Chapter Twenty-six

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If they move, you must a t t a c k without hesitation.

But I don't want to...

You must. These are not your friends. They are the e n e m y. They have b e t r a y e d you one way or another.

I suppose but-

No one can h u r t you anymore. You will have to h a r m them first before they harm you.


Mumbo felt like he couldn't breathe. His body was rigid, stuck in an uncomfortable, intimidating position. He knew that he shouldn't be as aware as he was, but the looks on his friends' faces in the earlier conversation had struck a cord. His muscles were tense, and at the moment Mumbo wanted nothing more than to lay down and rest. The minute that Grian and the robot stepped outside, Iskall and Doc began to whisper to one another, and he was sure that they were

plotting again him

thinking of a plan to save him. He had tried so hard to help himself. Npc Grian had taken him to Robot Grian after the reporter tried to escape, and that's when Mumbo realized the gravity of what he'd done. He had never been in too much danger in every other situation he'd been in, but then

the robot tortured-

the robot had given him what he deserved. He had yelled until his voice went hoarse and his throat sore, for the burning in his wrist had been excruciating. He'd never felt anything as painful as that in his life, and his salty tears that wouldn't stop falling from his eyes burned the area even more. Mumbo was much more receptive to Robot Grian's commands afterward, for he complied when asked to strap dynamite to himself, yet he could feel part of him become alive again at the sight of his three friends gathered together to help.

He couldn't stand saying all the terrible things he did. While he did feel a bit betrayed by the actions of Grian, he understood. I would have done the same thing for my frien- enemies if I'd been in Grian's position. Still, he also couldn't bring himself to fight against Robot Grian's control. You don't have to think or worry about whether the choices you're making are the right ones. You can focus on yourself and never be too curious of too caring ever again. You can relax.

Mumbo could not pass that up. As ashamed as he was, he allowed the bracelet to continue to control him: forming his words, creating his thoughts, moving his body. Then, Grian started to cry. The mustached man couldn't help but feel a small ache in his heart, and next thing he knew he was angry. He was angry that the bracelet wasn't working the way it should, angry that he had to be so caring, and angry that he once again allowed this to happen to him. All I do is mess things up.

All you do is mess things up. Just let me have total control, Mumbo. It's okay.

It's okay...?

It's okay.


His friends were laughing. Why were they laughing? Were they laughing at him? Were they laughing at how ridiculously stupid he was? No. They had been laughing at Robot Grian. Iskall, Grian, and a smilng Doc were making fun of a robot that had claimed to be so perfect.

Mumbo's body didn't smile, but he must've showed some sign of relief and amusement, for Grian's eyes had flashed to him for an instant. Before he knew it, the two Grians had walked outside, leaving him alone with Iskall and Doc.

Keep your guard up, Mumbo. You never know when they will strike. And two against one seems awfully unfair.

Iskall and Doc broke apart, staring at Mumbo with the warmest smiles they could muster. Those aren't genuine. Don't be a fool.

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