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〈 Emma 〉

I got out of bed, ate breakfast, and showered immediately.

It's just 5:42 in the morning and i'm known as the "early kid" at school so being early is like normal to me.

I always go at school before my aunt and uncle wakes up. Everyday.

I brush my hair and put my chapstick on. I carry my bagpack, got my keys and headed off to school.

Yes. I only walk to my school because it's literally a walking distance. But before, I use my now-rusty-and-old bike.

I rand a hand through my hair and looked around to the noise-free school. No people, no loud yells echoes. Just sounds of my footsteps.

I put my earphones on and listened to some Coldplay music.

I walked through the empty hallways as I hum to the song.

I danced around, knowing i was alone. I made my way to the Library as I always do and opened the door, seeing Miss Minda fixing the book on its shelves.

"Morning E! I've put newly delivered books there on your spot. The book that got spilt on haven't arrived with these books yet. I'm going to give them to you later after school." she said as I sit on my spot.

I picked one book that read "Bruises and Roses" and i was attracted by its title so I opened it and started to read.

"Oh that's book's good" Miss Minda nodded, referring to the book I was reading.
"Ooo, nice" I smiled.
"That affected me. That's a book from a long time ago, maybe it was re written" she shrugged.
"Was this like those dramatic love series?" I chuckled.
"Yes. You can say it like that" she chuckled.


"And that would be all—" Mrs. Green ended as the bell rang, making us all grab our bags.

I made my way to my locker and shoved the folders I needed to work on for the History project.

After I close my locker I gasp, seeing Ethan on leaning on the locker beside mine.

"Oh.. you're here?" I said pulling the books to my chest closer.
"Uh yeah. I'm here. And you know you're lucky that I'm walking with you. You know, girls adore me" he replied as we walk.
"Okay.." I said awkwardly.
"Oh yeah. Let's go back to my locker. I forgot the thing i was going to give you" he said and he ran back to his locker.

I now knew that his locker was literally next to mine.

He gets a paperbag and shut the locker closed.

"So uh. Here" he hands me this paperbag.

I opened it to see a new plain white shirt with Gucci's logo on the front. I realized it was the same one he is currently wearing.

"Oh yeah, right. I bought that shirt and I can't help to buy one myself so I bought the same one" I nod as response.
"Grayson urged me to buy the same one so sorry 'bout that" he added.
"Uh, thanks. That's weird nice of you. Anyway, who's Grayson?" I asked curiosly.
"Oh uh he's my t- twin brother." he replied.
"Oh, Dolan?" I asked.
"Yes that's our last name" he replied.

We were near to the stands that sell corndogs, pizza slices and shakes.

"Oh, uh you- you bought your drink here right?" I point at a particular stand.
"No, i bought it here" he pointed at the stall beside it.
"Okay" I replied.

I walked towards at it and bought two blueberry drinks.

"Ooo this is good" I said, amused.
"Right?" he chuckles and took a sip.
"By the way why did you pay for it?" he asked.
"Uh because i spilled your drink yesterday?" I replied in 'duh' tone.
"Yeah right. But still though" he replied.

We were just talking until a high-pitched voice caught our attention.


He looked back and waved.

The familiar blondey started to run towards us while her arms crossed.

"You cheater! Why would you do this to me?" the girl screamed as she stomped her feet.

This made people look on us, and I started to feel weird because I don't really like being the attention.

"Jesus, Marie! We were just talking and you're—" Marie cut him off.
"Oh? How would I be sure that you two are just "talking"?" she made air quotations.
"Like this" Ethan grabbed her chin and started to kiss.

And it turns to a make out.

People cheered and I'm here, just looking like an embarassment.

"Uhh i'm gonna- go" I sped off to the library.


"Hello E!" Miss Minda greeted.
"This is sad" I said, reffering to the emptyness of the library.

It's depressing to see how this generation doesn't care about the books.

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving this job just because of you" she replied making me smile.

I sat on my spot and continued to read "Bruises and Roses" which was the 5th Chapter.

"Oh, Martha! You know how much i love you! Please, do not leave me alone!" Jose puts his hand on his forehead as he grabs Martha's hand.

"No, Jose! You love hurting me. Those roses are such stupid ways for you to ask for my dear forgiveness!" Martha pulls away from Jose.

"No, I will not hurt you again! From the deepest of my heart, I am truly sorry" Jose replied and he ran slowly to the stairs.

What felt like the best yet worst decision Martha did, the word "I forgive you" slipped out of her mouth for the countless time.

I closed the book, checking my watch that read "5:49 PM".

"Leaving?" Miss Minda smiled.
"Yes, sadly. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you when you see Ethan Dolan yelling and making out with that Marie girl" I replied.
"You know them now?" she asked as I grab my things.
"Uh yeah i guess? You can say it like that" I replied.
"Okay. Stay away from Ethan, Emma. Goodbye!" she said and waved.

My eyebrow raised from her warning and just smiled. "Bye Miss Minda"

The sounds of aggresive moans from the house made me regret living at that place.

I knocked on the door and the sounds didn't stop.

"Uhh, Uncle? Aunt?" I asked, unsure.

Curses was all I heard meaning they don't really care when I'm here, tired from school and hearing them having sex at six at the evening.

My phone rang and without reading the name I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Uh Emma? Is this you?" Ethan's familiar voice replied.
"Uh yeah? How'd you get my number?" I asked.
"I have my ways Emmo girl. Anyway, you home?" he asked.
"Uh actually no. And why'd you ask?" I replied.
"Oh you're not? Wanna ride?" he suggested.
"Technically i'm at my house but i can't go inside. No need to know the reason" I replied.
"Okay.." he trailed.
"Why are you even talking to me? You have a girlfriend" I asked.
"Marie and I aren't really a thing, but i don't know she's a slut" his words came right off his mouth like it was normal.


"I don't curse sorry" I said awkwardly.
"Oh sorry." he replied.
"Anyway, Marie and I have work to do so yeah bye" he added.
"Goodluck with your work Dolan" I replied.
"You're thinking something, aren't ya? We're doing the History project you idio- person" he said.

I just chuckle.

"Yeah. Sure" I replied sarcastically.
"Okay bye" I added and he ended the phone call.


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