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〈 Emma 〉

"You bitch!" my uncle screamed at me, making them stop on whatever the hell they were doing.
"EMMA!" my aunt then screams, covering herself and ran upstairs.
"I- I—" I stuttered, blank on what to reply.
"Can you not see we're busy? GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW! DO NOT LEAVE UNLESS YOU NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL!" he yells and I ran upstairs seeing my aunt with clothes on, walking downstairs.
"Don't act like your dick is bigger than this embarassment." I spat before shutting the door and locking it.

I get my bag and opened it with the zipper forcefully, making the zipper broken.

"Freaking heck!" I groaned, throwing the broken zipper and just opened the bag.

I then get my notebook and started to do my homework.

"Where are the folders?" I asked myself.

Then I remembered. I put it on my locker.

"Gosh dang it!" I throw my homework.
"I'm just gonna do it in the library" I groaned, putting the homework back to my now-broken bag.

I set my bag aside and got the paperbag that has the shirt Ethan gave me.

"Why did he even had to buy me Gucci? Isn't this expensive?" I blush to myself.

I softly unfolded it and admired it.

"Woah" I whispered.
"It feels soft" I rubbed the fabric.

Suddenly a stone hit my window.

"The heck?" I drop the shirt and stood up from my bed to look at the window.

My phone started to ring.

"Now who is this?" I asked myself.

"Hello Ethan what do you need?" I sighed.
"See the black car down on the window? That's me" he said flatly.
"How do you know my house Ethan?" I stood back from the window, quite scared.
"As I said I have my ways emmo. I'll give you a ride tomorrow. What time do you usually go to school?" he asked.
"Uh- i- um- uhm- si- six." I stuttered.
"Ok. See you then" he hung up.

How did he know my house all of a sudden? Why is he acting like a weirdo?


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