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〈 Ethan 〉

As expected, Emma didn't attend school today.

"Mister Dolan" our professor cleared his throat.

I didn't look at him, instead I kept my head down.

"Ethan, you're the only Dolan here. Grayson is in a different class, if you forgot" he added and students mumbled some things to their seatmates.
"Right." I replied lowly, looking up and fixing my posture.
"Okay then, now Ethan what are the two juices that help to digest food from our body?" he then asked.

I just shrugged, making students giggle and some laugh.

"Don't just shrug at me Ethan" he crossed his arms.
"What?! I don't know the damn answer!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air.

A guy raised his hand and he got called by our professor.

"Hydrochloric acid and Pepsin" he stood up and sat after answering.
"Good. Now Ethan, what does the Pepsin do?" he asked me.
"Uh, something about protein?" I replied, more in a question tone.
"Okay good." he nodded and I huffed.
"Get ready for our review for the upcoming test next week. I'll see you class" he got his stuff and with that, the bell rang.

Students rush to their lockers whilst I just go to the canteen and wait for Grayson.

"Where are you?" I mumbled to myself.

Few guys hit me and I just gave them a death glare, making them run away as far as possible which I find very entertaining.

"Dude where are you?" I groaned, lifting my chin up to see properly.

He was no where to be seen.

Pretty weird Emma's not here to sit and eat with me today.

"No way!" A girl screamed, making most heads turn to face what was she talking about.

The girl pointed somewhere the benches on the campus.

"What's going on now?" Another girl asked.
"It's Marie" the girl beside her replied.

My eyebrows furrowed.

They started to make their way to the benches and I follow them, curious why was Grayson on their topic.

"Ethan would be so mad" a brunette gasped.

My eyebrows furrowed once more.

I ran to the bench to see a purple-haired guy.

And Marie.


"Dude" I said flatly, and the guy quickly took off his hand from cupping Marie's jaw.
"Ethan." Marie's eyes were wide, folding her lips in a thin line and looked down.
"Ethan I—"

I punch him in the face in no hesitation.

"What the fuck" I said sternly, not in a question tone.

I threw another punch.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled, grabbing his collar and pulling him hardly to my face.
"She wanted to do it okay!" he yelled at my face.

I harshly pushed him making him fall to the ground and I gave him the deadliest look.

"Don't come for my girl without my fucking permission." I spat, literally, and stormed towards the parking lot.

I opened and closed the car door forcily and turned the engine on.

"Fuck this life" I groaned and started to drive away from the school.


"Why are you here and where is Grayson?" mom asked as she cleaned the house.
"I don't give a damn about him right now mom." I replied as I panted heavily, controlling my anger as the best as I could.

I ran towards my room and shut the door loudly, locking it. I looked in the mirror and yelled in frustration. Feeling anger flow in my veins, I punched the mirror and it shattered on the floor, now broken.

My fists were bleeding bad but I didn't care at all at this point, I wanted to kill.

There were photos of Marie and I. A lot of them were us kissing, specifically.

The urge of ripping those pictures triggered me, and so I did.

"Psh. Girlfriend" I chuckled, shaking my head before yelling again.


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