Shocking Monkey

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Lisa POV

I can't believe this I kiss her lips no she fucking kiss me! Aish seulgi, Jisso, Jheoyon can you guys slap me? and the 3 idiot slap her ! bang! OUCCH!! what the hell!! yes your not dreaming hahahaha ! the fuck ! you says slap you right so we do it ! hahahahaha you guys is arrrggg!!

so Lisa what's your plan since you already have a Girlfriend or Boss? hahaha shut up ! what ever she want me to do I will do it anyway if its make her mine I will do it,

The 3 just says WOW its that our Lisa?? why this is the first time Lis where happy for you hope that she will not hurt you because she will your first Love .

I know but even if she hurt me I will still love her I think so. Then Lisa remember when she secretly followed Jennie in the middle of the night

(Lisa's Flashback)

Lisa following Jennie in the middle of the night with her hoddie and masked because cause she don't want to recognize her by the brunette in the small narrow street it was dark and she heard Jennie screaming because there's a gang 2 guys tried to pull Jennie wrist and she ran fast! then she fight the guys and they full on the ground and she grabbed the girl and they ran fast since Lisa wearing masked and hoodie because she don't want Jennie to recognize her she heard Jennie crying and hugged her Lisa feel something when she look at the girl's face and the girl remain closing her eye's Lisa says hey your ok now open your eye's no! I dont want too! pls pls don't leave me .. then the girl fainted Lisa put the girl into the hospital and someone called on girl's phone she answer it its her parents and lisa say's to them that there daughter is on the hospital and explained lisa says to her parents do not tell her that she is the one who saved her because she dont want to recognized by that girl that she know that Jennie hate her and she dont know why maybe because of the kiss and before when she walking on the hallway she heard Jennie Kim talking about her "What special that Monkey what they see's on that Monkey Manoban?! the hell every girls her always saying her name and that's irritated me always. Unnie why you hate so much Manoban she did not do something to you right? then the cat eyes remain silent and murmured on her self you did not know what she did to me I never forget that days , I hate her. uHey! lisa back to her sense she's still thinking what she do to Jennie to make her hate her and I will find it out and make her mine.

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