Chapter Twenty-eight

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He opened his eyes slowly, realizing they made it to the Poultry Cave. His mind cleared at the familiarity and homeliness of his base. Grian winced as he stumbled to his computer system controls, pressing the "scan" feature to see what the damage was. Chleo stood awkwardly at the entrance to the base, rubbing her arm in discomfort. "I mean... Do you need help or-?"

A light blue lazar scanned Grian, and the computer began to form an analysis while Grian slumped into a random chair. "No no. I've had this made for occasions like this. I've never had to use it, but it looks to be working so that's good at least. Maybe you can help once it advises me how to treat myself."

"Oh sure. Of course."



"Chleo, you know that you can make yourself comfy, right? I really don't mind as long as you don't touch too much stuff," Grian said, still shocked that a member of the Justice Duo was even in his secret base. Chleo nodded, carefully choosing a spot to sit at and settling for a cluttered countertop. The two sat in silence while the mega computer hummed. I really want to ask her why she helped. That came out of nowhere! Not too long ago, she and Joe were trying to kill me, but suddenly she saves my life??

"So um-" Grian started, but was interrupted by a beep from his computer as the word "results" appeared in bold on the screen. Grian's eyes scanned the screen, sighing. "What's it looking like over there?" Chleo asked from her spot, worried. Grian gave her a small smile. "Well, the computer says I broke a rib, but not badly at all, thank goodness. There's a very small crack in the x-ray. Honestly, I thought it was going to be worse. Would you mind handing me some of the painkillers in that cabinet over there?" the man asked, gesturing to a medicine cabinet across the base. Chleo nodded, walking toward it and retrieving the pills.

"Shall I get a bandage to wrap around the spot as well?" She asked.

"No, the computer says not to bandage it. I need to be able to breathe well. But thank you," Grian replied as Chleo handed him the pills. She looked at the computer, shaking her head. "I must be completely mad to help you."

Grian glanced over at her curiously as he took the prescribed amount of painkillers. "Is now a good time to explain all that? Earlier was understandably too hectic." The woman rolled her eyes but grinned slightly. "I suppose. Well, I assume it was your friends in the warehouse that convinced me to take Joe to the hospital. Quite frankly, I told them I wouldn't forgive you for causing Joe to get hurt. I still don't, by the way," she glared at him.

Grian stayed in his chair and rolled toward his workbench to fix his wings once more. "That's fair. But in my defense, all of you were trying to kill me and I had to level the field somehow." Chleo frowned but continued. "Anyhow, we got to the hospital and were there for a good while. I was watching television and heard shouting outside. The news popped up, and showed you and Robot Grian. I just- I don't know. Maybe it was looking over at Joe and seeing his pain that made me want to help you. It was pretty awful of the crowd to be cheering for you and the news showing your literal torture. I may not like you, but I have morals. All of that just didn't sit well with me. So I helped. You're welcome."

Grian tilted his head, glancing down at her wrists. "You don't have a bracelet. Why not? I thought all the villains had one."

Chleo crossed her arms. "Well, not all of us had to be voluntold to destroy you. Some of us were willing to do it without the bracelet," she said threateningly, daring him to say anything that would make her change her mind about saving him. Grian gulped, but nervously smiled. "I'll count myself lucky then."

Neither said anything more while Grian finished work on his wings. I hope Iskall, Doc, and Mumbo are alright, he thought worriedly. He turned his attention to thinking up a plan. "Chleo, while you were with Robot Grian, did you or Joe notice any possible weaknesses he might have had? He wants to destroy the entire world, so I could really use your continued help," Grian asked. The woman sighed. "No, I didn't really notice much. He never revealed too much to anyone, not even Npc Grian..."

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