Chapter 1

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Don't read! Go back!!!! this was my first story here, wrote it a very long time ago just to test things out so it probably rly sucks. :P



'It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time! Yeah, peanut butter jelly time!'

I loathed the annoying song so much that I set it as my alarm tone. I was instantly wide awake. I stretched my arm over to the bedside table and pressed the snooze button on my alarm. It was 4AM.

If you were wondering why I was up at four in the morning, well, that's when my boyfriend, Daniel, returns home after playing for his band. The time zones are different since he lives far away.

The thing about my boyfriend and I is that we have never met before. We've only exchanged text messages and and talked on the phone but I was already sure that he was the one for me. You might think I'm a crazy hormonal teenager who is just desperate to have a boy in her life but I know for a fact that I really like this guy. And it's not even infatuation. We've been together for four months!

Daniel and I met through mutual friends on Facebook. He sent me a friend request, I accepted, we chatted, exchanged phone numbers, we began talking and webcamming and before we knew it, we had become an item.

It may seem a little rushed, but we were sure that we really liked each other. We were perfectly compatible. Daniel's an amazing guy who knows just what to say to get me flying when I'm down. And did I mention that he's a guitarist in a band? I find that a total turn-on.

And don't even get me started on his appearance - not that it's a primary factor when looking for the right guy (atleast to me, since I'm a firm believer in being attracted to the personality first) but let me just brag about it a little. It was his deep, caramel-brown eyes and how they rolled whenever I cracked a lame joke that initially piqued my interest in him. But his dark, sleek quiff is definitely one of his best attributes.

Daniel's 21 years old and studying in college; he's three years older than me. I hadn't told my parents about him yet because they're not very fond of college boys. Especially the ones in bands. They're the type of parents that would actually hunt down anyone who hurts me by themselves and murder them. Don't get me wrong, I do, in a way, appreciate that but they're overprotective sometimes. Sigh, the 'perks' of being an only child.

Daniel and his family were looking for a place to move to after his mother quit her job in Warrington so I suggested that they come to my little town of Gripleville, to which they agreed after weeks of liaising.

Daniel still lived with his family because he couldn't really support himself financially, and besides, his mum gets a pretty decent income. She's a surgeon. She had already attained herself a position in Gripleville's hospital.

So yes, I didn't have a problem with waking up at four in the morning because I was immensely excited to talk to Daniel about his arrival in Gripleville.

"Hey Helena, we've landed." He said through the phone.

"I'm nervous, Danny. I can't even sleep!" Clutching tightly onto my mobile phone, I slid under my blanket.

"I told you not to stay up late for me..."

"Don't worry, I slept early and just woke up." I explained. "What do you think of Gripleville so far? Seen any monkeys yet?"

"I'm already loving it, Hel. And yes, I think I saw a colobus." He chuckled. "We're on our way to the house."

"Alright, call me when you get there, okay? I'll come to see you."

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