Rely On You (Jyrus)

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During a difficult conversation with his friends, Jonah tries to explain what he's going through, but feels like none of them support him. Told from a single POV.

Jonah POV

I knew that this day was going to be difficult. My friends were finally going to find out about my anxiety problems. Cyrus already knows, but the girls don't and I think they should.

I met them at The Spoon, and fortunately we got a booth away from other customers. This made me relax slightly before I started talking.

Me: So, I wanted to discuss something with you.

Buffy: What would that be?

Me: I... Well Cyrus knows this already.

Andi: Why am I not surprised?

Cyrus: What do you mean by that?

Andi: Not trying to be rude, its just that you're best friends, right?

Cyrus: Oh, yes.

I was becoming increasingly frustrated as I waited to tell the girls about everything, but I kept my composure.

Me: Guys, can I please just speak?

Andi: Of course, sorry.

Me: I've been going through such a rough time. I...

This was getting more and more difficult as the seconds went by. I was shaking a little bit when Cyrus gave me a look. It was one of reassurance, one that calmed me down.

Cyrus: Jonah, you don't need to worry, just tell them.

Me: You're right, as usual.

Cyrus: I don't think that's true, but go on.

Me: So girls, you probably want to know why I've been acting differently.

Buffy: Yes we do, we know that something is going on.

Andi: Please just tell us, I promise that we'll always be here for you.

Me: You see, the thing is I've been getting panic attacks.

It felt great to finally get that off of my chest, but I looked at the girls who showed no emotion, it was upsetting.

Andi: Is that it?

Me: What?

Buffy: I thought you were going to say something major was happening.

Me: I...

Andi: It's just anxiety, you'll get over it.

As I looked in disbelief, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Clearly the girls didn't understand how hard it was to go through anxiety. When I was about to reply, Cyrus interjected.

Cyrus: Girls, that's not fair.

Buffy: What isn't fair?

Cyrus: Don't just say he'll get over it. That dismisses how he feels. Show some support.

Andi: Isn't he just being a drama queen?

Me: Drama queen?!

Cyrus: Andi, stop. Anxiety isn't an easy thing to live with. Maybe if you went through it you would know that.

Without having a chance to process everything, Cyrus grabbed my arm and led me out of the Spoon. Standing directly outside, he hugged me.

Me: Why is this happening Cyrus?

Cyrus: I'm not sure Jonah, but please don't be disheartened by the reaction of the girls.

Me: I just feel so alone at times.

Cyrus: You know I'm always here for you.

Me: I don't know what I'd do without you.

Cyrus: You don't have to worry about that. I'm here for you.

Feeling my confidence return, I hugged Cyrus back, and his support was becoming increasingly important to me. As long as he's my friend, I know I can try and live through anxiety.

Thanks for reading.

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