Chapter 15

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Today was the day... Dad brought the large water jug filled with money into the living room and started counting it.

We have this vacation jug... Every time one of us gets money we throw in some money. I even got a part time job writing articles for the newspaper.

I really needed a vacation.

"We have enough!" dad exclaimed excited. Our neighbors were probably deaf now because of our excited yells.

We instantly packed our vacation clothes. I packed a few books and my earphones so I can listen to music...

Within a few minutes we were on the road on our way to a lodge that I can't remember the name of. Luke, Linka and I sat next to each other.

"hey, Can someone tell me where we're going again" I asked with my notebook in hand.

"We're going to the Weeping willow resort and Lodge" mom answered smiling at me in the mirror.

I nodded and finished writing it down. I started reading after that before my mind wandered. Luke fell asleep on my shoulder so I put on my earphones and stared out the window.

A cherry farmer raced past us but dad overtook him again down hill. I rolled my eyes since I knew something bad would happen.

And low and behold

We crashed into a ditch... A. Ditch people. After pushing vanzilla out of the ditch Leif quickly fixed it.

We were on the road again soon but it was so damn hot and the AC wasn't working. Loki, who was eating low-cal bean chips let out a Fart... A really... Really bad smelling fart.

It was so intense we instantly rolled down the windows. After a few peaceful minutes dad managed to crash into a row of porta potties.

At this point the door also decided to give up and fall off. We seriously need a new car... And dad needed to learn how to drive without crashing...

Leif sighed and told us that he didn't have the tools to fix the door... But he made a plan and used Lars' casket as a back up door.

Then we were off again. A few minutes later it was lunch time. I was starving and didn't want to struggle to get out my snacks so I settled for a egg salad sandwich that Loni made.

Turns out that was a terrible idea... My stomach gave a violent twist and I could feel it all rising back up again slowly.

Someone who obviously had more control over their stomachs pointed it out "Oh. I was so excited about the trip that I made the sandwiches a week ago" Loni said brightly.

"Pull over" was all I could manage before rushing out and into the nearby gas station before puking my guts out. Apparently so did everyone else because the van was empty after I got back.

Luke was the first one back and dropped his head onto my shoulder with a groan before asking "How's it goin' with Elliot?"

I smiled slightly "It's good... We've gotten really close... And turns out he also likes me..." a smile formed on his lips "That's good. I'm happy for you"

I gave his hand a squeeze "Thanks... How's it going with Sam?" instantly he lit up and started talking about Sam.

It made my heart feel warm to see him this happy. Soon enough we were on the road again and Guess who we saw on the side of the road.

None other than the cherry farmer from earlier "Dad pull over. We need to help him" I said earning a few agreements from the siblings.

We jumped out and started helping the farmer that had a very flat tire. We helped him unload the crates because he had a spare under it.

Leif changed the tire quickly and we got payment in the from of a crate of cherries. Too little too late we realized that the van had rolled onto the back of a car carrier truck...

"Well there goes the vacation" Linka and I said in sync as the others chased after it panicked.

We crashed out at the nearest rest stop since we all our cash was still in vanzilla... In short we were stranded with only four pennies and my backpack with a few sugary mini fruit cubes.

Leon was getting really fussy so instead of keeping it for my blood sugar I gave it to Leon.

"Hey! Look!" Luke said pointing to the open mic sign at the café across the street.

We rushed in and started singing about our current situation... I must say... The song was so, so catchy.

After getting a wild applause from the crowd and getting first place we bought bus tickets. Mom did a quick head count and saw that Luke was still jamming out...

Instead of just one of us going in and getting him EVERYONE went... Honestly the Loud family is not very smart.

When we got on the bus it was eerily empty... There was a lone man in the back of the bus in a orange jumpsuit. The bus was oddly secu- holy frick frack this is a prison transport bus!

Luckily mom and dad noticed and we were off the bus so quick the poor gaurd barely realized what happened.

Now we were on the side of the road, trying to catch a lift. I started feeling really dizzy because my blood sugar was dropping fast. Mom and Leon tried to get someone.

Loni tapped my shoulder and handed me a chocolate fruit bar "here (Reader), I packed an extra one for you this morning" he said smiling softly at me.

I thanked him and started eating it silently while sitting on Loki's lap on the side of the road. Mom and Leon had no luck.

"I'm gonna poop" Leif stated while walking into the bushes. Linka shuddered and shook her head. It was silent for a few moments before Leif yelled "Guys you need to look at this!"

"Leif we don't need to see your poop" Lexx scolded sounding absolutely disgusted by his twin "No idiot come look! I found a plane!" he said excited.

Instantly we rushed to him, sure enough there it was. Mom saud she could pilot the thing so we quickly fixed it up and had it running.

We got in, me sitting in the middle because I was absolutely positively petrified of flying... Luke had his arms around my waist.

We found the truck with Vanzilla on the back and initiated a epic chase because the roads were patrolled by planes and the trucker was speeding...

Somehow, don't ask me how the heck we accomplished it, got vanzilla's roof choped off and had it off the truck. We finally got out of that flying death machine and back into vanzilla.

We got to the resort and made it in just before eight o'clock to check in... Turns out dad's watch was broken... And it was half past eight...

Meaning they had already given away our reservation... Dad asked if there was any other rooms and with our luck there was none.

We were about to head back to the car when the cherry farmer walked in "Well shucks... I reserved a whole floor. Ya'll can stay with me"

Turns out he was Jerry King the Cherry king. This was his way of repaying us for fixing his tire and helping him get here on time.

This vacation isn't so bad after all... I tanned a few shades darker and got to relax in the Weeping Willow spa...

Authors note
Guy I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated more or sooner but I have good reasons! 1. My cat recently died and he was like a child and best friend to me so I'm struggling with that... 2. I haven't been sleeping at all and my medication isn't working... 3. Writer's block is a b***h. I'm trying not to drown in a rapid river of sorrow and heartache while my one friend decided she's mad for some f-ed up reason that I have no clue about. My bf decided I no longer exist then got mad at me because "I don't know what's going on in his life" of freaking course I don't know what's going on in his damn life, he's ignoring me!

Sorry for the ranting... I just needed to get it all out... I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Remember to comment vote and request...

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