Chapter 6

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Important Authors note at end. Please read it.

Linka and I were brushing our teeth for bed when we heard a loud crash from outside.

We shared a wide eyed look before peeking outside.

Lars and Lynn were fighting...

"I'd make a joke about fighting but I can't find a good punch line, get it?" Lane said breaking into laughter, I gave a small giggle.

"I'm not getting mixed up in this" Loki said going to his room.

"Neither are we" Linka said pulling me to our small shared room.

We barely put away our toothbrushes when a knock came from the door.

I opened it and came face to face with none other than Lynn.

"Hey (Reader). Can I bunk here tonight?" he asked softly and a bit desperate.

I pressed my lips and glanced at Linka "Look Lynn... I'd love for you to stay here but there's barely any room for Linka and I..."

He looked down defeatedly and nodded "I'll just sleep in the bath..."

Linka shook her head rapidly at me as I looked at her before heaving a sigh "Fine... Lynn you can stay here..."

He cheered and rushed in. Linka gave me a disappointed look before looking at Lynn "If your staying we need some rules"

I sat down next to her

"Number 1. Don't use our stuff!"

He was using my toothbrush...

Linka flinched and shuddered as he spit into the dustbin.

"Two for flinching!" Lynn exclaimed deviously. While Linka jumped and grabbed a pillow.

"You know, I'm noticing a complete lack of balls in this room"

I pressed my hand over my mouth to cover a snort as he realized what he said.

"Luckily I brought my own" he grinned and let the balls in his pillowcase drop out.

That looked like a obstacle course to doom anyone that wants to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night...

Linka gave me the 'I can't do this' look and said: "I'm gonna bunk with Lars" while grabbing her pillow and dodging the balls on the floor.

I stared at the door then looked at Lynn who gave a shrug "More fun for us"

I shook my head and moved back to my spot on the bed "I'm gonna sleep" I said and turned my back to him while shutting off the lights.

I heard him starting to snor a while later and let out a soft breath before letting myself drift to sleep...

At the last possible moment he wrapped his arms around me in his sleep.

When I woke up the next morning I was trapped in limbs and had to go...

I tried wiggling out of Lynn's arms but he only tightened his grip leaving me no other choice.

I tickled him so hard until he fell off the bed. I took my chance to rush to the bathroom.

I can't even describe the pure relief...

When I stepped out Linka came out of Lars' room looking like death

"How was sleeping in the same room with Lynn?" she asked yawning.

I shrugged and said "It was okay... Until I had to pee"

Linka burst out laughing and tapped my shoulder hiding another yawn.

Genderbent loud house x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now