Sweet Emotion

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I looked between Dean and Emanuel. Dean looked like he's just seen a ghost. I mean, for the first time seeing a ghost. Dean hasn't really spoken a word since Emanuel let us into his house.

So he is a miracle worker. Dean finally shut up and we didn't have to shove food into his mouth for us to do so.

"Did that creature hurt you?" Emanuel asked Daphne as he untied her.

I looked at Dean, who was still looking at Daphne his mouth a little open. "Dean?" I whispered. He didn't say anything. I placed my hand on his arm."Dean? Are you ok?"

Why is he looking at him like he just found his lover?

"But, Emanuel...they were looking for you," Daphne said as she held on to him.

"It's ok," Emanuel said to her. He walked over to Dean and me. "I'm Emanuel."

He placed his hand out. Dean made no move to shake it so I reached over and shook his hand. "I'm Lexa and this is Dean."

"Thank you for protecting my wife."

Dean's brows shot up. "Your wife." He looked at the girl before nodding. "Right."

"I saw his face. His real face." Emanuel looked at me. "I saw your real face, too. But it's different now compared to all the others I've seen."

He's must be talking about me.

Dean cleared his throat. "That guy out there was a demon. The thing you saw in Lexa...he's a symbeeitch."

"Symbiote," I corrected Dean. Emanuel and Daphne looked confused. "He's this creature that needs my body to live and in return, I gain these weird powers."

The couple looked even more confused. "A freaking alien is living inside her," Dean explained.

"A demon and an alien walked the Earth," Emanuel breathed.

Dean and I shared a look. "Demons," Dean corrected.

"Aliens," I added. Emanuel looked more confused.

"Whackloads of them. You don't know about..." Dean stopped. Ok, it was my turn to look confused.

If this guy is some miracle worker, then how does he not know about demons?

"You saw the demon' true face," Daphne said in amazement. Her mouth flew open. "And a real alien."

"Symbiote," Venom and I said simultaneously.

She looked at us. "Emanuel has very special gifs."

Dean nodded. "Yeah. We - We've heard that about...Emanuel. That you can heal people up."

Emanuel slowly nodded. "I seem to be able to help to a certain agree. But I don't think I'll be able to help your wife with her symbiote problem."


"Wife?" Dean asked. Yeah, same here. Wife? Dean motioned at me and shook his head. "No, no. She's not my wife."

"Girlfriend?" Daphne asked.

It was my turn to shake my head. "No. We're just friends." I realized how close Dean and I were standing next to each other and I put some distance between us. "He's just a friend. And there's nothing wrong with Venom."

"Our apologies," Emanuel said. "You two seem like a lovely couple." My cheeks better not be turning pink right now. "What is your issue?"

Just like that, all hope is returned to Dean's eyes. "My brother."


I decided to sit in the back of the car this time. I had to see what was going on between Dean and Emanuel. Dean looks at him as if he knew him and Emanuel just looks uncomfortable.

Maybe they're old lovers and this is awkward for them, ever thought of that.

I did. But it still doesn't make sense. If Emanuel knew Dean then he would have been a bit more shocked that he's here.

Be glad it's raining or else I would have leaped us to the hospital.

And probably expose us more than we need to. You heard that demon. Whoever this Crowley person is, he might want to keep a close eye on eyes. Demons are everywhere, Venom. Not to mention whatever is out there that little girl is trying to warn me about.

One, I could eat all those demons. Two, that girl was in a looney bin. She could have been making it...

Venom might be in me but I know something is troubling him. I turned to look out the window but all I could see was the pouring rain and the road. I could actually feel Venom tense inside of me.

"What are you looking at?" I whispered.

Nothing! I'm just thinking of the time I had to kick Riot's ass before he send more of me down here. Now that I think of it, it's really a big waste.

So nothing is bothering you?

No. What's the matter I can't relive memories like you humans do?

I sighed as I dropped the subject. Venom is really stubborn and a terrible liar. And I also know he's not going to tell me anything else, so I decided to break the silence from the car.

I leaned forward and looked at Emanuel. "So, Emanuel, you're wife seems really lovely."

He nodded. "She is. She found me. And cared for me."

"How did that happened? If you don't mind me asking."

Please, don't let it be a long story.

"It's a strange story. You may not like it."

"We will," Dean said.

Emanuel nodded and started telling the story, "A few months ago, she was hiking by the river, and I wandered into her path, drenched and confused, and...unclothed." Disgusting. "I had no memory. She said...god wanted her to find me."

"So who named you Emanuel?"

"Bouncybabynames dot com." Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

"Well, it's working for you. Must be weird not knowing who you are."

Emanuel shrugged. "Well, it's my life. And it's a good life."

"Yeah, well, what if you were some kind of..."Dean started. I gave him a confused look. "I don't know...bad guy?"

"Oh, I...don't feel like a bad person."

"And you probably weren't," I said as I cast Dean a look. Maybe a little story from me will calm Emanuel down. "Let me tell you how I met Dean."

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