6.2 - Intermission - Friends

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Chloe's POV

It's been two days since we got here, everything is so chilled out here, considering the heat on this part of the Earth, it's the only way to go on about it. We haven't really discussed us since then, but I think there has been a silent agreement to take it slow. I don't want to do too much to overwhelm him or trigger him. I know he said he's okay now. But it's better to be careful. We're just enjoying each other's company, in his house, in the city walking around, going for coffee or food. Although I expected there's going to be a lot more partying, but I'm a bit relieved that it's not the case. 

'Hey, Clo?' Niall calls out from the kitchen.

I walk back inside through the glass door from the backyard, 'What's up?'

'I have a few friends coming over today, we're going to do a barbeque.'

'Okay. Cool!'

'Are you gonna be okay? It's just a few people, and we're just gonna eat, have a few drinks afterwards, it should wind down by 6. I know how you get around new people.'

'Ni, it's fine. It's your house! I'll be fine.'

'Alright, how about...' He starts, as he wraps one hand around my waist and runs his fingers through my hair, 'You wear the dress I got you yesterday? You looked so beautiful in it when you tried it on. And you could maybe also wear the pendant I got you? Why aren't you wearing it right now anyway?'

'Oh, well I thought it's like an outside accessory and we're at home now. Besides, I don't like you buying me that much stuff.'

'Hey, I just want to spoil you. I want to make up for all the pain and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.'

'I get that, and thank you, but not with objects. I appreciate it, but don't make a habit out of it, okay?'

'Alright.' He gives me a quick peck on my lips and then asks, 'I'm gonna run to the store, wanna come with?'

'Sure, just let me change quickly.'

Niall's POV

The sun is starting to set and most of the guest are leaving. It was a great afternoon and Clo didn't seem too uncomfortable. Only Shawn and Julia are still here and we move the party inside to the sitting room. I instinctively put my arm around her shoulder as I sit next to her. I can see Julia's questioning looks, as I failed to mention to them all the complications of my relationship with Clo. I just introduced her to everyone earlier today as the author of my biography. But now that it's just the four of us, I feel like I can be honest.

'So, Chloe! We never got to properly talk with all the people here! How's this writing thing going?' Julia asks her.

'Great! Yeah, Niall has a lot of great stories to tell. I've been enjoying learning more about him and I hope the book will do him justice. He's really an amazing artist!'

'Yeah, he is.' She affirms

'I'm sure you'll do a great job!' Shawn reassures her.

'Thank you!'

'I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but what's going on between you two?' Julia bluntly asks.

It's not that she's concerned or disapproving, she's just confused. And that's when I noticed what she's been looking at. I guess I unconsciously play with her hair a lot, it's not my fault if it's so soft and long and just happened to fall into my hand. I look at Clo, she's pouting and looking at the corner, not really sure what to say.

'Well, not that we defined it or labelled it yet... but we're kinda together? We're taking it slow.'

'Aww! That's great! Congrats!' Shawn gushed.

'I'm gonna get us some more drinks.' I kiss her on her cheek before standing up and exiting the room.

Chloe's POV

'I'm sorry, I hope I'm not coming across as mean or rude or anything. It's just... I don't know if you know, but he's been through a lot last year, and I just worry about him.' Julia explains.

'Yeah he had a bad break up and it was really hard for him to move on. But I'm really glad he found you, he seems very happy!' Shawn adds.

'I really hope he is. I don't know the details of what happened. I didn't even know it was a breakup. I just knew that there was a bad event that really affected him. Honestly, since I met him, I've been trying my best to just, help him any way I can, cheer him up when he's upset, guide him when he's too upset and feel like he can't get out of it. I just hope he's doing better now. I mean he said so himself.'

'Yeah, I guess maybe he is. He does look happier.' Julia comments.

'What are you talking about?' Niall asks walking in, handing each one of us new drinks and taking back his place next to me.

'We were just discussing how you look happier now.' Julia replies.

'Yeah. I am. Thanks to her. She's amazing!' He says, ending with another kiss on a cheek.

'Thank you!'

'By the way! I was thinking! If you guys are up for it, we can put a little, I don't know, quote or story from you guys in the book? Like an outsider's perspective? My close friends.'

'Yeah, sure!' Julia quickly agrees.

'Sound's great!' Shawn adds.

I get my notes and sit back where I was.

'Julia?' Shawn asks.

'I don't know what to say yet. You go first.'

'Alright. So I guess a quick summary. Niall and I met at the... AMAs? Maybe. We were DMing a lot, and then after the AMAs, we went back here, and we were sitting right on this couch and I was on the guitar and we sang just random songs and watched a movie. It was awesome! And then this mad friendship just started. Niall is always a person I look up to you know. As an artist and as a person. What he can do with just one guitar, and his songwriting skills. He's just an amazing artist. And he always helps me with the music, being totally honest about my work, and helps me calm down when I'm nervous. And yeah... with time we became close and now he's like an older brother to me. People always tell us to do a song together, and we probably should, it just, I don't know it never happened.'

'I guess you're too busy having fun when you're together, even if you decide to work together. I don't know, the way I imagine it,  if you two were in a studio, most of the time would be wasted on laughing, messing around and randomly just jamming instead of actually working.' I comment.

'That is exactly what happens!' Niall laughs.

'Julia?' I hesitantly ask.

'Okay, well... We started being close friends after he invited me to open for his tour. And he's a sweetheart, and he has some great advice about literally anything, whether its music or just life in general. It's someone I enjoy having in my life...'

'Wanna add something about "What a Time", maybe?' Niall asks her.

'Oh, yeah. So I started writing this song, and it was very personal and emotional, but I felt like it's missing something. And then I had the idea to add a guy's perspective. As soon as I thought of that, Niall was the first person I thought of. It just made sense you know? His voice fits, I knew he'd do a great job with it, and it's something that he'd relate to. So he continued it and we did the song together and I'm very happy with the result.'

'Okay, Thank you so much!'

The rest of the night turns out great. It was easier for me to be less awkward when it's was just the two of them. Although at first I was worried they wouldn't accept me, maybe because they're protective of Niall. But they both are very welcoming and so sweet. I'm glad I'm getting along with Ni's friends.

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