Chapter 4

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"Come on Loki. This is a lot of laundry... I don't think it's worth it" Linka said holding a laundry basket filled with Loki's dirty and VERY stinky laundry.

"Do you want a ride to the comic book store or not?" Linka thought for a moment before answering with a huff

"... Fine" your probably wondering what I'm doing...

Well currently I'm sitting on Loki's bed since I never have anything better to do than hang out with the loud siblings and help my little sis Linka when she comes up with some crazy plan.

Levi walked into the room with a paper in hand.

"In exchange for transportation to the sanitarium I have done your calculus homework... Next time I would appreciate a challenge"

And then Lars appeared out of nowhere.

"I finished writing the poem you wanted for your 10 week anniversary. Its called 'Bobbi'"

"Let's hear it"

"Bobbi, I thought stalker... But you left brownies in my locker, Bobbi"

And then Leif

"Hey big brother, I found your missing retainer in the garbage and there was some perfectly good gum stuck to it"

"Where do you need a ride to?"

"Ride? I just like digging in the trash"

"Thank you, thank you and thank ew. See Linka, these guys respect our arrangement. Oh and here are my dirty gym clothes. Oh and here are my dirty gym clothes too" Linka nearly gagged at the smell... Not that I blame her...

"And don't forget, I like the lavender sented dryer sheets" and with that ge closed the door. Leaving Linka to so his laundry. That's gross and rude"

"... You don't make me do your chores when I want a ride somewhere..."

He turned around and looked at me

"Yeah, so?" he asked lifting a brow.

"It's not fair... What makes me so special?"

"I like you more"

"Their your family..."

"Your more special to me"

"You have a girlfriend"

He clenched his jaw silently and stared at the floor. I walked to the door and left. I went to the living room instead.

"Hey (Reader)! Linka's teaching me how to drive"

"That's nice Loni. Do you need any help Linka?" I asked politely

"Sure" I gave Loni the wheel to control tue car in the video game

"Wow. It's just like a real spinny thingy!"

"Technically it's called a steering wheel. Ready to get started?"

"Wait! I need my special driving outfit!" he then darted off. A few minutes later he came back in other clothes.

"Great, so can we get started?"

"Wait! I need my special driving smoothy!"

He ran off again

"Okay. Now?" Linka asked with a raised brow and finally he nodded

"Now. All you have to do is keep the steering wheel straight and you'll"

He crashed

"Let's try again"

He crashed again

Genderbent loud house x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now