Chapter 22

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Recap: KN lost the battle and more.

Suraj was looking at Chakor, she had come with Vivaan and Imli, "Suraj we have contacted a lawyer, he said with the statement of the constable you can be out soon, but we have to wait a bit."

Suraj nodded, "what about Ragini? How is she now?" He waited for an answer.

"Fine, she is getting better day by day, can't say the same about KN, he totally lost it." Vivaan said and Suraj understood, he too had the feeling that he wasn't acting like mad, but has become in real a mad man.

Chakor took a deep breath, "we won't sent him to a mental asylum, he will stay with us or in jail."

"Jail!" They said in union and Chakor nodded, "yes, definitely." She agreed to them and soon Suraj was out of jail, the evidences were rechecked and submitted, they also got a statement of Ragini and Imli.

Suraj was at home, Chakor was cuddling with him after a passionated night, she had missed him a lot and has shown him how much.

Maybe I should leave again and then I will get this again too?

He looked at his wife, who was glaring at him, "don't you dare to think of leaving me, just to get this again, I won't repeat it with you."

Suraj pouts, "how can you read my mind?"

"Because I'm Chakor Suraj Rajvanshi, I know everything about you, like you do about me."

Suraj nodded, "yes, this is true." They fall asleep together in each other's arms.

Ragini was awake, she was looking in the room, it got a whole new getup, she is finally home, but there is something missing.

It was the next morning

Chakor looked at him, "get up!" She shouts and he shook his head, "no, let me sleep." He turns and she falls from the bed as she was sitting on his lap.

Suraj woke up and rushed to the washroom, he closed the door and locked it as soon as possible. Chakor couldn't get him.

Imli was in a guest room, she had talked to Vivaan and both agreed to give the marriage a chance as per Chakor has moved on in her life with Suraj, there is no place for Vivaan besides being her brother-in-law.

All were having their breakfast, while Ragini was lost in her own thoughts, "Ragini eat the food don't play with it." Suraj scolds her and she pouts, "I'm not playing with the food I'm just not hungry."

Chakor and Vivaan looked at her, "is everything alright?"

Imli was serving the food and checked her forehead, "no fever."

Ragini stood up, "thanks for your concern, but I'm fine." She left the hall and went into her room. Ever since she had returned Chagan hasn't come to meet her, she is upset about it. She remembers the sad expression on his face, when KN had returned.

Suraj took her plate, "after ages something good to eat, the food in jail wasn't good for me."

They looked at him, "what is wrong with her, finally everything was going on good and now this, I wonder what's disturbing her..."

"Chagan," Suraj said with a filled mouth, "even I would be happy seeing him, but since everything normalised I haven't seen him around."

Vivaan coughs, Imli rushes to him with a glass of water, "Vivaan Babu drink." He took the glass and drink of it, "bhai you were against it?!"

"Never! We just played to make her aware of her feelings for him." SuKor said and ImVaan looked at them shocked, but not that much, their bound had changed and the understanding had increased.

"So you want to say, Ragini has feelings for Chagan?" Teju said and they nodded.

"It's good, he isn't a bad guy and she will be around us, it's better than giving her away to someone unknown." Ranjhana said to them and they agreed again.

Ragini was laying on the bed, when she heard the opening door, she looked up and found her brothers, "Bhai?!" She fumed, "why didn't you knocked at the door?"

Suraj frowns, "why are you hiding someone?"

Ragini shocked, "no!"

"Then what's the problem?" Vivaan asked.

Ragini was looking at them with an open mouth, "I'm not a kid that you can enter the room like this, I could be changing in a towel or whatever it's my privacy."

SuVaan looked at each other, "ohho..." they said and looked at her, "she is getting older," Vivaan said, "yes, marriage age." Suraj completed it.

Ragini widen her eyes, "no, I didn't mean that there is no need to think this far."

"But it's not far." Chakor comes from the back, "you know we found someone."

Ragini stood up in shock, "what?!" Oh no they will get me married to a stranger but I want Chagan.

"He is from nearby." Imli said and Ragini looked at her, "nearby?" Oh no someone from a nearby village, I don't want.

"Yes, actually close." They all saw her depressed face and then suddenly hearing close she looked up with shining eyes, "close? You mean someone from Azadghanj?"

They nodded, "yes, we found someone and he had come to see you."

Ragini took a step back, "to see me?" But Chagan knows me, he doesn't need to see me.

"Haan Ragini, come we will make you ready." SuVaan were thrown out of the room, Ragini wasn't in her sense while ChaMli were helping her in changing.

Ragini got ready. She was already looking like a bride, they came out of her room, there he was sitting with his parents.

"Chagan?!" Ragini said in shock, "but why you need to see me?" She looked at them.

"Well he has to see the real Ragini. Not the one who was working with KN, but the one who is living with us under one roof." Suraj said and Chagan smiles.

"They told me everything and that you weren't a part of KN plan, even that he shot on you." He stood up and went to her, he checked her shoulder, "does it hurt?"

Ragini shook her head, "no, not anymore." She smiles and soon their marriage took place.

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