Crazy Crazy Nights

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Who the hell does this demon bitch think she is stabbing you like that?!

Dean went to lock the store doors before switching the sign to close. Venom's tendrils came out my back and grabbed this Meg bitch before throwing her across the room.

"Lexa!" Dean yelled as I felt more tendrils crawl down my arm so it could be replaced with Venom's. His arm shot across the room and grabbed Meg by the throat before picking her up. Ugh, I'm going to kill this bitch for stabbing me like that.

I think I can help with that.

"Lexa!" Dean shouted again as I brought Meg closer.

"Awe, someone's got a new trick up their sleeve," Meg choked amusingly. She looked at Dean with a smirk on her face. "I guess you're girlfriend is a little pissed."

I glared at her as Venom's arm started choking her more. "No, I'm just hungry," I sneered before my voice got replaced with Venom's. "In fact, you're just in time for dinner. The main"

I opened my mouth. Venom's razor-sharp teeth started to come out as my mouth grew wider. I could feel the slobber trickle down my chin as I brought Meg closer.

"Lexa! Venom!" Dean yelled again.

I felt myself growl as I pulled Meg closer. Her head a few inches away from my teeth before this ear-shrieking noise started playing through the intercom. My head started to pound as I dropped Meg and Venom started to thrash around. I grabbed my head as Venom tried to get out of my body. The noise stopped before I looked towards Dean, who had a microphone near the stereo speakers.

"Really?" I asked ridiculously. This bitch tried to kill me and he's stopping me from killing her.

And she ruined my lunch! She probably tastes like shit anyway.

"She's a friend," he explained. I raised my brow while pointing at the demon, who was getting up with a satisfying smirk on her face. "Sort of."

"Awe, I'm touched," Meg said. Then she tilted her head to the side. "You must be the new hunter everyone is talking about. Nice to finally meet you." I glared at her. "The both of you. I never thought I get to see the symbiote. Only if we could meet under worst circumstances."

I'm gonna kill her.

Me, too.

I sneered at her before I took a step forward but Dean used his arm to stop me. "What are you doing here, Meg?" he questioned the bitch.

"Rumors are really starting to fly about this Emanuel fellow," she explained. "My curiosity sure got revved up."

"Curiosity, my ass," I snarled at the demon. "What the hell do you want?"

She smirked at Dean. "Your girl sure is a feisty one, Dean." His girl! "And why am I not surprised when I find out that Emanuel and the symbiote are snuggled up with you. And why Emanuel is the spitting image of poor, dead Castiel."

My brows rose from shock before I looked at Dean, who didn't look at me. "That's Castiel?"

"Awe. Did lover boy keep something from you? That's not a way to start a relationship, Dean."


Venom moved my hand so I could slap Meg. His head popped out of my shoulder before he glared at her. "Listen here, Katherine Pierce wannabe, the only relationship Lexa is going to have is with me. Any guy who looks at her will be my next dinner after I rip their arms out of their sockets before I use those arms to beat you senselessly. I'll make you wish you crawled back into that hell hole you came out of. Or maybe shove you up another demon's ass because...what's that saying?... You are what you eat."

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