Rise of the Turtles: Part 2

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~My POV~
I hold the mutagen in my arms. The turtles looked at it. "Whoa." They said in unison. "So that's the-." I cut Leo off. "Mutagen that turns you all into what you are now." I said as I pushed my glasses back. "Let's drink some!" Mikey said. "What? Why would you do that?" Raph asked. "Cuz if you mutated a mutant, you get a super mutant!" Mikey answered. "Or a pile of goo on the sidewalk. Pretty sure, that's not an awesome idea. Good try though Mikey." I said as he looks depressed. "Anywho, this is big and serious. These guys kidnap the people are connected to what happened to you guys 15 years ago. When you're just young turtles. Trust me on this one, I know this." I said. "How is that possible?" Donnie asked. "For those kidnappers, also known as the Kraang. Anything can be possible. Now, a little word with a certain someone." I said as I pushed my glasses back, walked up to Snake and grabbed him by the shirt. "Alrighty Snake, where are they?" I asked him. He looked at me. "I see you know me, Erwina Chee." He said. My eyes widen in surprise. "How did you know my name?! Spill the beans!!!" I said in a mad voice. "Never!" He said. "Fine by me, Raph can you please give me the mutagen." I said. Raph gave me the mutagen while Donnie and Mikey grabbed his arms to make sure he doesn't escape. "Ya see, my friends were just innocent guys till they got hit with a little bit of this." I said while unscrewed the lid. I went above him. "Wha-what are you doing?" He said with a panicked voice. I smirked. "Oh, just playing a new yet invented game call mutation roulette. With a splash of this, you can turn out handsome like my friends or become disgusting and deformed. Like a certain small weed." I said. Leo and Raph blushed madly while Donnie and Mikey were so surprised with a small smile. "So, you feel lucky? Or are ya gonna tell me how do ya know my name and where are they." I said as I began to pour out the mutagen. Just as it was about to drop on him, he confessed. "Okay okay! We know your name because we know who you are. We found your family and took them away. We've been grabbing scientists all over the city." He said. I gasped softly as I pulled the mutagen back and away from him. 'No . . . not my family...' I thought as I felt tears forming in my eyes. Leo and Raph begin to comfort me. I wiped my eyes, adjusted my glasses and glared at Snake furiously. "Where are they now?! And what do they want with scientists?" I asked. "I don't know." He said. "You better spill it more or else." I said while shaking the mutagen. "All I know is they're taking them out of the city tonight but I don't know where!" He said. "But I just don't get it, why would the Kraang want my family and me? My dad and middle brother are way smarter than that. Why would they want my mom, my dad, my two brothers and me?! Ohh, this doesn't make any sense at all!!!!! Yes Donnie, we're gifted on intelligence. For me, my dad and middle brother." I said gesturing to Donnie. "This is awesome! You, your brother and dad are intelligent. I'm intelligent. Oh, you and me are gonna be just find." Donnie said, referring to the brother and sister relationship. "I don't think you're her type." Snake said. I turned around to give Snake a stern look. "Well mister, I for one, am the only girl who has a type for reptiles, not some dumb, cold-blooded man who hangs out with badass droids and kidnaps a family for some stupid experiments. Also not to mention it but, that man stinks. You really need a shower, man." I said in a British sass tone. His jaws dropped as I flicked my hair back and pushed my glasses back. "I like her already." Raph said and I chuckled softly. We all come close around Snake. "Where are they now?" I asked.
~Time skip~
We're all at the roof where Snake told us where they're at now. Mikey's keeping an eye on him. I looked at him to see he's doing a trick and Snake looked away shaking his head. I chuckled silently at Mikey. 'That's my humor bro.' I thought as I looked at Leo. "There's gotta be, like, 20 of them down there." Leo said. I nodded as I thought of the estimate of the Kraang. "Yeah, but those are the ones we can see on the outside. But on the inside, there's way more than the outside part." I said. Raph literally took out his sais. "All right! An all-you-can-beat buffet." Raph said. "Sorry Raph, but we can't just rush in there, we need a plan." I said. "Why?" He said. "Because Raph, there's innocent lives at stake. If we screw this up, there's goners for sure." I said. "Then we won't screw it up." Raph said. "Boy, I could sure go for some pizza right now, huh?" Mikey said. We looked to see him without Snake. "What? I can't be the only one that's hungry." He said. "Mikey, where's Snake?" I asked. Mikey gasped and looked to see Snake gone. "Oh geez." He said. Snake laughs as he ran off. "GET HIM!" Leo said. We all jumped off the building safely and split up. I went with Leo and Raph. 'Ok, this must be part 2. Let's do this and I can't believe I'm with my true loves of my dreams!' I thought as I catch up with Leo and Raph. We stopped at the old playground. I pushed my glasses back, placed a silent 'shhhh' and used my left pointer to point at the dumpster. They nodded. "Oh dear, Snake's got away." I said acting. "Whoa, whoa. Leo's the leader. That means he let him get away." Raph said. "That's not helping. That's mean from the core." I whispered. Leo nodded in agreement. "Wasn't trying to help." Raph said. "Okay, okay. You want Leo to lead? Fine by me. 'What's that Leo? You want us to go back to the lair, gear up, and at midnight, we drive Snake's van right up to the main gate. They'll think we're him and we'll cruise right in, right?'." I said. "Of course, E.C." Leo said. "And then we bust some heads?" Raph asked. "And then we bust some heads." Leo said. I smiled with my mouth close. "I love a happy ending." Raph said. Then we walked away, they winked at me. I winked back, trying to contain myself from going crazy in love for Leo and Raph.
~Time skip to where we're at the lair~
I sat down at the kitchen seat seeing Raph talking to his pet, Spike. Donnie's working in his lab and Leo's figuring out a plan to break in. Mikey's with me as I pushed my glasses back. "I know you are a worried about me. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've never gone into a fight like this and I don't know what's going to happened. But you don't have to worry. I will make it back. I love you, man." Raph said as Spike took a bite of his leaf. I smiled softly. "Aww, are you talking to your pet turtle?" Mikey asked. Raph saw me and blushed madly out of embarrassment. "No. Shut up!" Raph said, hoping to defend himself. "That's adorable." Mikey said. "Oh, I'm gonna crush you!" Raph said. Mikey ran as Raph chased him with a wooden spoon. "I'm gonna shellac you!" Raph said as Mikey ran for his life. I giggled silently before I got up and sit on Raph's spot in front of Spike. "Your papa Raph's being silly. Ya know, I've been thinking . . . how did ya face with your papa? In right now, I'm facing with my two crushes, well technically not crushes but I'm thinking more as my only true loves. And one of my love is your only papa Raph. So does that make me your mama? Chew on your leaf if you need me to be your mama?" I asked with hope in my eyes. Spike smiled widely and took a bite of his leaf. I smiled widely as I gently carried him, placed him onto my shoulder, he snuggles on my hair. "You're so adorable Spike! I promise I'll be the best mama ever than before." I said as I took the leaf off the plate and gave it to him. He took another bite. I chuckled softly as I walked out of the kitchen. After Spike swallowed the leaf, he took a nap. "Aaaawwwwwww, so amazingly adorable!" I said as I sat down on the couch. Spike began to shiver. "No no no. Here Spike, Mama's got ya." I said as I worked my sacred magic. I hugged Spike softly, snuggled him softly and Spike stopped shivering. I smiled softly. "Alright everybody, I have a good pla-" I cut Leo off with a 'shhhhhhhh'. Everyone looked at me. I motioned them to come over here. Leo came over first and his jaws dropped of what he's seeing. Donnie came over and gasped with a small smile. Same with Mikey. Raph's eyes widen as he sees his only pet snuggling up to me for warmth and comfort. "Mama's got ya Spike, Mama's got ya." I whispered as Spike yawned cutely. My eyes sparkled at the cuteness. "Okay Leo, you said that you got a plan. You guys gear up while I'll take care of this cutie." I said as I get up to find Raph's room.
~Time skip~
I'm by the wall at the Kraang base staying silent, while cleaning my glasses, placed them back to where I supposed to see. 'Ok, they should be ready and be here any moment now.' I thought as I hear the conversation between Snake and the Kraang. "They'll be here any minute." Snake said. "Kraang, are those who are coming to this place coming to this place?" The first Kraang said. "I lack the knowledge, Kraang. I will inquire of Kraang about that knowledge. Do you have the knowledge of those  coming to this place, Kraang?" The other one asked. I covered my ears. 'Will they ever shut up?!!! I forgot how annoying these guys are!' I thought as the guys came. I sighed and smiled in relief. "You're have to go with Raph since he's the strongest." Leo said. I nodded and got on Raph's shell. "Just as long as I don't have to hear them. Cause I totally forgot how these guys really are." I said as they began climbing. I hear the van from the distance as I see the headlights from the distance. They begin blasting it as the van kept going. I smiled. 'Have fun being a weed, Snake.' I thought as I smirked. The mutagen's still inside a van. The van crashed and I hear Snake screaming. I looked at the Kraang, exploring the van to see nothing. "The ones coming to this place are not in the vehicle bringing them to this place." One Kraang said. "Then in what place are the ones called the turtles and Erwina Chee?" The other one said. 'Leo's plan worked!' I thought as I smiled. "Wow, lucky thing that van showed up to distract them." Mikey said. Donnie sighed and facepalm which had a hand-climbing thing on his hand. "Ow!" He said as he pulled his hand away. I gave a pain expression with a 'yipe'. "Donnie, are ya ok?" I asked. He nodded showing he's ok. "That's the plan, Mikey. We knew Snake was hiding in the alley, so Raph, Leo and I made him think we would be in the van." I said. "But we weren't in the van." Mikey said. We kept climbing. "That's the point! It's call decoy my dear friend Michelangelo. The Kraang didn't know where we are now. So they thought we're in the van but instead we're doing this right here right now. Did ya get the whole picture?" I asked as I pushed my glasses back. Mikey then got it and nodded. The three looked at me. "What? I thought you would teach him a lesson about what we're doing right now." I said as we made it to the top. I kicked the vent door out of the way, we went through and in the vent. Once we got to the inside part, Kraang droids are moving. "Ok on the count of three, Raph and Leo you're on the move. One, two,..." I said as I started counting. Leo and Raph took out their weapons. "THREE!!!!" I whispered shouted as I lifted my foot up, kicked the vent lid off, Leo and Raph took off and beat them down. Mikey and Donnie jumped down. "Somebody better catch me." I said as I jumped down. I got caught by Leo. "Thanks. Now, let's move." I said as I got off Leo's arms and adjusted my glasses. He nodded and we walked staying silent as possible. "Wow, I've never seen anything like this. They're using a metal alloy that I don't even recognize." Donnie said. "Well to tell ya this, we're in a Kraang lair, that possesses perfect alien technology. I'm sure it could boggle your mind. Now we need to be quiet." I said as we kept walking. When we're walking silently, we see the Kraang without their human disguise. I smiled at the sight. "There ya are." I said. "Whoa, you weren't kidding about it." Donnie said. I nodded. "Leo, may I borrow one of your katanas?" I asked. Leo looked at me confused and nods giving me one of his katanas. "Thanks." I said as I moved silently and swiftly. I went above them, adjusted my glasses and got to the center. "Hey yo, Kraang!!!!!!" I shouted. They looked up to see me. "Kraang, it is the one known as Erwina Chee. Get her, Kraang." A Kraang droid said as they pointed their blasters at me. I gave my Navajo war cry as I attacked the Kraang. "NOW!!" I shouted as they came out, pulled out their weapons, gave out their war crys and attacked the Kraang. Mikey kept hitting the Kraang with all his strength, Donnie whacks them with his bo-staff, Raph kept stabbing the droids repeatedly and Leo kept slicing through them. They looked at me to see what I'm doing. The two Kraang kept shooting towards me, but I ran to my left, jumped to the wall and pounced off to slice the droids head off, it bleed out oil as I felt my eyes go white as snow. The other droid repeatedly using his blaster and tried to shoot me down, I kept dodging them with a grunt till I used Leo's katana to repeled the blast to the Kraang which it can't see. Then I jumped up, did a twirl in the air and landed while slicing the Kraang droid's upper half. It fell off and I smirked to myself and pushed my glasses back. The robot fell to the ground and the boys gets close. Then the alien brain came out and screech at us. Leo, Raph and Donnie screamed and I hit it right in the head hard and it been knocked out. "First things first, here's your katana Leo. Second I told y'all!" I said as i gave Leo his katana back and grabbed the alien brain by its tentacles. I gulped in disgust. Then it woke up and starts to bite my arm. "Ouch!" I said as I felt and see my arm being bitten. Then I shake my arm, trying to get it off. Then I accidentally flinged it off my arm and heading towards the wall pressing a button. Which causes the alarm to go off. My eyes widen as I see my mistake. "Oopsie." I said. The brain thing ran off. I looked at them. "Okay, I call this one blame. I didn't mean to shake that brain to press the button which causes the alarms to go off. I didn't mean to do that, blame it on me. That's completely my bad." I said telling the honest truth. I really didn't mean to do that. We heard the Kraang moving. "We need to hustle, like move now!" I said right before I looked up to see the power conduits. "I think those are power conduits." Donnie said. "Oh! That's really interesting! Thanks for sharing, Donnie." Raph said. "Raphael, the conduits are all connected this way, which means whatever's going on over there is important! That meant we'll know where the prisoners are and I will lead us to my family, April and Kirby! Which it'll lead us to the power source! You get that now?" I asked as I turned, pushed my glasses back and walked to where the conduits go. "You got spanked. OW! Ow! Mercy! Not cool." Mikey said as they followed me. We kept running till we see all the cells. "Split up! If you see someone or somebody, notify me immediately! Got that?" I asked. They nodded and split up while I ran to the cell and peek through to see nothing. "We found 'em!" Donnie said. I ran to where Donnie is and looked to see April and Kirby. "April, did you see my family?" I asked with hope inside. "No, but we found this buddy." She said while his head poked up to reveal a 10 year old boy. I gasped. "Terrance!!! Don't worry sonic, sissy's coming!!!!" I shouted. "Sister!" Terrance said. Donnie began to work on the lock. The Kraang caught up and started blasting towards us. "We'll hold them down! You pick the lock." Leo ordered as the three took their weapons out and attack the Kraang. "Don't worry! We'll have you out of there in a second." I said. "Okay, E.C." April said. Terrance began to cry. "Oh no no no no no no, sonic look at me. It's ok sissy right here, she's coming and get you." I said comforting my dope yet cool brother while pushing my glasses back. He stopped crying and start to smile. Donnie's still working on it. "April, hide my little brother. And make sure that he's not spotted." I whispered. She nodded and hid Terrance. "Donnie hurry! We're running out of time!" I said. He looked at me. "Hey! You think it's easy trying to pick a lock with these hands?" Donnie asked. "Sorry." I apologize and let him continued his work. Raph saw me and comes up to us. "Oh, for the love of-- get out of my way!" Raph said as he began to stab the lock. I see the door open on the other side. 'Hold up...I TOTALLY FORGOT SNAKE!!!!' I thought as looked at the guys. "Fellas, I have to tell you that while we're getting inside of this place, the mutagen's still inside the van and it mutated Snake!" I said. The turtles eyes widen. "Expecting a giant weed mutant cause that's what Snake is!!!!" I said as the door open. April was already taken away. "No!" April said. I looked everywhere. "Tee? Blue Hedgie? Sonic?" I said. "Sissy!!!" A childish voice said. He came out of his hiding place. I grabbed his arm and hugged him. "It's ok now Terrance, sissy's got you now. You're safe in my arms." I said as I hugged him tight. He hugged back. The blasting continues. We look back to see the Kraang. I carried him in my arms. "Hang on, Tee!" I shouted as I began to run along with the guys. I buried his face in my chest. "Don't move Tee. I don't want you getting hurt." I said as we kept running. We saw the door, went through the doors and made it outside. "Get the door!" Leo said. Raph close it till a Kraang blocked it and reaching out to us. I growled sternly. "Mikey, hold my little Tee please." I said as I passed Terrance to Mikey. I ran up to it and grabbed its arm. "This. Is. For. My. Blue. HEDGIE!!!" I shouted angrily as I ripped the arm off, kicked it inside as the door slammed by themselves and blocked it with one arm. The Kraang banging on the blocked door. "There, that'll hold them." I said as I looked at them. They just stared at me. "What?" I asked. "You are seriously twisted." Leo said. I smiled as I walked up to Mikey, grabbed Terrance off his arms and my brother pushed my glasses back. "Why, thank you." I said. "No! Let us go!" April said. I looked up to see her and Kirby being taken to a helicopter. "Let's get 'em!" Leo said. We're about to get them till I stopped them in the tracks. "Hold up a minute..." I said. Then the vines appeared in front of us. We looked up to see a very big giant weed. 'Snakeweed!" I thought as I hold Terrance close to me. As he shakes in fright. "Uh-oh." Mikey said as Snake hissed and growled at us with hatred. I looked at him with hatred in my eyes. "Hey Snake, how do you like your new form?" I asked with a devilish smirk. He screeches and looks at us. "You did this to me! Now you're gonna to pay!" He said. I smiled. "Well, I like to see ya try to get out of the earth, bad weed." I said. He screeches with a growl as he tried to get his legs out of the ground. "That's weird. You'd think he'd get mutated into a snake." Mikey said. "Yeah, you would. If you were an idiot." Raph said. "But his name is Snake." Mikey said. "So?" Raph asked. "You don't understand science." Mikey said. "Mikey I now got what you said, you thought Snake's going to get mutated into a snake. Actually he got mutated into a weed. So expect the unexpected point of view." I said. Snake got his legs freed and growled as he blocked the way. "I'll crush you all!" Snakeweed said. "Uh, would it help if we said it was an accident?" Donnie asked. Snakeweed hissed at us and used his hand-chompers to snapped at us. "So, heh, I'll put you down for a no?" Donnie asked again. "Oh big time Donnie, this bad weed's hunger for revenge!!!!!" I said. He swings a vine at us. Leo, Donnie and I jumped and Leo cut the vine off which causes purple goo farting out of it. I gagged at it because it's disgusting. "Eww! Eww! Don't let it touch me! Don't let it touch me!" Mikey said. The goo got on his leg. "Aah! It touched me!" Mikey said. Then the vine grow back. 'I forgot they grow back in a second!' I thought. Snakeweed smiled at this. "It grew back? No fair!" Donnie said. I heard the helicopter starting. I see April being taken inside. I cracked my neck. "Leo, you're in charge of Terrence, and if I see the bump or bruise on him. You may be my stars and sparkles of my life, but I'll make turtle soup out of you. Donnie, you're with me!!!!" I said as I passed Terrance to Mikey. "Remember one bump or bruise on Terrance, I'll give ya a big bad time!" I said as Donnie and I are heading to the helicopter. The other three nodded scared. We gave ourselves a boost to head for the top. I made it first and looked over the edge to see how they're doing. I see Terrance being passed to Leo, then to Raph, then to Mikey again. Like the triangle pass during basketball practice for the season. 'At least Terrance didn't have a bump or a bruise which meant they're doing good.' I thought. Donnie made it to the top. The helicopter is taking off. I adjusted my glasses, ran fast and grabbed the bottom of the helicopter. As we went up, I gripped it tightly. 'Ok you got this, be the Steve McGarrett you know and loved.' I thought as I looked down but got scared and gripped it harder. 'Then again, maybe not!' I thought again as i closed my eyes and gripped it tightly. Then Donnie grabbed the bottom of the helicopter after he made a jump with his bo-staff. It tried to shake us off. I yelped in fear. "Oh, I WISH I HAVEN'T GOT ACROPHOBIA!!!!!" I screamed. Donnie looked at me wide eyed. "YOU'RE AFRAID OF HEIGHTS?!?!?!" Donnie shouted. I nodded and gripped it harder. The Kraang droid opened the helicopter door and peeked out to see us. "Oh good! For a second there, I thought this was gonna be too easy!" Donnie said. It took out a blaster and began blasting. Donnie swang back to grabbed a ninja star from his belt, put it between his toes and swing forward to raise his leg, putting it at the head and the droid deactivated. He grabbed the droid's head with his legs and flinged it out and off the helicopter. The droid turned around and kept blasting the helicopter, which causes April to fall off and out of the helicopter. Luckily I grabbed her with my legs. She looked at me scared. "April l-listen to me. Donnie'll catch you." I said as I felt my tears forming in my eyes. Donnie nodded and let go. "Brace yourself, g-g-girl!!!!!" I said as I let go of April. The Kraang came out, saw me and tried to grabbed me but I used my legs to grab the other side. "Kraang, we must get the one called Erwina Chee inside the helicopter!!!!" The Kraang said. I looked down to see April's safe on the ground. I used my freed hand to take my glasses off, put it into my pocket and took deep shaking breaths. "Hey Kraang, see y'all next 'fall'!" I said as I let go of the helicopter. I screamed as I fall with some spins in the air.
~Donnie's POV~
I let go of the helicopter and waited. Then E.C. let go of the girl, I prepared myself as I grabbed her. She hanged onto me as I get her to the ground safely. "You ok?" I asked. She panted and nodded. "Thanks, I'm f-fine. My name's April." She said. I smiled with a small smile. "I'm Donatello. You can call me Donnie for short." I said. Then my thoughts snapped out by a scream. We gasped. "E.C!!!!!" We both said in unison. I put her down and hide my blush. "Stay here!" I said as I climbed up to catch and save E.C. from her death. When I made it to the top, I see her falling with some spins in the air towards me. I jumped up high and caught her. We landed with a ninja roll with E.C. in my arms. "E.C, are you alright?!?!" I asked panicked. She was shaking, took her glasses out, placed them over her eyes and hold me tight feeling her hot tears on my shoulder. "T-t-thank you." She whispered. My heart breaks to hear her voice sounded like that. I hugged her close. "E.C!!!" April said as she catch up. "I'm so sorry A-April I tried, but I couldn't saved your d-dad." E.C. said still shaking. She gasped softly. "Dad." April said. We looked up to see the helicopter flew away. "No." E.C. said as she snuggled up to me softly. "Come on! My brothers need help!" I said we moved forward to the fight. As we made it, we see Snake being blasted towards the power generator by the Kraang. "What are they doing? They're leading him straight towards that power generator!" I said as Leo took out his ninja stars. "That's incredibly stupid! Or brilliant. Or-" I got cut off. "O-or both." E.C. said as she's still in my arms. Leo threw the ninja stars at Snake, which it got his attention. "Hey, come and get me, stinkweed!" Leo said making a funny face. I noticed Terrance in his arms. 'Leo don't let him get hurt or two!!!!' I thought as I hold E.C. close. The Kraang blasters began to blast at the generator and Leo got off with Terrance. It fried Snake along with the generator which causes an explosion. Parts of him flew everywhere. My brothers came up and we moved. "Dude, what happened to E.C?" Mikey asked. She's started shaking in fear and I hold her close. "I'll explain everything later, right now let's get April to a safe place." I said as Leo and Raph frowned seeing E.C. in a statement now.
~Time skip to where they made it to April's Aunt's house~
We're all at the building next to the window. I still have E.C. in my arms. "Are you gonna be alright?" I asked as I walked up to April. "I guess, my aunt says I can stay here as long as I want, but I'll be a lot better when E.C. calms down from her fear and when I track down the creeps who took my dad." April said as she gets E.C. out of my arms and hugs her softly. She immediately hugged back. "Dad's right, your hugs are so warm." She said. E.C. smiled. 'Wait, her hugs are so warm?' I thought. "Won't the police help?" Leo asked. E.C. chuckled. "Funny thing. When you tell them that your dad is kidnapped by alien brains in robot bodies, they don't take you that seriously." She said, starting to calm down. I smiled. 'She's calming down...' I thought. "April, we promise you we will not rest till we find him and E.C, we promise you we will not rest till we find the rest of your family." I said. "We won't?" Raph asked. "No, we won't." Leo said. "Thank you, but it's not your fight." April said. I put my hand on April's knee. "Yes, it is. Because we always stick together. Even though you and I just met the turtles. I have a feeling we can get along just perfectly fine. Cause no matter what happens or what obstacle is in our way, we will find the rest of our family." E.C. said as she gently takes April's hands and say in a prayer but in a different language. 'What language is that? It's so different.' I thought as E.C. finishes the prayer and lets go of April's hands. April looked and smiled at me. I blushed madly and removed my hand with a smile. E.C. stood up but stumbled a bit but Leo came and grabbed her by the arms. As he did that, he pulled her up to her feet with a deep blush and lets go with a smile. Raph looks at Leo with jealousy. She pushed her glasses back, walked up to Mikey and gently took Terrance off. He yawned. "My aunt doesn't have room for two more." April said. E.C. holds Terrance close as he felt cold. "Why don't you live with us since you lost your home. We got plenty of space." Leo said. E.C. looked at us with pride in her eyes. "That would be perfect." She said. We smiled as we began to take off. I stopped to looked at E.C. giving April somthing then catch up. Then April sees me as I waved to her and she waved back. "Ready..., sister?" I asked. She nodded with a small smile. "Ready as I'll ever be,... brother." She said as we head back to the lair. 'Maybe, just maybe one day, E.C. will claimed Leo and Raph as hers.' I thought as we kept moving.
~Time skip to where they made it to the lair~
~My POV~
I tucked Terrance in comfortable and I gave him his favorite Dallas Cowboys blanket that was in my duffle bag. "Don't worry Terrance, we're in a safe place. We can trust them with all our lives. Maybe one day, you can claim them as your brothers." I said. He looked at me. "Song?" He asked. I smiled. "Of course my blue hedgie, which one?" I asked. "George Strait!!!!" He said happily. I chuckled. "Okay, now settle down." I said and cleared my throat for some vocal.
{I Cross My Heart sang by: George Strait, king of the country!!😍 Vote for him as our all-time favorite}
Our love is unconditional
We knew it from the start
I can see it in your eyes
You can feel it from my heart

From here on after
Let's stay the way we are right now
And share all the love and laughter
That a lifetime will allow

I cross my heart
And promise to
Give all I've got to give
To make all your dreams come true

In all the world
You'll never find
A love as true as mine

You will always be the miracle
That makes my life complete
And as long as there's a breath in me
I'll make yours just as sweet

As we look into the future
It's as far as we can see
So let's make each tomorrow
Be the best that it can be

I cross my heart
And promise to
Give all I've got to give
To make all your dreams come true

In all the world
You'll never find
A love as true as mine

And if along the way we find a day
It starts to storm
You've got the promise of my love
To keep you warm

In all the world
You'll never find
A love as true as mine

A love as true as mine

I sang it to him to sleep. As I finished his favorite song of all times, Terrance is fast asleep. I smiled and peck his cheek softly. "G'night, blue." I said as I left the room. I sighed in relief. "Everyone! Come here! We made the news!" Mikey said. My eyes widen in fear. 'Oh no...we didn't...' I thought as I ran to the living room with a frighten face. I made to the living room. "A report of--get this--ninjas in New York. Don't believe me? After residents reported a disturbance, the police recovered this." The reporter said as he shows the hole in the van and the ninja star that has the Hamato clan symbol. Donnie and Mikey smiled. I panted in a scared way silently. "This is Carlos Chang O'Brien...*clicks* Gambe saying 'Hi-Ya!'." The reporter said as it was over. "This is awesome! We're gonna be famous!" Mikey said. Leo and Splinter came in. "You must be more careful. The ninja's most powerful weapon is the shadow. Being brought out into the light is a dangerous thing." Splinter said. "Relax Sensei. It's one little news story. What's the worse that can happened?" Raph asked. "Believe me when I say this Raph, but this is the only beginning of our adventures and our worse nightmare. There's no turning back now. Because we've just unleashed a deadly, nonstop and long war." I said still in my scared position. The guys looked at me worried, I gulped with worried as I pushed my glasses back. 'Here comes...

















The Shredder!'

A Whole New World (TMNT Fanfiction~) ~COMPLETED~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora