The Birth Of Sailor Spirit

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[HEAD'S UP: Not an episode. Quick warning: Some can be short, some can be long]
~In A Place Unknown~
~??? *Short* POV~
I was standing in front of the sand surrounded by a circle stone. "Come forth, the time has come. Our great ruler requires your service." I said as I raised my right hand up to command a monster to arise from the sand. As I did, sand rose up and created itself into a human form. "Now go and bring me the Legendary Silver Crystal." I command to it as it changes into a girl with brown eyes, bit of peach skin, ravenblack ponytail hair, wearing a yellow long-sleeved jacket with a purple shirt under it, blue denim jeans that reaches to her feet and purple and white sneakers. It bowed slightly to me and it disappeared into thin air. 'Next stop for my monster, . . . New York City.' I thought as I smirked evilly.
~In New York City And At The Lair~
~My POV~
As I told Miah, Waunu and Erika everything, I mean everything from the moment we saw Miwa to the moment I told her the truth and also, I told the girls that Martin's got a crush on her cause I sensed his emotions of love, they squealed but stayed calm when Martin walked to the couch next to us, laid down on his back and stretches his limbs out. "Ah~. I really deserve this." Martin said as he put his arms behind his head and closed his eyes to rest. Waunu and I shook our heads with a small smile. 'What are we gonna do with you, our friend?' She and I thought the same thing as I petted the cat softly. "Hey girl! Come and see this new game!!" Amy said as she grabbed my arm, pulled me up from the couch, pulled me to where the rest are crowded. I pushed myself through to see the the arcade of . . . "The Sailor V game!" I said as I squealed like a fangirl as I sat in the seat. "What's that?" I heard Knuckles asking me that. 'Oh Knuckles.' I thought to myself as I pushed my glasses back. "It's an arcade game, Knuckles. But right now, let's test this thing out!" I said as I cracked my knuckles and neck, pulled a quarter from my pocket and inserted it into the game. I played the game as the rest are so surprised what I'm doing.
~Martin's POV~
I laid down on the couch, stretch my limbs out and closed my eyes to rest after a long fight against Snakeweed and seeing Karai all in the same night. 'I'm beat.' I thought as I closed my eyes to relax, after hearing the whole commotion about the new arcade in the lair and a theme of it. "It's a Sailor V arcade game, guys. I seen this on each and every episodes of 'Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal.'. Well, some of the episodes that has the arcades with it." I heard E.C. said as the others go 'oohhh' in excitement. I wanted to find out but my eyes can't open, so I shrugged and went to my resting land.
~In The Dream World~
I opened my eyes to see me running with a prince and a princess behind me. 'Is this the same dream from four nights ago? But it's different and it felt so real.' I thought as I pulled a sword out from my side with a shealth on it. Then I heard a roar behind us as I turned around as I see myself in a girl's body in a sailor uniform with a red glasses-like mask. 'Wait a moment! I'm not just a superhero, I'm Sailor V! And I have to defeat that monster to save a black cat with a crescent shaped bald spot.' I thought as I fight a monster in my dream, but four red claw marks came across my dreams.
~Dream Ending~
~My POV~
I finished the game as I panted slightly. "You did it, sister! And you have the highest score ever!" A voice said. I looked to my side softly to see Waunu hugging me by my side as I smiled softly with a light chuckle. Then it got interrupted when Martin woke up. "Ow! My face! Who did that when I was resting?!" Martin asked as I got up from the seat, went up to Martin and check the claw marks on his face. "I know who." I said as I looked at the black cat sitting across from Martin. I blinked in surprise. 'She's up? Boy, the step must've heal as quick as a flash of lightning.' I thought to myself as I got up, walked up to her and picked her up. "That black cat. Oh, so it clawed me in the face. Oh, I'm gonna strangle it to misery!" Martin said as he got up from the couch, but Sonic, Knuckles and Tails hold him back. "Now now! Calm down Martin!" Tails said. "Actually Martin, the 'it' you say is a she." I said as I pushed my glasses back. "Why did you call her a she?" Miah asked me as the rest got confused of what I said. "Because I'm very special. And Martin, don't be so insulting, this is not a bald spot!" A voice said. The gang gasped as they saw a cat speaking but I, from the rest, have to remain calm. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles' jaws dropped as they let go of Martin and Martin accidentally stumbled but got the balance onto his feet as he gasped also. I heard everyone else's thought ran through my mind. 'The cat is talking to us!' They thought in my mind as I smiled softly. "Guys, this cat got a name. Her name's Luna. She came from a place where we all didn't know that she knows from her past memory." I said. "Yes, and I have to come and thank Martin for apology to me when he accidentally stepped on me." Luna said as she jumped off from my arms, went up to Martin and nuzzled her face into his arms. Martin was still shocked as he blinked in surprise. I smirked and cross my arms across my chest. "W-what just happened?" Leo asked in shock as the rest snapped out of it. "When Luna came here, she was trying to find four missing guardians and ask them to find their missing princess and a main crystal they're looking for. There's bigger evil in the city way more dangerous than the Shredder nor the Kraang." I said. "Yes, that's why I have something for Martin. I have a gift for you as an acceptable way from your apology earlier." Luna said as she revealed a jewelry crescent brooch with a silver chain on it, sorta like a necklace just like this.

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