Rosie Chipmunk

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Rosie POV

Im on my way on my room and I see the beautiful figure and she was her best friend there girls magnet that was the girl calling them and she was chatting with her bff and I find her cute then we go to our room I saw my best friend spacing out again and staring with the one and only Manoban oh wow I did not know that my bff was interested to her and when I tried to call her she's still spacing out and tried to asked her "do you like her ?" and I heard her "She's cute" wait what?! No way!! and she stand up and everyone looking at her like what! she blush when manoban look at her i smell something and i blushed too when Jisso look at me and smile at me its make my day complete like wow ! my bff glared at me and I bit my lips to avoid laughing at her and asked her what was that and she keep glaring at me, our lesson finish nothing special and we are at the cafeteria taking our lunch and this man name kai always tagging with jennie and I dont like him and I see Lisa staring at jennie and kai when she look at kai i saw her clenched her hand like she want to punch him and and I confirmed hmm they have feelings each other What I can do for them then suddenly I was about to buy my third round food yes i love eating and someone pinch me Hi rosie and when I look at my back I almost die nahh just kidding haha ill almost shocked because its kim jisso my one only crush omg omg is this real she's talking to me I was mesmerize by her beauty her nose face lips then suddenly she snap her finger and says hey my chicken and I answer her yeah "Im your chicken" wait what ?! you eating my chicken what the?! ow im sorry I bowed and im embarrased Im sorry I will buy you a new one and she says no need just see you on the famous club tonight you owed me a chicken bring your friend Jennie Kim and here's my number call me arasso? Oh ok what? is she asking me to go out?? and I agreed my ghad and she asked me to bring jennie but why? hmmmm I go back to our set and tell to my bff she was happy since jisso asked me to go out but her face change when I say to her that she need to come too. Im gonna die. help me jissos

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