It's Okay

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  Taehyung could sense the uneasiness of Jungkook from a mile away, and he knew exactly why.

They were at a party, and Jungkook despises parties, he hates the crowd and most of the people. Well, probably not hate, he just hated having to talk to them.

As of right now, Taehyung was standing with him, about to enter the door.

"Jungkook, it's okay, it's just a party," he says gently, almost giving into just letting them both go home and cuddling, but Jin had invited them, so, obviously, he could never turn that down.

Jungkook pouts "But Tae, I hate parties and you know that.." he whines, his bottom lip trembling.

Taehyung pauses "But Jinnie invited us and you know what Kookie? Jiminie and Yoongi are gonna be there, it won't be so bad." He moves closer to Jungkook, hugging him and putting his lips against his forehead, keeping them there, trying to calm him down.

Jungkook hums a little "Okay..I guess if they're gonna be there." He mumbles, only smiling a little.

Taehyung then glances at him "Are you sure baby?"

Jungkook nods "Mhmm~" he says almost confidently.

Taehyung nods "Okay," He says sweetly, taking Jungkook's hand in his own and walking through the door, already smelling the alcohol.

As they made there way over to where they could Jin standing, Jungkook glances around, easing down a little because by the looks of it, it was a calm party, not too rough.

Jin saw them and smiled "Hey you two! Haven't see you guys in a while." He says sincerely, tilting his head. His cheeks were a bit red from the alcohol had drank.

Taehyung only laughed, "Jinnie..We saw you two days ago.." he yells, the music getting a little louder as he ran his thumb over Jungkook's hand, pulling him closer.

Jin pouted "That's like, forever, Tae!" He whines but then smiles widely again "I hope you guys have fun, Joonie thinks I probably shouldn't have another party for a while." He mumbles, glancing over at his boyfriend getting drinks for random people. "By the you guys wanna go dance?" He says loudly, looking at the two.

Taehyung looked down at Jungkook, who shook his head no, quite quickly.
"But you can Tae, I'll find Jimin and Yoongi" he says and smiles cutely at Taehyung.

"Okay, I'll be right over there if you need me." He says, already pulling away since Jin was pulling him to the dance floor "I love you!" He yells before disappearing into the crowd.

"I love you too Taehyungie.." he whines but then felt a tap on his shoulder "Jungkook?!"

Jungkook knew that voice and smiled "Jiminie~!" He yells, quickly hugging the other.

Jimin giggled "I didn't know you went to parties.." he paused "In college, you would hold a grudge if I dragged you to one." He laughed.

Jungkook smiled. "Okay okay shut up, it wasn't that long of a grudge. And TaeTae promised we wouldn't go anywhere tomorrow if we went to this party, so I..uh..kind of agreed." He said sweetly.

"But I did that once and you didn't talk to me for two days!" Jimin whined, but then glances over at Yoongi, "Hey I'll be right back, Yoongi is drunk off his ass" He giggles before disappearing into the crowd once more.

Well, now Jungkook just felt uncomfortable. 'I should've gone with him' he mumbles to himself before going over to a corner, not seeing anyone he knew.

"Well this is just great.." he mutters, crossing his arms.

As the music got a bit louder and more people started to arrive, Jungkook got smaller. Smaller as in a person who tried to not be noticed, but oh, he was noticed by someone, and that someone was not someone he liked, in fact, he didn't even know who this person was.

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