a frustrated sigh as he lowered the cookie with the Jangler's staff. Scar ran off of the cookie and went out of sight to where Grian could only assume was the direction of Scar's home. I guess whatever was controlling Scar into being the Jangler is gone now. How will I find Npc Grian?

Grian took the staff so that the cookie could not be started up again, but left the vehicle for the police to clean up in the morning. He was about to take off flying toward his lair when there was a cough from behind him. He groaned and turned around, shoulders slumping as he realized that there were now two strangely dressed people glaring at him. The man with the blindfold put his hands on his hips as the woman cracked her knuckles.

"Excuse me, Poultry Man, but- and you know I hate to say it- but I just don't like you very much. And you know what? Actually, how's about lady's first? Do you want to tell him Chleo? I think I'm a bit upset at the moment for explaining."

The woman, apparently named Chleo, grinned and ruffled the top of the blindfolded man's hair. "Sure thing, Joe. Basically, Poultry Man, we're going to make you see the error of your ways. Preferably through force! I sure hope you're ready to face the Justice Duo."

Poultry Man rolled his eyes. "Let's make this quick. I've got some business of my own to attend to."

That's when the pain began to rush through his skull, causing him to fall to his knees in agony.

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