The Pulverizer Returns

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~My POV~
We're all fighting the Foot with ease. I was so excited about two things. The Foot and my best friend. First on the Foot, we saw them after Amy spotted them, now we're pounding them down. And second thing on mt best friend, we cared on her bruises and pain. Mostly I did all of it, cause she needs me the most and her whole body is better than new. Anyway back to where we are, Waunu and I are fighting them with ease. "Ha! I can do this all night long!" Waunu said. "Me too!" I said before we pushed our glasses back on our faces, punches and kicks the last two Foot soldiers down. We looked around and saw they're down. "Oh yea, that's what we're talking about." Waunu said before we high-fived each other. "Aw, man." Raph said. We laughed a little. "Better luck next time, Raph bro." Martin said before he fling his front blond hair. "Raph, if you keep breaking your toys, we're not gonna buy you new ones." Leo said before letting go of the soldier. "Actually Leo, our toys just kept coming at us, all the time." I said in a joking way. That made Miah and Erika chuckled at my small tease. "Dudes and Dudettes, it's like we all just cleared a video game on 'easy.'." Mikey said. Sonic and Tails rolled theirs playfully with teasing smiles. I chuckled softly. "Mikey, if Sensei has taught us anything, it's that real combat ain't like a video game." I said before Waunu high-fived me with excitement. "Hey, coins!" Donnie said when he saw some coins on the ground of the exact rooftop we're on. Miah stopped him. "Donnie stop! May I have some of the coins? I promised Sonic's team that I can get them a bag of sweet taste of Murakami's amazing pizza g'yoza." Miah pleaded. Donnie blushed with a soft smile then gave her the coins. "Thank you, Donnie." Miah said with a light smile on her face. "The Foot soldiers haven't been much of a challenge lately. Wonder why." Leo said. "Well, maybe we're just that awesome." Raph said before walking up next to Leo with a slight smirk that made my face blushed lightly. "That sounds right." Leo said with a slight grin that made my blush darkened then pounces slightly with my eyes closed. 'Oh man, those two are just so cute and hot when they do that!' I thought then Waunu pats on my shoulder that made me looked at her. "Don't worry, I got this." Waunu whispered to me then walked up to the two older brothers with a confident smile. "You know who I'd hate to be, y'all? The guy who has to tell Shredder all about this." Waunu said when she mentioned the whole mess.
~Timeskip to TCRI~
Some of us are watching TCRI while some are just slacking with boredom. Mikey is playing the ball while Raph, Martin, Knuckles, Sonic, Amy, Tails and Sticks are relaxing. Leo, Donnie, Chris, Miah, Erika, Waunu and I are eyeing on the building. I heard my phone rang and I took out my phone to see Momoiro Clover Z just made their latest video on YouTube. I smiled at the sight and liked it. "All right, guys. Let's pack it in. Nothing's happening." Leo said that made Martin sighed with relief. "Finally, so I won't have to eye on that 'building' anymore." Martin said when he didn't want to refer the word 'nightmare.'. 'Oh, poor Martin. He's still having nightmares. The girls and I tried to comfort him, but he's still cried in the middle of the night. The night when Mamoru got taken away from us.' I thought to myself as I still can remember the night when we tried to stop the portal. "I was afraid this day would come. We've run out of butts to kick." Knuckles said before kicking Mikey's ball over the edge of the rooftop. "Hey!" Mikey protested to Knuckles after his ball was kicked over the edge. Then Miah and Erika saw something. "Wait. Maybe not, look." Miah said before she pointed at one sight that made all of us gather them. "Foot clan." Erika said. I noticed who that is and Waunu noticed it too. We both facepalmed softly. Then my eyes widen when I remembered the episode. 'Uh oh. Please don't tell who it is!' I thought to myself again after I pushed my glasses back. "I don't get this one. Just one person?" Sonic asked. "Maybe they needed only one guy to go solo. Maybe this guy is the baddest, meanest and the most deadliest ninja we've ever faced!" Sticks said paranoid. We see the guy tried to get to the window edge, but fail, twice. "Or not." Amy said sarcastic. It got the window open and jumped up to climb in, but it got stuck. "Did anybody find out that this fella is sorta adorable?" Knuckles asked. "Well, he's not that much - E.C, Waunu, wait!" Leo said as Waunu and I jumped down and ran towards the fella after the rest catch up to us. But we got surrounded by the Foot Clan. "Ambush!" Waunu and I said at the same time. "Jinx! You own me a bottle of water." I said to Waunu, that made her chuckled a bit. The guys got their weapons out and we got our fists up. "Alright!" Raph said before we charged at them. We took the clan down with ease, till I got kicked forward and accidentally landed on Leo and Raph's arms. I quickly got up and took a few steps away from them with a deep blush. "I'm sorry, you two." I said with a worried face. "E.C, ya ok?" Martin asked. I pushed my glasses back and glanced at Martin. "I'm ok MK, but who's the crazy akuma that kicked me?" I asked. We heard rush of wind then I saw the Foot Clan retreating to the rooftops. We got into position again. Till it appeared from the shadows and Waunu gasped with fear. 'Shadow!' I thought as I can tell by the figures of his body after we get into our stance. He smirked evilly as he saw us. "Shadow!" Sonic said angrily. "So you're the one who beated up my best friend." I said. "I did, after I told her about you, Erwina." Shadow said. "Besides, in the future as I know it, Martin will be the most meanest devil ever and you all will never save him." Shadow said seriously. That made Martin gone mad and clenched his fist together hard. " That's . . . . not. . . . true!!!" Martin said before he charges at Shadow and we all followed him. He got the first beat up by Shadow and kicked to the wall. Then the rest ran and tried to get Shadow hard, but he beated them all up, but I dodged his attack and I elbowed him hard on the stomach that made him fly to the wall and skid down but he stood up with a glare on his face. He panted softly when I get into my stance. "This isn't over, Erwina. You'll be finished sooner than later." Shadow said then he uses his Chao control magic to telepathic disappear. I ran and helped the rest up. "You guys ok?" I asked then they gave a painful 'yeah.'. Then the last Foot soldier came over to where we are. "Everything ok? I heard-whoa!" He said under a mask before I tripped him over with my ankle and he landed his stomach. But he got on his hands and knees, then he turned around and Donnie placed his bo staff in front of him as the rest except me and Waunu gave him a glared face. "Wait, guys! It's me!!" He said. "Let us show you." I sais before I walked up and pulled the mask off and I gasped silently with a blink from my eyes. "TIMOTHY?!?!?!" Waunu and I said in unison. "Hey guys, how awesome is this?? Bet what your all wondering when you're gonna see me again?" Timothy asked. "Not ALL of us." Sonic said sarcastic when he mentioned Raph. Timothy went up to Raph. "Raphael, still the jokester, I see. Good one. Ow!" Timothy said when Raph turned his hand and cracked it. Timothy walked back gently before glancing at all of us. "Actually, I just wanted to ask you is what are you doing with the Foot?!" I asked in a serious tone. "Well, after you and the girls told me to practice, I've shown it to my family and my uncle that came by few weeks ago signed me up for the Chris Bradford dojo. I've wowed them with my smooth moves. And boom! They liked me so much, they asked me if I want to join the Foot Clan." Timothy said. And some of us are in a shock mode. But I made a face that wasn't really pleasent.

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