New Girl In Town

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~My POV~
"THIS ISN'T HELPING US!" Amy said as the girls, Amy, Sticks and I were being shake by Snakeweed. We found him taking people after Tails spotted him from the sky as he uses his tails to fly up in the air for the view of New York. He grabbed the girls, Amy, Sticks and myself, runs away with us in his vines and the guys, the Kratt brothers, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are chasing us. Then Snakeweed grabbed the pizza guy while running away from the boys. "No! Not the pizza guy! Take Donnie!" Mikey said. "Snakeweed's getting away." Donnie said. We keep turning every corner till we all hit an alley as a dead end. Snakeweed opened the sewer lid. "What are we gonna do?" Miah whispered at me as Sticks uses her boomerang and trying to hit his vine that holds her waist. I took out a smoke bomb. "Just follow my lead." I whispered as Miah, Waunu and Erika smirks secretly. I look at Snakeweed. "Hey Snakeweed!" I called out. He growled and he looked at us the six of us. I threw it at his face, it hit his face, roars and dropped us. The girls, Amy and Sticks landed on their feet. But I saved the pizza guy in my arms, landed on my feet and set him onto his feet. "Go and run! We'll take care of this!" I said as he runs away saying 'thank you!'. We jumped to the fire escape and looked at Snakeweed to see him entering the sewers. 'Perfect.' I thought as the girls lead Amy and Sticks to the rooftop and I followed them behind. Once we got to the rooftop, the guys came in and sighed in relief that we're out of Snakeweed's grip. They looked over the edge to see him gone. "Where did he-" Leo said confused before I cut him off. "He went to the sewers. That's one part of the scenario." I said as I pushed my glasses back and remembering the episode. "How did you know that part?" Amy asked. "Maybe she's a magician who knows everything up her sleeves. Maybe this isn't E.C. at all!" Sticks said as she ran up to me and started to pull my hair off. "Ow! Hey, cut it out!" I said. "Now now, Sticks. She knows everything because she saw the episodes, that's how she knows!" Waunu said as she grabbed Sticks by the arms and I put my hair back into position. "Whoa. You know about this part?" Tails asked me. "Yep. That's how I know everything." I said as I pushed my glasses back. "And the award for the worst leader goes to-" Raph got cut off by Leo. "How am I the worst leader?" Leo asked. "Oh man. Back up, you guys. This is a fresh one, repeat; a fresh one." I said as I pushed the gang, the girls, Kratt brothers, Donnie and Mikey back. "If we did this my way, Snakeweed would be toast by now." Raph said. "Ugh. That'd would be some nasty toast." Mikey said as the girls, Sonic plus the gang and the Kratt brothers shivered in disgust. "That sounds so difficult . . and disgusting." Knuckles said as he felt disgusted. I kept hearing them argued and argued. I growled in anger and split them off. "Cut it out, right now! Listen to me, I've been arguing with my little brother, but this is getting out of hand. So here's the deal for this; Raph, you lead the team, for one night while Leo and I go settle somewhere else. Plus, Martin and Sonic are coming with us, and be our watchers for the night. Deal?" I asked. They both growled and nodded. I sighed. "Alright. Raph, the team's yours for the night. The four of us will go for some air." I said. Leo, Martin and Sonic went off. "By the way Raph, you'll see the true meaning of being the eldest." I said as I followed the three.
~Raph's *Short* POV~
I saw E.C. ran off to catch up with Leo, Martin and Sonic. I got confused on what she said as I blushed softly. 'She knows what's going on between me and Leo. She's so beautiful when she's so smart.' I thought as I cross my arms after I put my sais away. Then I slightly looked at Knuckles as he's like . . . jealous? 'What's he jealous at?' I thought to myself, but got interrupted by Mikey moping as Chris facepalmed. "I can't believe he's gone." Mikey said. "Don't worry, Mikey. Leo just needs to cool his feelings with two teaspoons of calmness and washed down with two tall glasses of having space and forgiveness for himself, along with Martin, E.C. and Sonic." Amy said as my mind gagged at her words. Mikey gave her a look saying 'that's not what I meant.'. Miah sighed as she rephrased it for Mikey. "What he's talking about is the pizza man, which unfortunately, E.C. saved him from Snakeweed." Miah said to Amy as she crossed her arms. "That is good news." Amy said in a jealous tone. "She did that?!" Mikey said to Miah as he grasped her arm. "She sure did, Mikey. Now he's safe." Miah said. "Wow. E.C.'s the best." Mikey said as I smiled softly. 'She is the best.' I thought as my mind shifted to where she said about being the eldest and I'm still confused.
~My POV~
Just as I left to catch up to the other three, I sensed Raph's confusion. "Guys, wait up a moment!" I said as I catch up to them. Leo growled in anger as Martin and Sonic backed up a bit. I grabbed Leo's hand. "Leo, please." I said as I blushed madly.
~Leo's POV~
I blushed as my hand is touch with my blossom. 'OMG OMG OMG! My hand is being touched by my blossom.' I thought
~Sonic's POV~
I smirked secretly as I crossed my arms across my chest. 'Oh man, they're so in love now.' I thought to myself.
~Martin's POV~
I heard Leo and Sonic's thoughts in my head, so I was ready to walk up to Sonic and ask him a question about Amy. But suddenly, I somehow stepped on something as it meowed in pain or something as I yelped in fear and skidded on the rooftop, face first. "Martin!" I heard, E.C, Leo and Sonic as I heard their footsteps coming up to me. "Are ya ok?" I heard Sonic asked me as I pulled my face from the ground and placed my hands over my face. "Owie! Ow ow ow!" I said as I felt my face a bit wet. But I pulled my hands away from my face. "Huh? That's funny. Did I stepped on something?" I asked. "M.K, I think you just stepped on-." E.C. said as she took out her black phone, turns on the flashlight and aimed it at . . . a black cat with bandages on its forehead. "No way, you stepped on a cat!" Leo said. I turned around and saw it. I gasped. "Oh no, I did stepped on it!" I said as the four of us went up to it. "Is it ok?" Sonic asked as I pick it up gently and it meowed softly as its eyes are closed just like this.

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