Chapter Fifteen

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The cool rag against his forehead caused Grian to sigh. He had woken up on and off as he and Mumbo traveled to some location unfamiliar to him. Only two minutes ago, he fully awakened to himself lying on a comfortable bed in some small apartment room.

Grian let out a small laugh as Mumbo bumped into walls and various bedroom objects with his eyes closed tight. "My real face doesn't looks THAT bad, Mumbo!" The tall man froze in his spot by the door. "So, I can see your real identity then?" He asked with hope in his voice. Grian took the rag from his forehead and threw it at the unsuspecting Mumbo, who jumped from the contact. "No," Grian said with a grin. The man in the red shirt and tattered grey pants placed his chicken mask back on, then confirmed to Mumbo that he could open his eyes.

Grian sat on the edge of the bed, watching as Mumbo reaffirmed where he was in relation to the room. "You good, Mumbo?" The man with the mustache leaned against a wall, a look of exhaustion on his face. "Yeah, I believe so. It's just... a bit overwhelming is all. I don't know." Poultry Man held back a laugh. "You did just save my life against a villain with actual super powers. That might have something to do with how you're feeling."

"Well yeah, I suppose. But... were they really villains? What are you? The entire city sees you as a menace, and they were completely fine with the Justice Duo taking you out. Am I- Are we on the wrong side of all this? I want to help but... but..." Grian stood up and took Mumbo's arm. The chicken man led him to the bed and the two sat down side by side. "Look, Mumbo, I really don't want to drag you into my mess, especially now that the situation is a lot more serious than I thought. I wouldn't blame you if you decided to keep your distance."

Grian looked around the apartment room again, this time looking more curiously. "I don't know who's room this is, but I can leave if you want. I have a base to-" Suddenly, he remembered that he had left a certain friend of his inside his Poultry Cave. Mumbo let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "This is my mate, Iskall's, apartment. Don't worry, I don't believe he'll be back for a while. He should be editing right now. And I wouldn't mind you staying for a little while longer, if that's alright. I don't really feel like keeping a distance from you."

Grian scrambled up off the bed and faced Mumbo. "Iskall! I wasn't planning on doing this, but if he knows, you might as well too. Come on, Mumbo! We're stopping by my secret base." Mumbo's eyes lit up as Poultry Man dragged him to the fire escape. As Grian looked out, he saw that the streets were too busy to go around unnoticed. Not only that, but there seemed to be an increase in officers looking for Poultry Man. He thought about what to do, then turned to Mumbo.

"I'm so sorry, Mumbo. I can't take you to the base right now. Stay out of trouble while I'm gone. Be careful who you trust for the time being." Mumbo was about to protest, but Poultry Man had already taken off running to the back entrance instead of the fire escape.

The small man took off his chicken mask as soon as he was out of sight. I need to get to the base. I can go there as Grian, but I need a find a way to change my clothes. I think the red shirt and grey pants will get me spotted right away. He looked around and noticed that there was a tattered blue sweater that lay by a dumpster. "Oh no. No no no no no. I am NOT putting that on." He winced as he heard loud police sirens in the distance.

Grian groaned as he held up the sweater using his thumb and finger. "This is just awful. I could get ill from this. I could get VERY ill actually..." He continued to stare at it in disgust. "It will have to do." He cautiously put on the sweater, cringing the entire time. He took off his wings and put them behind the dumpster."This is so gross," he complained as he zipped it up over his red shirt. "There. Now I need to quickly make my way to the base so I can get this terrible jacket off of me. I believe there's a sewer behind the old warehouse on the edge of the city, I can make it there if I hurry. Not to mention, no one will spot me going inside it. Perfect."

As he walked through the city, the man kept an eye out for changes that were happening. Besides the increase in police, there were more signs out telling people that umbrellas should be carried at night. Well that's just great isn't it? Now the streets will be busy at night too and there isn't a thing I can do about it. I have to find Npc Grian so I can stop with this ridiculous persona. Things are getting a bit too serious for it.

After a long journey, Grian was able to reach the warehouse by evening, and went into the sewer. I hate this a whole lot more without my wings. By night, he had reached his base. "Iskall! I'm back! Where are you?" He looked around for any sign of Iskall, but there was none. The only thing there was a note from his friend that read:


It is weird to call you that, but I didn't want to risk other people seeing this letter and knowing your name. I am a great friend. Anyway, I left a little while after you were fighting the Jangler so I wouldn't be stuck down here the entire night. Also, I knew that if I waited til morning, people would see me and find the base. Did I say I was a great friend? I meant to say that I think I am an excellent friend. I hope to be able to talk to you soon. Don't go being mischievous without me. I still go to the coffee shop every morning if you want to walk with Mumbo and I to work. See you soon.

Your Magnificent Friend,


Grian slumped into a chair and let out a big sigh of relief. "I guess I'll be grabbing tea tomorrow before work, then."

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