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〈 Emma 〉

"Ethan.." I gasped, cupping my mouth.

We've started to gather attention.

"Emmo, we all started out at the library and look where are we now. That was eight years back, but i'm looking forward to our future. I never knew spilling on a book would turn out the best thing i've done. From picking you up everyday to school, to going to Disneyland with Elijah. You mean the most to me, Emmo. You're the prettiest woman i've laid my eyes on. I think my future would be the best if I'm going to be with you. And yeah, I know I should've done this earlier but I was just waiting for the right moment. Miss Chamberlain, would you want to be Missis Dolan?" he asked.

My eyes started to fill with tears and I smiled, looking to the ring he has.

Some people were taking photos, and some were just waiting for my reaction.

"Of course Ethan, i'd be your wife!" I yelled.

He giggled and picked me up and spun me around.

Everyone started clapping and Ethan brought me down.

"I love you so damn much" I said, pulling Ethan into a kiss.
"I love you more" he replied, hugging me tightly.

Just then, Lisa and Elijah came out of the store with churros on their hands.

"What happened?" Lisa asked, smiling as he gave Elijah his churro.
"I'm going to be missis Dolan, mom" I showed her my ring.
"Awe" she said and we hugged.
"Yay! I have churros!" Elijah said, jumping up and down.

We all laughed and ate churros as well.

"So when's the wedding?" mom asked, to which Ethan and I laughed at.


a/n: and that's the end of Tears!

I'm in actual tears, oh my gosh

This is the shortest one yet, oopsie

Anyway, i'm SO THANKFUL for all the freaking support i've gotten from you guys, it truly means a lot.

Tears is the first book i've wrote to reach 2k reads, that's crazy, thank you guys!

A longer paragraph would be on my spam book which is Jeepers Nuts!

I don't wanna make this long so i'm just gonna end this by saying THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND SEE YOU SOON!

Next Ethma book would be after two books.

Again I love you guys so freaking much and thank you for reading my book, means a lot :)<3

© casswithsass

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