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〈 Ethan 〉

Mom texted me at eleven in the morning while I was eating breakfast.

I groaned and was about to check the message but Grayson came out of his room.

"I'm literally going to lunch and you're just eating breakfast" Grayson's face dropped which I laughed at.
"I was tired" I replied flatly.
"Anyway, i'm gonna get Chipotle" he sighed and made his way out of the house.
"Gray! Where's mom?" I asked, causing him to stop walking.
"She said she's heading at a friend's house, not sure" he replied and walked outside.
"Alright, Thanks!" I yelled and continued to eat my cereal.

I checked on mom's text.

I didn't expect what her message said, so I immediately texted Emma.

〈 Emma 〉

My uncle, aunt and I were drinking coffee at Starbucks when Ethan suddenly texted me thrice.

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I read the message.

"Why, what's wrong?" uncle asked, concerned.
"Uh n- nothing. I have to go with Ethan, but i'll be back asap" I said and left.

I took an uber towards Ethan's house as I sobbed. After I arrived, I paid the driver and knocked immediately.

Ethan rushed to their door and gave me a tight hug.

"I swear, I was shocked as well Emma, I don't know what to feel" Ethan mumbled on my shoulder.
"I can't Ethan" I said, now crying.

We went inside the house and he gave me a glass of water.

I took a few sips before sniffing, wiping my face.

"I never thought this would happen" I cried on his chest.
"Would you want to visit her? Mom is there too for a visit" he suggested.
"Yeah" I replied in whisper.
"Alright, i'm just gonna take a shower real quick then we'd go" he said, placing a kiss on my forehead before going to his room.

How the heck would that happen?

She's been serving the school for ages.

Tears just dropped to my cheeks as I remembered memories with her.

After a few minutes, Ethan left his room with an all-black outfit, which I had as well.

We went to his car and picked Grayson up from Chipotle, and went to the cementery.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice"

"Yeah, this is heartbreaking"

"I know, none of us ever expected this to happen"

Ethan, Gray and I stepped closer to the conversation I heard.

"Emma" a girl that looked around my age gasped, and suddenly hugged me.

Even if I was confused on who she was, I hugged her back as she cried.

"My mother is gone" she said while wiping her tears.
"I'm so sorry" I said then fold my lips before I started to cry again.
"I'm Amber by the way, Minda's daughter" she added.

I nodded.

"Do you guys have any clue about what happened?" I asked, unsure.
"No, but what we all knew is about this guy tryna threat my mother and me— oh gosh, it's you!" she said with a shaky voice.

She pointed at Ethan.

"A- are you with that girl M- Marie?" she then asked.
"Wait wait what's going on?" Lisa asked, puzzled.
"Mom, let's just leave them" Grayson said and they left.
"Marie and him destroyed our life, completely. Marie especially" she exclaimed.
"Me? Why am I envolved?" Ethan asked confusedly.
"You threat us remember?! Now leave! You're one of the reason why she died. She was afraid you both can threat us again" she retort.

I knit my eyebrows.

My heartbeat quickened.

"Marie, she told my mom to leave the school so you," she pointed at me. "Won't have anyone to be friends with! And you'll run to this guy!" she slightly yelled.
"D- did I do something wrong?" I asked, tears dropping to my cheeks.
"Yes, wait no— leave! The both of you! I don't want to see your faces right now" she said, sobbing.
"I'm so sorry Amber, I- I- I have no words" I whispered.

Ethan and I left her speechless.

We both didn't know how to react.

He tried to grab my hand but I quickly nudged it away.

"Don't fucking touch me" I yelled.
"And now you're mad at me?" he retort.
"Yeah, because you and Marie were the reasons why Miss Minda's body is laying under the ground now!" I cried.
"You're going to believe that kid?" he asked.
"She's the daughter, Ethan. She knows. If she didn't actually remembered then she would've pointed at the wrong twin" I argued.
"I can't take a relationship like this Ethan. You're toxic" I said.
"We're over Ethan. We're over" I said.

Wanting to leave Ethan at this moment, I walked myself towards McDonalds.


After walking what felt like a hundred kilometers, I finally reached McDonald's and orderd fries and a McFreeze to quench my thirst.

I immediately felt reliefed and just decided to take a taxi home.

"I thought you'd be home asap?" uncle chuckled.

His smile faded as soon as he saw my puffy eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ethan and I just got into another misunderstanding and I can't take it anymore so I ended it" I replied rapidly.
"What happened?" aunt asked.
"Can't explain, i'm tired. Goodnight" I said just before breaking down on my bedroom.


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