Chapter Twenty-one

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Grian quickly landed on Iskall's apartment balcony, stumbling slightly. "Iskall, let's go. We've got to get to Mumbo right now!" the smaller man said worriedly. Iskall's eyes widened. "Gr- Grian! 

You aren't wearing your mask, dude! Someone might see you!"

Grian grabbed the wrist of his friend, pulling him urgently toward the balcony. "I don't care if anyone does right now! If we don't hurry and get to where Mumbo is, he could-! Gah! There's no time! Just trust me, please." Iskall allowed himself to be flown by Grian, panicking once they were in the sky but trying his hardest not to yell.

"Hey, Grian? Do you think that if I dropped something from this height, it could kill someone down there?"

"Are you really asking me something like that at this time, Iskall?"

"Well, I kind of want to not focus on how scary this is."

I am never flying Iskall anywhere again if I survive after all of this. I wouldn't trust myself to not drop him on purpose when he asks questions like that, Grian thought. "I literally fly this high all the time and none of my eggs have ever killed someone. But if we went up higher, than yeah dropping random objects might do the trick. Now, when we get there, you might see a copy of me walking around. His name is Npc Grian. I made him when I was a younger lad, but he's very unstable, only likes rustic houses, and hates to be kept in my closet. Obviously, I will be trying to destroy him instead of putting him back, but you can tell the difference between us by looking at our eyes and hair. His hair is flatter and a dull color, and his eyes are dark. They don't have any green to them like I do. Keep all that in mind in case we get split or you try to spot him. Got it?"

"I... think so? That was a lot to take in. Don't you think it's kind of self-centered to build a clone of yourself? And also name it after yourself?" Iskall chuckled. The smaller man rolled his eyes, then drew in a sharp breath. "We're here. Make sure to stay very quiet," Grian whispered as they landed.

The warehouse creaked as a slight chill wind ran through. Grian stayed standing, surveying the open area outside of the building for signs of traps. He took a step forward, and then carefully walked toward the run down warehouse with Iskall close behind him. Once they were fairly close to the outer walls, Grian stared into the dark and silent interior from the doorway. It'd be risky to just walk right in. Especially with Iskall following close by, going in through the obvious entrance would be too dangerous for both of us. No. There's got to be another way in...

The winged man looked up to the roof, where there was a decent sized hole both of them could fit through. The roof might not be the sturdiest to stand on, but if it collapses further before we get to the hole, I can grab Iskall and we can probably glide down. Grian held out his hand for Iskall to take it, then the two of them flew to the unstable roof top, which let out a small screech as their feet touched the metal covering.

Grian kept a firm grip on Iskall's hand, pointing and making silent hand signals to explain to his friend that the roof was not the safest, but they had to make it to the hole Grian had seen. They walked slowly, and finally made it to the hole, flying down into the warehouse.

"Where do you think Mumbo is? It's too dark in here to see well," Iskall whispered. Grian was about to respond when suddenly the entire warehouse was illuminated by bright, blinding lights. Grian and Iskall recoiled and shielded their eyes, trying to adjust to the change.

Grian finally opened his eyes, then sucked in a fearful breath. "No..."

All around them were villains: the Jingler, the Pufferfish Prankster, the Justice Duo, and countless others. In the center of the group was Npc Grian. "Grian, my old master, how are you? Took you long enough to find me! I thought maybe you were just half as clever as me and could figure us out faster. Was Poultry Man really the best you could do?" The other villains laughed as Grian and Iskall took a frightened step backward.

"I- What did you do with Mumbo, Npc Grian?" the winged man tried to summon some courage. "Oh don't worry too much. He's still alive. He isn't a shadow yet like your Evo friends were if that's what you're worried about. No, that wouldn't be fun at all!" Npc Grian took a few steps forward, a malicious tint in his dark eyes as he stared unblinking at his creator before him. "But you know what would be fun? I think I'd like it if you could feel pain, like everyday I was cramped into that stupid closet!"

Then, he snapped and the horde of villains rushed toward Grian and Iskall.

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