Chapter Ten

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Doc was fast asleep on the couch when he was awakened by a noise that sounded as though it had come from Mumbo's room. The detective slowly rose off of the couch and grabbed his gun from the table, making his way cautiously toward his friend's room. He stopped by the door, listening. Something sounds like it is hissing in there.... What is that? There must be a gas leakage or something in the apartment building. I should get Mumbo out of here or at least tell him to come with me to check downstairs what is going on.

Doc burst through the door and instantly was blinded by thick, red smoke that spread to the rest of the house. He began to cough. "Mumbo?! Can you hear me, man?! Follow the sound of my voice!" There was no response, and the only noise was the sound of gas hissing as it escaped something. Doc felt his limbs grow heavy, and his head felt as though it were filled with water. He tried again to call out to his friend, walking closer toward the bed. "Mumbo! We have to go. Say anything if you can hear me!"

He felt his leg bump into the bed and suddenly he had fallen on it. A light snore was not far from his ear. He tried once more to talk to the mustached man, but felt that he was simply too exhausted. His eyes were drooping closed, and he could not move a finger. Everything was blurring before him. This isn't good. As he was fighting to keep his eyes open, he felt a cold hand clamp something around his left hand which had been hanging off the edge of the bed. He wanted to see what it was, who was here, but he couldn't do a thing.

A voice spoke up from the side of the bed. Doc did his best to listen for who it could be. "Hellooooo, Detective Doc. My name is Npc Grian. It is nice to meet you in person at last!" G-grian? That's..... isn't that the friend Mumbo met at work recently...? Why is he here? His voice... it sounds strange. Iskall found it harder and harder to think clearly, but he was still able to comprehend that the voice sounded as though it were imitating a human but wasn't one itself. A weight seemed to be on the end of the bed, where someone was now sitting.

"You might be wondering what's happening. Well, since neither you nor Mumbo will remember anything, I can explain. You see, the gas currently in the room was created to make whoever breathes it in sleep, like our favorite reporter. You aren't asleep yet because you aren't built like an average human anymore. What's the thing around your wrist? Good question. It's obviously a mind control bracelet. It won't hurt you, don't worry. You and Mumbo both have one."

Doc had his eyes closed. The words from the intruder were floating through his mind, seemingly tangible yet very hard to grasp. He felt his mechanic eye begin to shut down. "Oh. I should hurry with my rant shouldn't I? You are going to be very useful, Doc! More so than now, actually. Basically, you will be as useful as a rustic house: sturdy and reliable. Now, I think it is time for you to go to bed, my rustic house. I have others to tag tonight. Goodbyeeee."

A window opened and someone left through it. The gas was escaping out the open space, but the effects had already worked. Doc was soon snoring loudly, halfway hanging off the bed while Mumbo lay on the other side, still fast asleep.

Before the sun had even risen, Doc had grabbed his things and left without a word. He wore an angry expression as he headed home. Find Poultry Man. Kill Poultry Man. Must find and kill Poultry Man. At the very back of his mind, a smaller, almost insignificant thought was also present. Stop Poultry Man for Mumbo. My friend won't be hurt anymore.

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