〉exposing me〈

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〈 Emma 〉

"So glad you could make it!" Lisa opened the door with a big smile.
"Of course" I replied and I enter the house.

Grayson was using his phone but stopped as soon as he saw me arrive.

"Emma, hey" he smiled and I sat beside him.
"Hey Gray, where's Ethan?" I whispered.
"At his room. Haven't went out yet since he dropped you off last night." he replied
"Oh." I said flatly.
"What happened?" he asked.
"Well, Lisa asked where uncle and aunt were and I don't know how the hell he knew where they were" I replied.
"Maybe you told him once?" he suggested.
"I told no one, Gray" I glared at him.
"Maybe the librarian" he blurted out.

I knit my eyebrows.

"Okay, tell me everything you know Grayson." I held his hand.
"What do you mean?" he asked cofusedly.
"Everything you know about Ethan" I said.
"Well let me tell you I know a lot about Ethan" he chuckled.
"You know what I mean" I giggled.
"Yeah, yeah" he nodded.
"With the librarian?" he asked.

I nodded.

"One, he goes there with me when he picks me up for a ride to school. He tells me to wait outside the library and after schools as well" he said.

I just stared at him and fold my lips, nodding.

"Okay?" I said.
"Two, he bought this book like three months ago when he spilled his drink all over you" he added.
"What?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's called Bruises and um," he looked up. "I forgot the title but it just sounds something like that then cover is a burning rose" he said.

I gasped.

"Why'd you think he bought that? Does he read books?" I asked.
"Nope. Not at all. Really fuckin' shocked when he showed me a piece of trash" he chuckled.
"Okay books aren't trash idiot" I smacked him.
"Sorry" he puts his hands in surrender.

We laughed.

"Okay so back on track, Ethan buys Bruises and Roses—" he cut me off.
"Yeah that's it! How'd you know?" he asked.
"Wait wait lemme explain. So I read that book, and whenever I read that book it comes to my real life. By Ethan. Ethan makes it happen" I replied.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, what?" he chuckled.
"I think he reads that book, then makes it happen" I said.
"I am so confused" he shakes his head, making me laugh.
"Same here." I giggled.
"So you're telling me that Ethan, reads this book, just to apply it to your life or something?!" he exclaimed.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Too smart. You kinda have a point there" he replied.
"Purpose of studying" I rolles my eyes.
"Well- okay" he chuckled.
"Sometimes I don't know what Ethan does in his life" he sighed.
"Same here" I nodded.
"He does a lot of stupid bullshit" he laughed.
"So when will Ethan come out of his—"

Grayson and I looked to the side.

Ethan was there, with crossed arms.

"You're done exposing me?" he asked Grayson.


a/n: this is shorter than my height

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