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〈 Emma 〉

"Yes, it's me" I playfully mocked him and he calmed down a little.
"Gray come here help me prepare food!" Lisa yelled and Grayson followed.

Ethan gestured me to come in and I saw his room, completely messed up.

"Oh- okay- um so- wow what happened here?" I nervously chuckled.
"Jake Webber." he said.
"Excuse me who?" I asked.
"Oh yeah why are you even in here?" he asked confusily.
"Gray- well I thought there's something that happened because I wasn't on school yesterday" I lied.
"Okay..." he slowly nodded and shut the door.
"I'm not leaving the room without you cleaning the room" I ordered but he just chuckle.
"What?! You goin' fix your room or explain what happened then fix your room?" I said.
"Both" he shrugged, earning a smack from me.
"Okay then i'll help you" I replied.

I got the broom from the side and swept the floor quickly and cleanly.

"How you do it so fast?" he asked, stopping himself from patting his fixed blanket.
"It's easy if you do it" I replied, chuckling.
"Tell me" I said.
"Oh yeah, so I was just walking to the canteen to look for Gray then I heard like chattering and the continous says of my name. And then I see Marie and Jake Webber kissing on the benches" he rolled his eyes.
"You're mad. Too mad, aren't ya?" I nudged his shoulder.
"Of course. That was three months" he groaned, falling on the bed.
"Did you really love her?" I asked.
"Yes. A lot. But that love is just for her performance" he slightly smirked.
"Ew go away Ethan" I smack his thigh and we laugh.
"Seriously, did you love her?" I asked again.
"No. I just wanted a fuck buddy" he replied honestly.


"You're predictable, Dolan" I said.
"Was I?" he asked.
"Totally. You just love Marie when you make out with her in the library. Then after that you act like you guys have never seen each other" I giggle.
"Pretty true. But why does it hurt? I don't know love man" he shook his head.

I sighed, sitting beside him on the bed, looking down at him as he lay.

"Because you're jealous she's making out with someone. And as you said make out is literally the only thing you guys do so that's why. I bet if they were holding hands you wouldn't give a damn" I replied.
"Accurate. I don't care just don't kiss or touch her" he sat up.
"You're easier to read than a book does" I chuckle.
"Oh really?" he looked at me before looking down.
"Uh-huh. I know solutions to each of your problems" I dryly laughed.
"Okay then, if you can read my mind—"
"I can" I cut him off confidently.
"Then read what i'm thinking." he puts his face closer to mine, our faces centimeters away from each other.

I gulped.

"Hey guys food is- okay then Ethan" Grayson suddenly opened the door without a knock and we quickly looked at him.
"So what were you guys doing?" he smirked.
"I just got cheated on, Gray. Don't think i'm gonna do that in less of a day" Ethan chuckled.
"Less in a week?" Grayson asked.

Ethan gave him a death glare.

"Chill, I was just joking around bro. Food's ready let's go" he repeated.
"O.. okay, w- we'll be there" Ethan awkwardly replied and Grayson closed the door.
"Well that was very weird" I cleared my throat and fold my lips, looking around the room.
"Let's go outside, mom's making you eat dinner here" he chuckled.
"Yeah, okay" we stood up.

"Okay, so let's not make this awkward, can we?" Lisa laughed dryly.
"Yeah" I chuckled.
"So explain, Grant." Lisa looked at Ethan.
"Mom, don't call me Grant infront of Emma" he mumbled, making Grayson and I laugh.

Ethan just shakes his head, slightly blushing of embarassment.

"Well then, Grant just saw Marie kissing this Jake Webber guy and he's mad" I explained childishly.
"Marie? I thought you two are just friends?" Lisa asked Ethan.
"Uh well technically he's kind of jealous with him. I mean he kinda loved her" Grayson saved Ethan.
"Oh. My poor son's heartbroken" Lisa pouts and we chuckle.

I bet Ethan's embarassed as hell right now.

"Thank you for the food, Lisa. I appreciate it a lot" I smiled and stood up.
"Leaving so soon? You know, I gotta thank you for calming this little dude down" she chuckled and messed Ethan's hair.
"Oh no worries ma'am. I need to catch up on school works though, so i'll see you next time" I smiled small.
"No problem, you're very much welcome here anytime" she added.
"Who are you with on your house?" she then asked.
"She's alone for a while. He aunt and uncle are on a vacation to Fiji if i'm not mistaken" Ethan replied instead of me replying.

I gulped.

I never told him where were they going.

Not even Miss Minda.

"Ooo, I see you guys are close. Okay so Ethan, just drop her home. Kinda late to go home on your own" she said.
"Okay, thanks" I nodded with a smile and Grayson waved, smirking

I gave him a 'bish what' look that made me giggle.

"Bye" he laughed and I waved back.

Ethan put on his seatbelt and I did the same.

"Ethan." I gave him a scary look.
"What?" he nervously chuckled before turning on the engine.
"Where did you know Fiji?" I asked and he remained silent.


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