Chapter Seven: Issues - Catch-Up

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Chloe's POV

After a difficult goodbye at the airport, I go back home to Izz, where Cat and Lil are also there waiting for me. I'm not sure when's the next time I'm gonna be seeing Niall but it's not going to be today or tomorrow. Maybe not even the day after that. We've just gotten so attached to each other. Him more than me, I think he's afraid that once he's alone he'll relapse. Or maybe it's just me, and I'm just projecting my feelings onto him.

After all the hugging and the screaming, we settle down around the kitchen Island having lunch while catch-up.

'Hold on, so are you, or  are you not in a relationship with Niall?' Cat asks confused.

'Well... I mean... It's not that we're not. But, like... we don't... we didn't... talk about it?'

'Oh, so you're dating!' Lil clarifies.

'No, I don't think they are. He's not seeing anyone else is he?' Izz asks.

'No. I mean before me he wasn't even interested in dating. Same for me. So we're only seeing each other.'

'So you are in a relationship!' Izz says.

'Okay, maybe we are, but we're not using that term. We're just taking it slow. After everything, he's been through. I get that he's dipping his feet into the water before jumping in head first.'

'So he did tell you what's wrong, didn't he?' Cat asks.

'Yeah, he told me everything. Sorry, I'd tell you but it's very personal.'

'It's okay.' Izz reassures me.

We finish eating and move back to the sitting room.

'Did you think about what you're gonna do with what the publishers are asking? Are you gonna talk about his love life?'

'Nooo!!! I can't talk about that! Well, I have to or they'll find someone else to write it. But I'm not gonna go in details. I'll just say something like, "Being on the road takes its toll on any kind of relationship. You tend to lose track of people and your priorities. I love being on the road and I love being on stage. But yeah, it has cost my love life a lot throughout the years." Or something like that. Keep it general!'

'Wow! Add the Irish accent and the deep voice and it's like he's here!' Lil mocks.

'Shut up!' I whine hitting her with a pillow.

'And how much time do you have left? Shouldn't you start writing or something?' Lil asks.

'A little under 2 months I guess? I did start actually. But it's just the ideas and the things he said. I still need to think of a structure. So the base and main content are there but I need the filler and the casing if you want to call it that. It's fine I'm not late or anything.'

'How's he reacting to the pictures going out, by the way?' Cat asks.

'Yeah! You didn't tell us! Why do we have to pull all the information out of you!' Izz complains.

I chuckle and then answer, 'He was actually okay with it. Like he didn't care much. In fact, he never really made a big deal about it. I mean when we go out and I don't know, walking around, going for coffee or lunch, or go drinking in a bar? He doesn't care much if we're seen together. Me on the other hand, slightly getting paranoid, always feeling like I'm being watched. At one time, we were in a coffee shop and every time someone entered and the door would make a noise, my skin would crawl.'

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