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〈 Ethan 〉

I got out of the car and the music was blasting loud as hell when I didn't even stood near to to the place.

There was a security guard who then blocked me from entering.

"I though you already entered?" he asked, looking at the list.

I chuckled.

"Well that was my twin brother, um, Grayson? Grayson Dolan?" I replied, more in a question tone.
"Oh.. I- I get it. Alright, you may enter" he small smiled and I nodded once before going inside.

The place was already filled with broken and empty bottles, along with ripped clothes.

I mean, this is what people call party anyways.

It looked impossible to see Grayson around here with these people dancing around drunkly at six at the evening.

"Ethan, thank God I found you" Grayson tapped my shoulder.
"Oh hey Gray, thank God you found me" I chuckled, and so did he.
"Anyway, let's go?" I added.
"Wouldn't you want to take a small sip? Come on!" he urged me.

I shook my head.

"Just one, th- then we'll go home immediately" he suggested.

I let out a sigh before nodding.

"Yes!" he cheered, before we sped to the couch.

〈 Emma 〉

"Holy shit, wh- what would this suppose to mean?" I gasped, slowly standing up and sitting back to the longue.

The only pages that was rearranged was those three that contained the said words.

It's really scary, you know.

I shook it off and instead continued to do my homework.

Once I was done, I did Ethan's and put every thing back to our bags.

"What's taking them so long?" I mumbled, glancing at the time.

Oh forget it.

They're probably drunk.

I double-thought about going to the party which was not that far from here, or going back to uncle's and aunt's.

Which is more safe?


"Hey sir, um I- is Ethan Dolan here?" I asked the security guard.
"Yes ma'am" he nodded.
"Can I come in?" I then asked.
"No, i'm sorry about that. Only people in the list can go in" he shook his head.
"He's my boyfriend. I'm not going to cause any problems or whatsoever, may I?" I smiled?

He sighed.

Before I know it he opened the big wooden doors infront of me and I entered.

I then smelled alcohol from afar.

The music was blasting loud as well.

The more I got close, the more alcohol I smell and the louder the music I heard.

"Oops, sorry" a familiar pitchy-voice apologized.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her.

"Oh, h- hey Emma" Marie small smiled.

I awkwardly cleared my throat.

"Marie, hey" I waved a little at her, giving her an innocent smile.

Marie and I haven't talked for a straight month since what happened.

"S- so are you with Ethan or?" she asked.
"Yeah, yeah I am" I shakily nodded.
"Oh okay. I'll- see you" she fold her lips and smiled before leaving.

That was awkward.

I go on and continued to find Ethan or Grayson for the sea of people.

"Ethan?!" I yelled, barely audible because of the loud music.
"Gray?!" I cupped my mouth.

Thinking they were drinking, I went to the place where it seems like a drinking section or some sort.


I turned around, looking for the one that called me.

My sight then went to the stools, revealing the Dolans drinking.


"Hey Emma" Grayson waved at me.
"Hey" I replied.

He looked normal and not drunk.

Unlike Ethan.

"Gosh Ethan, thought you wouldn't take long! It's been an hour" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms on my chest.
"It's been an hour?!" Grayson exclaimed.
"Yeah, so let's go home" I retort.
"Okay, okay" Ethan put his hands up in surrender and sloppyly stood up.
"I'll start the car, just bring him out of here" I told Grayson.
"Yeah yeah go ahead" he nodded.

I went outside and got inside the car.

The engine wasn't starting, which was weird.

I tried twitching the keys again..

And it still didn't turn on.

I looked to the side, getting shocked when I saw Miss Minda's face.

I squealed, closing my eyes.

There was a thump on the window.

Shit shit shit WHAT DO I DO?!

I opened my eyes, revealing Grayson thumping on the window.

"Emma! Open!" he said.

I knit my eyebrows and opened the door for them.

"Why did you got scared when I knocked?" Grayson asked while Ethan sat beside me.
"I- I saw a different face" I replied nervously.

The car then started and I sighed in relief.

"Fucking finally!" I yelled, going out of the place and driving towards our house.

That was really scary.


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