Chapter 16

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Recap: Suraj confronted Ragini about KN and his wrong deeds on his children.

Suraj was laying on the bed next to Chakor, he was staring the ceiling, the fan was moving above his head.

Chakor was observing him. Oh no, I'm sure something happens, he has said anything wrong and ruined the plan, now he is regretting it. Chakor fumes, She hits him, "idiot!" She said and turned away from him.

Suraj got confused, he looked at her and saw only her bare back. Suraj places a kiss on her back, she shivers and jerks away, "No Suraj. I'm not in the mood."

Suraj shrugs, "I don't care. Besides I don't need you to be in the mood. I alone can handle it." He said it with a smirks and was waiting for her reaction.

Chakor turns to him, "what!" She sat on the bed and gave him a shocked look, "you will do it by your own? No way!" She took the pillow and starts to beat him.

"Tell me why are you angry with me?" Suraj asked holding the pillow with his hands.

Chakor glares at him, "you ruined it and now you are scared to tell me." She huffs and he got irritated, "I did what?"

Suraj too was now sitting on the bed, he was giving her an intense look, "what I did?" He asked again and she pouts, "you took a lot of time downstairs, I guess you talked to someone and then you ruined it. The plan!"

Suraj hits his forehead with his palm, "idiot woman I sorted out. I make our plan much easier now."

Chakor was looking at him with narrowed eyes, "how?" She wanted to know and Suraj told her everything about the conversation he had with Ragini.

"Wow Suraj, this is great and this is a real opportunity for you to show them that you are there for them." Chakor said while holding his hand.

"Yes, I thought about Imli and Vivaan. Does she really loves him?"

Chakor lowers her gaze, "I guess so. You know I will ask her again and let you know, but first I think you should handle it with Ragini. If she will start to trust you and sees the genuine care for her in your eyes, she might change and will tell us the truth."

Suraj took Chakor in a hug, "fine we will start with her." They cuddled into the sleep.

Vivaan woke up early, he was looking at Teju and his mother, both were arguing about the food.

"Today it will be Suraj favourite food." Teju demanded, but Ranjhana shook her head, "my son got a betrayer after another, he will get what he likes!" She shouts and Vivaan frowns looking at them.

My miserable life become a topic of their arguments, who's son has got more pain, like Really?!

Suraj and Chakor came down together, they were witnessing the argument too and looked at each other, "Chakor I don't want to eat here. Let's go to the village and have the breakfast at your place."

Chakor was confused, "why there?" She asked and he smirks, "after our marriage they haven't invited us and neither they have given me the respect as their son-in-law. All have started to accuse you for being the reason for the bridal swap."

Chakor rolls her eyes, "as you wish, but with that even Imli and Vivaan hasn't got the respect. Maybe we should take them along with us." Chakor went down to the basement and Suraj near to Vivaan.

"Let's go before we die starving." Suraj said and Vivaan nods, he wasn't happy about the fact that Suraj helped him out of the discussion on his life, but it was better than to stay with them.

Imli looked at Chakor, "why?" Imli asked her, "he won't like it if I will come there too and Mai, Bapu they hate me too."

Chakor nods, "yes, they do. But Suraj wants to help his siblings and therefore he is risking it. Maybe we can win their trust and they can help us."

Ragini opens the door of her room, "what is going on here?" She looked at the four, how they were leaving the house.

"Oh haan Ragini. I almost forgot you. Come, we are going to have breakfast at Chakor and Imli's parents place. There you can refresh some of the old memories with them. Plus you can meet your old friends such as Chagan?" Suraj said and Ragini was happy, "haan."

Ragini went closer to them, "fine I will come."

Chakor looked at Suraj, then back to Ragini, "Vivaan do you know a good interior designer?"

Vivaan nods, "yes, why?" He asked and looked around, "what do you want to change?"

Suraj hold him back, "he knows one and will call him soon. You lady's can do the needed changes for the rooms or whole mansion. But we have one condition."

Vivaan looked at him confused, "we?"

"Yes we!" Suraj said, "don't ask us about our opinion. We are sure you can handle it perfectly."

Suraj pulls him closer, "habe you lost your mind. Do you really want to argue with women about house design and renovations?"

Vivaan thought only a second and shook his head, "right. Don't ask us about anything just do it. But Imli you..." He was controlling his anger.

Ragini was about to say something, but Imli said, "Vivaan Babu you can give me any punishment I will accept it, but please don't throw me out of your life. Give me a chance to prove you my love."

Chakor was happy. Phew she said it on the right time. Good now it is her chance to prove her love.

"Let's Go!" Ragini said and all followed her.

"Ragini you can also change your room like I told you yesterday. The room needs a makeover."

They silently went to the village, a car was parked right on the front.

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