Chapter 3: My friend Lena

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"I got a call about a lost someone?" Angela said, getting ready to... uhm, examine me?

"Lost is definitely a word for it." I replied.

"It's uhh... kind of a long story." Winston had walked in.

Built machine, fired it, I ended up here.

"Actually it might not be that long of a story" Winston shrugged.

"Long story, short story. How are you feeling (Y/N)?" Angela asked, doing the usual. Feeling my pulse, checking heartbeat, asking A LOT of questions.

"Hey! I was there!" Tracer said, jumping into the room.

"So, (Y/N), how did you get here?" Angela asked.


•   •   •

"Please, let's step out of the room. We need to talk." Angela and Winston walked out of the room, closing the metal door behind them.

I could kind of hear what they were saying.

"Tell me this is a joke Winston. You can NOT be serious!" Angela sounded a mix of worried and shocked.

"I wish this was a joke, Angela." Winston replied scratching his neck.

"What do we tell them? Can you get them home Winston?!" Angela was frustrated, or at least it sounded like it.

"I'm... not sure. But, sigh I'll do what I can."

"Wait! Wait! This stuff flew outta the portal thingy with (Y/N)." Lena blinked in, carrying a box with... my phone? And my dads portrait. Man, I needed that. And the box that had my PS4 in it.

"Here ya go luv! I'm only gonna assume this is yours?" She started leaving the stuff by my bed.

"Uhhh, thanks Lena." I started going through my stuff.

She sat down next to me. "What is all this stuff?" She picked up my PS4, examining it.
If I'm being honest, it was kinda cute.

"That is a PS4, the best eighth generation console where I'm from." I said, proud.

"Yeah, all I took outta that was gaming console." Lena said, confused.

"Sooo uhh, what do you play on it?" She asked, curious.

"Uhmm, that's a question for another day..." I said, putting the console down.

"Oh, alright then. Who's this?" She said lifting up my dads photo.

"That's uhhh, my dad, someone very special to me." I answered, eyeing the picture. I would have never thought it would be in the Lena Oxtons hands.

"Y'know, I got someone very special in my life too." She smiled at me.

"She's my world, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her." She got up and blinked out of my room, but not after waving goodbye.

Not long after Winston showed up, along with Angela.

"Hello (Y/N), we... have something to tell you" Winston sounded defeated.
"Wherever you came from we don't know how to get you back..." Angela followed

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