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〈 Ethan 〉

I gulped.

"Nothing, just checkin' your dms if there's any guys hitting on you" I chuckled and closed her phone.

Her face was washed with relief.

You liar.

We ate the popcorn as we watched the movie.

Why the hell would these directors film these kind of movies?

They're practically showing chopped and grinded bodies.

Which is nasty.

"How are you with Jake?" I then asked her.

By this part of the plan, it was now time for me to confront her.

Her eyes widen.

"Um," she cleared her throat uncomfortably. "We- we're ok- okay" she replied.

I chuckled.

"I think you guys are more than okay" I mumbled, getting her phone.
"Hey wait!" she tried getting her phone from me.

I went to her messages and showed her their 'i love yous' and 'goodnights'.

"Ethan!" she exclaimed.
"What?!" I yelled.

"Grayson" I tapped him.
"Grayson" I gently shook him.
"GRAY-FUCKING-SON!" I shook him harshly.
"What- what- what?!" he sleepily sat up the bed.
"It's time to go down! Ethan confronted the bitch already, and the plan should work or else i'd sue you about it" I playfully threaten him.

He chuckled.

"Alright give me a second, damn" he stood up and went to the bathroom.

Oh great.

When we literally need to end everything, he goes to the bathroom.

I swear these twins mess with my life.

"Explain maybe?!" I yelled, throwing her phone across the room causing it to break.
"Ethan!" she gasped, cupping her mouth.
"You're really just fucking with me aren't ya?" I chuckled.
"Nope nope, forget what I said, no explanation needed because your text messages are clear proof. No worries" I waved her off.

Her eyes started to fill up with tears.

Suddenly I heard footsteps heading down.

Marie and I looked at Emma and Grayson.

Emma raised and eyebrow at her.

"Why the hell did you make Miss Minda leave the school? What did she do to you?!" Emma yelled with a raspy voice.
"And what are you doing here?" Marie retort.
"Checking what would you do to my boyfriend when you already have one!" Emma shot back.

A smile slowly painted on my face.

"You're such a liar, Marie. You always are and you always will be. Get a life and leave me alone. Leave us alone, rather. I'm so fucking sick of your stupid shit that doesn't make sense. There's no good cause of your doings and you'll end up alone if you continue this attitude of yours. Now, i'm just telling this to you for your own good, it's up to you if you'll listen or not. If you don't have anything more to say, you can now leave. Thank you" Emma lectured her.


Marie left without dignity and shut the door close.

"Plan's done, but something else just started" Emma sighs, getting herself a glass of water.
"Hey guys i'm thankful that the plans done, but i'm really lazy and i'm gonna sleep so I can get ready for school tomorrow" Grayson cut us off and stepped upstairs without waiting for our response.

We both waited for Grayson to enter his room.

"Okay, as I was asking, what "just started"?" I put up air quotations.
"Us" she smiled and leans in for a kiss.


a/n: tears | e.d , e.c -> the last two weeks of tears

(last update for today ;))

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