Chapter Twenty-seven

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Grian could feel himself begin to sweat despite the cool of the night, causing him to shiver. Robot Grian took notice and smirked. "Feeling regretful already, are we? I would be too if I were in your shoes." Grian frowned, rolling his eyes. He spared a glance back at his wings to make sure that he had fixed them well after breaking them badly in the fight with Npc Grian as he and his robot flew through the air toward the outskirts of the city. "No. It's just a bit chilly. But a machine wouldn't understand the feeling, now would you?" The robot made a grating sound that seemed to be a growl, and Grian was satisfied that he was able to annoy his creation back.

Finally, the two landed properly in a flat, open field miles away from the city and stood unsure. "How shall we battle?" Robot Grian asked. The winged human hummed in thought, trying to decide on something that could possibly give him any advantage. Hand to hand combat could get dicey. That wouldn't be very smart of me. I've got it! We could fight in the air! I'm an excellent flyer, so surely I could... Well to be fair, he did fly fairly well on the way here. But what other choice do I have? It's my best chance.

"Alright, how about a fight in the air? Touching the ground is allowed, but primarily the battle's got to be up in the air. Sound good?" Grian asked. The metallic lookalike seemed to think this over, then his eyes glowed brightly in enthusiasm. "Yes, I agree to this. Oh you really don't know what you've gotten yourself into."

The two walked a distance away from one another in opposite directions. I can't lose. I can't lose. If I do, he'll try to destroy everything and that mustn't happen. You can do this, Grian. Don't forget that the controls on his wrist have got to go as well in order to set Mumbo and potential others free. I will do this. I will finish this.

Grian took a shaky breath, but spoke firmly. "One-"

Robot Grian paused for a second before speaking in a monotone voice. "Two-"


In sync, both rose into the air, with Grian's built wings making a slight flapping sound and Robot Grian emitting a noise not unlike that of a quiet engine running. They turned to face one another in the sky, and it was Grian who made the first attempt to fight. He dove toward Robot Grian, aiming to punch him straight in the face. The robot dodged and swung his leg around to kick Grian in the back. Grian, figuring something like this would be coming if he missed, dipped into a barrel roll toward the ground to avoid the robot's attack, which barely missed him. Robot Grian lowered himself, trying to time a strike that could hit Grian when he inevitably had to fly up again. Before he hit the ground, Grian did fly up, but saw the robot's fist flying toward him and grabbed it just in time.

"You pest!" Robot Grian yelled, trying to yank his arm away. However, he didn't have the momentum that Grian did. Grian threw Robot Grian with all he had, sending the robot toward the ground. Robot Grian's impact with the floor caused dust to fly up, and he made a small crater where he was laying. "I believe that's a point on the board for me! I think you've really hit rock bottom this time, Robot Grian," Grian snickered as he flew triumphantly in the air.

The robot stood, dusting off his knees and his shoulders coolly. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Grian," Robot Grian said as he flew up into the air once more. Grian looked surprised. "Wow, Robot Grian! That was actually a decent joke!"

"Joke? I was not trying to joke," the robot responded, somewhat confused. The two shrugged it off, and Robot Grian chased after Grian, who was weaving and turning in the air. If he gets too close to me, things could get-

Before he even realized it, the robot was flying horizontally right above him, grabbing his shoulder. Grian quickly turned so that he was also flying horizontally, but his back was to the ground and face looking directly at his creation. Grian lifted a leg and kicked off of Robot Grian's chest, sending the machine upward while getting him slightly closer to the ground. -DIFFICULT! Yikes that could have been bad! It isn't fair that he flies quieter than me!

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