Raph's Turtle Temper

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~My POV~
We're all hanging out on the roof of the building. Donnie's looking through the periscope to see if there's anything. "Anything?" I asked as I pushed my glasses back. "Nothing yet, sis." Donnie said. I let him call me sis because of my smarts. I smiled softly. I looked to see Mikey and Raph, to see Mikey pokes his head, Raph smacked his hand. Mikey laughed, then did it again and again. He's about to poke Raph till Raph grabbed his hand and squeezed it which causes a snap. Mikey yelped in pain, pulls it away from Raph's hand and sucks his finger. "Guys, when ninjas are on surveillance, they are supposed to be silent." Leo said. I rolled my eyes as I placed my hand under my chin and yawned quietly. "So bored to heck!" I whispered. "Sorry, Leo. I'll scream quieter." Mikey said as he's about to poke Raph again. He did it again and Raph growls as Mikey giggles. 'Oh no, now you'll get punished from Raphael himself.' I thought as Raph grabbed his hand, flip him over and puts Mikey in an arm lock. "Say it." Raph said. "Raph, be quiet!" Leo whispered softly. Which it gave me goosebumps from that. "Not till Mikey says it." Raph said. "Raphael is all-wise and powerful." Mikey said. "And?" Raph asked. "And he's better than me in every possible way." Mikey said. Raph then lets go of Mikey. Then Mikey's been dropped to the floor. "And?" Raph asked again. "And I'm a lowly worm beneath his feet, who isn't fit to live on the same planet as him, because he is so amazing and I'm a dirt clod." Mikey said. Raph licked his finger and pointed to Mikey's forehead, for a wet Willy. "And?" Raph asked again. "And in the history of the universe there's never been-" Mikey got cut off. "Okay, enough." Leo said. 'Thank you Leo, I was about to die with laughter like Rei from 'Sailor Moon'.' I thought as I giggled. I see Leo and Raph blushed and continued on what they're doing. Raph got off Mikey and Mikey sighed in relief. "We're wasting our time. The Kraang aren't gonna show up." Raph said. "Have a little patience, will you?" Leo asked. "Trust me, guys. They're gonna break into the lab tonight. I have reliable intels." Donnie said. 'Hold up a minute...turtle temper! Oh yeah, I remembered.' I thought as I got up, pushed my glasses back, walked over to the edge and looked at the lab. "Intels? You mean E.C. and April told you." Raph said. "You mean your red haired girlfriend~?" Mikey asked as I used my eyes to looked at Mikey from the corner of my eye to see him placing his hands under his chin to make a heart shaped, his eyes flutter and I see Donnie pissed off. "She's not my girlfriend, Mikey-" I cut Donnie off as he's ready to explain about her. "Hey fellas, I remembered this part..." I said trying to keep my cool inside. They all turned their attention to me. "We're about to get into the lab cause the Kraang showed up. While we're waiting for the Kraang to come, a little interruption showed up...which should be right about...now." I said as the door opens. I looked to see a man soon-to-be Spider Bytez. "What the heck is going on up here?" His raspy voice said. I shivered a bit as I pushed my glasses back slightly. We just stared at him. "What, are you playing dress up?" He asked again. "No, sir, we're just--" Leo said but got cut off when he saw the satellite which is broken to bits. "Which one of you slimy green HAM shanks busted my satellite dish?" The man asked. "Ham shanks?" Raph asked angrily. My eyes widen. 'Oh dear.' I thought as I ran up to Raph. "I don't know what that means." Donnie said. "Me neither, but I don't like it." Raph said. I glared at the man. "How dare you call them that. That's the most rudest thing I've ever heard in my life!" I said starting to feel rage inside of me. The man looked at me deadly in the eyes. I see Raph ready to pull out his sais. I stopped him. "Let's go." I said. "That's right, you spineless cream puff! Listen to your mommy." He said as I stopped in my tracks and growled in anger. I took out Raph's sais. "Watch where you said and don't make me so mad, pork chop." I said. "Pork chop?! Why you little...well I didn't know you have salad tongs." He said. My eyes widen and got way beyond anger. "SALAD TONGS?!?!?!" Raph and I said in unison. Ok he's done it and it's going way too far. I breathe through my nose and out of my mouth. It helps me calm down a bit or two. Raph's about to pummel him, but I dropped the sais and grabbed Raph by the right arm. "I'm not gonna take this from some greasy, pit-stained slob with a comb-over!" Raph said as I heard the doors opening. 'Good thing I have sensitive ears to hear.' I thought as I looked over the edge to see the Kraang arrived and gotten their attention. 'Oh, sewer apples and caramel on a stick!!!!' I thought as I use one arm to hold Raph back with my might while using the other arm to secretly getting my dad's pocketknife from my pants pocket. "You calling me ugly? Seen a mirror lately, circus freak?" The man asked. That made me snapped to madness. I turned creepily around to him. "What did you just say?" I asked. "You heard me, have they seen a mirror lately, they are hideously disgusting!!!!" The man said. I placed my dad's pocketknife into my long sleeve inside of my hoodie, then I cracked my neck and fingers. "Oh ho ho ho ho ho. When I'm done with you, a piece of you is gonna be hanging on the branch of the tree at the grave yard where you honestly belonged!!!!!" I said. Then a laser blasted in front of me. We all looked to see the Kraang. "Kraang droids!" Leo said. "Holy Toledo!" The man said backing up. I glared at him. "You're so lucky that they've arrived and you're lucky that I'm nice or two." I said as I ran, sliding my pocketknife into my waiting hand and press the button to let the knife out while attacked the Kraang dodged the blast and all. I twirled and use all my strength to upper cut the Kraang. Immediately, the head fell off the droid and the body fell to the ground. The turtles just looked at me scared. "First, scram! Second, new rule: 'don't make E.C. mad at all cost!'." Leo said as the others nodded and joined the fight. I took a good blow and cut at all the droids. I blew the knife gently, pressed the button to make the knife back in, twirled it in my fingers, placed them back into my pants pocket, pushed my glasses back and flicked my hair. "Keep going, kung fu frogs. This is pure gold." The man said waving his phone. I gasped softly. "We're not frogs, you idiot." Raph said. "Okay, mister, just give me the phone and we won't have a problem." I said while reaching my hand out. "E.C, why are you so scared?" Mikey asked worried. "He caught us on video." I immediately and quickly answered. Their eyes widen. Raph growls in anger. "Not for long he doesn't." Raph said. He ran to get the phone till the man slams the door and he ran into it. He groans in pain and slid to the ground. "I'm gonna make a fortune out of this! And maybe ask that hot girl out on the roof, she has guts and style!" The man said. I gagged, shivered in disgust and rubbed my arms together. 'I think I'm gonna be sick on this!' I thought feeling like I could throw up sooner. I got carried by a grossed out Donnie. Once he done that, I heard firetruck sirens from the distance. "Fire trucks en route, thirty seconds!" I informed the guys as I rubbed my arms. "Let's move." Leo said. Raph's about to argue back but he sees me shivering in disgust. He sighs and we all went move out, back to the lair.
~Time skip to where we're at the lair~
The turtles are sitting in line while Terrance play some games on his phone and I snuggled my stuffed doll Buttercup as my eye bleach and I pushed my glasses back. Splinter's talking to them. "Not only Raphael alert the Kraang, but you got caught...on video." Splinter said. "Sensei, he was the angriest, nastiest guy you ever met." Raph said. "Except for you. Ow!" Mikey said as Raph smacked him on the back of his head. "You should have heard the insults the guy was throwing at us! They were so...insulting! It even made E.C. mad!" Raph said gesturing to me. Splinter looked at me. I nodded to him. "It's true." I said. "Oh, I did not realize he said mean things. Of course, you have no choice but to jeopardize your mission." Splinter said. "Burn." Mikey said. Raph growls in anger. "You are ninjas. You work in the shadows, in secret. This becomes difficult if there is proof of your existence in high definition." Splinter said. I kept snuggling Buttercup to calm down. "Look, we know where this guy lives. All we need to do is find him and shake him till the tape pops out." Raph said. "Oh, there's no tape." Donnie said. Raph looked at him as my eyes widen. I got up, dropped my stuffed doll and ran to Donnie. "Video phones used flash memo-" I cut him off as I covered his mouth as Raph growls. "Um, Donnie bro. Now's not the best time to explain about how a video works." I said. I looked to see Raph's angry face. Donnie nodded as he got the point and I let go of his mouth and pushed my glasses back. "Anger is self-destructive." Splinter said wisely. "I always thought it was others-destructive." Raph said. "Raphael!" Splinter said as it made Raph jumped. "Stand up." Splinter said. Raph got up as told. I gulped worried. 'I know where this is going.' I thought.
~At the dojo~
Leo, Donnie and Mikey are preparing arrows. Raph's in the middle and I'm sitting next to Sensei. "Evade the arrows." Splinter said. "No problem." Raph said. "Hajime!" Splinter said. They started shooting the arrows and Raph dodges perfectly. I blinked with a small smile. 'So this is how Marinette feels when seeing Luka for the first time.' I thought as I see flexes on Raph's muscle. "Ya-me!" Splinter said as it snapped me out of my thoughts. Everyone stopped. "Again, except this time, Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo, insult Raphael." Splinter said. I gulped. 'Oh drizzle Snapples!' I thought. "Wait, insult him?" Donnie asked. "Yes." Splinter said. "And he can't fight back?" Donnie asked again. "No." Sensei said. Donnie chuckled happily. "I'm feeling good about this plan." Donnie said. "Hajime!" Splinter said. The three brothers circled Raph. Chuckling. 'Ok E.C, try to stay calm no matter what or how!' I thought. "You move like a bloated buffalo." Mikey said to Raph as he shot an arrow. It stings my heart. "I do not!" Raph said. "And you're always whining. 'Poor me, nobody understands me.'." Leo said to Raph as he shot an arrow. I felt my breathing getting harder than usually. "Well, you don't understa-" he was cut off by the arrow hitting his shell. "And...Oh! You don't keep your back straight when doing otome kote gyaku." Donnie said to Raph as he shot an arrow, it hit Raph again in the shell. "And, your ugly!" Donnie said. I felt my veins are pumping fast because of the anger. They kept insulting Raph and I silently growled with pants in anger. When Splinter saw me, his eyes widen. "I wish this moment could last forever." Mikey said. "Ya-me! Are you alright Erwina?" Splinter said. Once the turtles saw me, their eyes widen. 'E.C, STOP!!! Like Splinter said. "Anger is self-destructive." Remember what mom and dad taught you. "Smell the rain water, blow the dandelions off." Let's try it.' I thought as I closed my eyes. I smell through my nose while raising my arms to my chest, like smelling the rain water during the summertime. Then I blew out through my mouth while lowering my arms, like blowing the dandelions off. I felt the stress gone. I smiled and opened my eyes and adjusted my glasses. I see four shock turtles and one smiling Sensei. "I'm ok now." I said as I got up and left the dojo. "Seems like Erwina have learned her lesson." Splinter said. I walked to the couch, sat down, picked my stuffed doll up and snuggled it. My brother's still on the phone. "Ok, now how do we get that phone back?" I asked to myself. "More importantly; how did you calm yourself like that?!" A voice said. I looked to see the guys sitting next to me. "Oh! When I was only 8, I went to my very first funeral reception. I remember his name but I can't say it and he's a special person to my family and me. My heart aches in pain to see one of my aunts crying, but my mom and dad had told me that one thing can help me calm down when I'm stressed, upset, angry or sad. 'Smell the rain water, blow the dandelions off.' It helped me so many times." I said. The guys just stared at me. "Now, back to business." I said as I pushed my glasses back. They snapped out of it. "R-right, now, we need to get the video back with reason, not force." Leo said. I nodded in agreement as I tied my hair into a bun. "Agreed with you Leo, but I must warn you guys. Raph's right about that guy, there's only one thing I need to add. Greed, he's very greedy when it comes to money." I said in a warning voice. They nodded, we all got up and went to the surface.
~Time skip to where we found him and tell him what he wants~
'I told them that he's greedy.' I thought to myself. That fat idiot just asked for a million dollars. "Listen, we don't have a million dollars on hand, buddy. So choose something else besides that." I said with my arms crossed. He looked at me and smirked. "There is one thing..." He said. I raised my eyebrow. "I'll give you the video, if I go on a date with you." I gagged and shivered. "Look, just give us the phone or...I swear to god I'll kick your butt all the way to New Jersey!" I said getting mad with rage. Then I heard an engine starting. 'Oh no! I alerted the Kraang!' I thought as I looked at the guys. "Go! I've alerted the Kraang!" I said. The guys moved out of the way. I moved the man out of the way. 'Aw, nasty!' I thought as I got off and up away from him quickly with a quick push of my glasses. The Kraang truck passed through, the van's about to leave. "Oh no, you don't. You're not getting away from my watch this time!" I said as I grabbed a tin barrel and threw it at the van causes it to crash. I cracked my neck and fingers as I pulled out my dad's pocketknife from my pants pocket, put it down my sleeve again and pushed my glasses back. "That wasn't so hard." I said. The Kraang came out and began blasting. I smirked and begin to fight with my dad's pocketknife on my hand after it slid out, the guys followed up. "Raph, get the phone! Now!" I said as I saw the man in the van. He nodded and went up to the van. Leo came up to me. "E.C, where's Raph?" Leo asked. "I told him to get the phone." I said as I grabbed Leo's hand and helped myself swing in the air and kicked the old man in the face. I got to the ground and let go of his hand. He blushed madly. Then the van drove off. I gasped. 'RAPHIE!!!!!!!' I thought as we all followed the van. Then Raph's been thrown out of the van. My eyes widen and jumped over as Raph landed on his brothers. When I landed, I put the knife away, placed back into my pants pocket and ran up to them. "Are you boys alright?!" I asked. They groaned in pain, nodded and got up. "Did you get the phone?" I asked Raph. "No, I tried to but he got me angry and I...I..." He said getting angry as heck. 'I knew this gonna to happen...' I thought as I grabbed Raph's shoulder. I looked at the road. "Guys, the truck's leaking! Ok, here's the plan for this one. Raph and I will lay low at the lair for a bit or two. You three'll continue the mission till we come back." I explained to them as I pushed my glasses back. Raph's eyes widen. "W-WHAT?!" Raph yelled. "Don't worry, it's about our anger. Once we calm down and control it, we'll get back out there, I promise." I said. He sighs. "Fine." Raph said. I smiled softly. "Ok, quick warning. During your fight with the Kraang, that man will be mutated. Here's a hint of what he's going to become: 'beware of the vemon within.' Got that?" I asked. They nodded and took off. "Come on Raph." I said as we head back to the lair.
~At the lair~
"E.C, are you sure about this? I mean, so what if I gotta temper, I'm still the best fighter! In fact, by anything my anger might be the best thing there is." Raph said. "Raph, three reasons. One: I'm positive sure. Two: you'll always be the best fighter. And three: I don't think that anger's the best thing at all. Am I right Spike? Chew on your leaf if you agree with mama." I said as I pushed my glasses back. Spike took a bite of his leaf. "Told ya, there's one person that agrees with me." I said. "I also agree with Erwina as well." A voice said. Raph jumps in surprise. I turned around to see Splinter. "Care to join us?" I asked. Splinter nodded and sits down. "Seriously, you gotta knock or something." Raph said. "Raphael, let me tell you a story." Splinter said. "Sensei, I'm not in the mood for a story." Raph said. "Erwina, would you like me to tell you a story?" Splinter asked. I nodded as a 'yes.' "Very well. When I was a young man, I fell in love with a woman." Splinter said. "Oh, hey, is it that late?" Raph asked trying to leave. I sat him down. "Oh no, you don't mister." I said as I sit next to him. "Continue please." I said. "Her name is Tang Chen. And I was not the only one who fell in love with her. There is another man competed for her attention. Oroku Saki." Splinter said. "Shredder." Raph and I said. "One day, he insulted me in front of her. He called me many things. I felt I could not let those insults go unanswered. I lost my temper. And overtime, our rivalry festered into hatred...until Shredder sought to finish me...and I lost my beloved Tang Chen." Splinter finished. "I've faced a lot of mistakes way beyond my anger. My anger can take a lot of things from me. I promise myself I won't let that anger take over me again. Not now, not ever." I said. "But--but it wasn't your fault. Shredder insulted you. You have no choice." Raph said. "No choice? I could have chosen to ignore him. I could have chosen to let his words wash over me..." Splinter said. "Like a river over stone." I said. "But I let him anger me. It is I who made his words into weapons." Splinter said as he walked up to us. "That's the choice I made. What choice will you both make?" Splinter asked. He then leaves. Raph begin to think. I smiled softly. "Come on Spike. Papa Raph needs some alone time." I said as I picked Spike up and leave the kitchen with Spike.
~After a little while~
"I'm ready to go back." Raph said. I looked at him. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled widely. "Then let's go." I said as I put Spike into Raph's room and we both head out. As we make it to the surface, we headed to the location to where the others are.
~3 minutes later~
We made it to the location and headed inside. We see Leo, Donnie and Mikey fighting the man who's now Spider Bytez. I smiled. "Wow!" I said. "I agreed E.C, I didn't think this guy could get any uglier." Raph said. "To be honest, I think he should become a skinny legged one." I said. "RAPH!!! E.C!!!" Donnie and Mikey yelled in unison. We both jumped down and landed safely. "Sorry we're late, boys." I said. "Hey, it's the kung fu frog with the salad tongs, and the hot lady." Spider Bytez said. I sighed and rolled my eyes with digust inside. "Hey, it's the stupid big loud mouth, who's butt is going to be kicked." I said as we get into fighting positions. Then we strike at Spider Bytes. Then the three brothers fell to the third floor thanks to Spider Bytez vemon. My eyes widen as I saw the sight. "GUYS!!!!!!" I shouted. "Uh, let's not fall through this floor, ok?" Donnie asked. 'If they fall through that floor, they'll be mutated again but way worse.' I thought. "Dance for me, fools!" Spider Bytez said as he starts to spit out vemon at us. We avoid away from them as much as possible. When I landed onto my left, I saw a vemon heading towards my leg till I saw a light blue flash zoomed by stopping the vemon from getting onto my leg. Then Raph and I saw two more flashes but in a light pink and light green in front of us same goes to the light blue flash till I see some figures walking out of the shadows to see...'The Powerpuff Girls!!!!! Wait, I thought they weren't real. *gasps* unless-' I thought as my head squealed like it was fangirling when I see them like this, but in a fighting stance.

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