Mousers Attack!

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~My POV~
The eight of us are in the middle of training practicing a new form, Martin and Chris stayed out because they don't need training. "What your fighting a guy in slow motion?" Raph asked going fast. The girls and I kept going slow and steady pace, without rushing it. "I suppose I could do it faster if I ignore my form, like you." Leo said. Miah, Waunu, Erika and I closed our eyes and finished it off. Sensei smiled at the four of us. "Ignore this form!" Raph said and gained mortal combat with Leo. We stopped and I shaked my head in disappointment. "I got them." I said as I pushed my glasses back and walked up to them. I placed my fingers to their weak spots which made them cringe, then dropped them with my heart beating faster than ever. 'The feeling, it's growing strong.' I thought as I placed my hands in my hoodie pockets. "Competition is an excellent motivator, but not when it turned against each other. So now, you'll spar two on two." Sensei said. "Ok, I'll take Don-" I cut Leo off. "No, you'll take Raph and Donnie'll take Mikey." I said as they looked at me shocked. "It's time to put the brother rivalry aside and work together. By combining your strength and using it together, not using it to go against each other." I said. "Ok, so me and Raph against Mikey and Donnie? Isn't that a little unfair?" Leo asked. "Wait, what are you trying to say?" Donnie asked, getting a little too suspicious as Martin and Chris went 'oooo' silently. "Um, how could I put this gently? We're . . . way better than you guys." Raph said. Mikey scoffed at it. "At fighting, maybe." Mikey said as the girls, Martin and Chris agreed. "Uh, Mikey that's what he meant." I said, remembering the episode as I put my hair strand back of my right ear. "Oh, fine." Mikey said in a mad toned along with Donnie getting mad as the girls and the Kratt bros got so surprised what I said. I sit between Waunu and Sensei as the other girls and the Kratt bros came and sat beside Sensei as the guys get into position.

 I sit between Waunu and Sensei as the other girls and the Kratt bros came and sat beside Sensei as the guys get into position

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"Hajime." Sensei said and immendiately Donnie and Mikey's shells are being kicked. I gave an pained expression with an 'eek' while the girls and the Kratt bros covering their eyes, not watching what happened to Mikey and Donnie. They fell to the floor, in pain. "Ya-me." Sensei said as Miah and Waunu got up. "You're right E.C, working together is fun." Raph said as I smiled softly. "I like to call it a hunch." I said as Miah and Waunu walked up to the other two and helped them up. "It's all right, you two. It takes time to gather your strength, keep practicing ok, boys?" Miah asked as Waunu agreed with her. They blushed at them and nodded. I rolled my eyes, got up and left the dojo. When I'm out of sight away from the others, I pulled my hands out from my pocket and looked at my fingers with a deep blush on my cheeks. 'OMG! I just touched Leo and Raph's weak spots on their necks, now I'll never washed them. Never, for what happened today.' I thought as I ran to the room to grabbed my sketchbook and wrote about what happened today.
~Time Skip~
We're in the living room relaxing while the Kratt Brothers are playing the arcade and I'm busy sketching my next art piece while listening to my music on my black phone with one earphone on my left ear while my right is listening to the conversation. "Look guys, Raph and I may be better fighters but you're still part of the team that's still important, no matter what." Leo said. "Leo got a point, you both are just as important as they are." I said as Waunu gave me a friendly hi-5, as sisters. "As important as you two?" Donnie asked. "Exactly, because you two have something that they didn't have." I said. "She's right about it. We sorta like comparing ourselves, it's almost like apples and oranges." Leo said as Miah and Erika shook their heads with a small smile while Martin and Chris crossed their arms while listening after they turned around from the arcade game. "If apples are way better, which they are." Raph said while reading the comic. I shake my head while pausing the music and pulled my ear plug from my ear. "So the truth comes out." Donnie said. "You guys think of us as some kind of B-team." Mikey said as the girls and the Kratt bros agreed. 'Why are they agreeing with Mikey now?' I thought as I closed my sketchbook after my sketching. "Oh dear, they'll call you the B-team, for now." I said as I pushed my glasses back. The two groaned in disappointment and annoyance. "There's no shame in it. Look at Space Heroes. They got a B-team too." Leo said. The tv shows Captain Ryan bringing two more men. When they arrived at the planet, they immendiately got blasted. Miah, Waunu and my eyes widen in surprise when Erika, Martin and Chris made a face with a 'that's gonna leave them a mark or two.' Look. "Thanks a lot." Donnie said in a sarcastic way. "The point is they have an important function." Leo said then took a bite of his pizza. Then April came in, looking sad. "Got mugged by the Purple Dragons?" I asked. She nodded and sat down, that made Chris comfort April by rubbing her back. "Don't worry, we'll get it back." I said. "But E.C, it's just a phone. I'll get another one." April said. "Yeah, that's true alright. But if we don't get it back, they'll gonna hack into your phone and it'll show the location, which includes the lair!" I said as I hear them gasped. "We need to get it now!!!" Leo said as we're going to the entrance but Sensei stopped us. "Be careful." Sensei said. I smiled slightly, nodded and the ten of us headed for the surface.
~At The Surface~
We made it to the surface and the Purple Dragons hideout. I cracked my knuckles. "Let's move." I said as we headed inside. Immendiately, Chris and Erika kicked the big guy. "What? The turtles and the kids?" Fong asked. I shook my head in disappointment. 'We're teen adults! Can't they tell the difference?!' I thought angrily but calmed down. "Hey baddies." Martin said as we dropped in. They attacked us and we easily beat them, as always. Martin pinned Fong as I walked next to Martin. "I believe you have something of ours, it's a phone from a friend. We wanted it back or . . ." I said as I looked at Raph. He smiled and cracked his knuckles. "Whatever, we steal a lot of phones." Fong said, raised his hands up. "Well, let's see them. Now!" Martin said. He guided us to their loot. I see April's phone. "There it is." I said as I pushed my glasses back. "I'll get it." Martin said as he was getting it but I stopped him. Then the ground shakes, we almost lost our balance. "W-what's happening?" Chris asked worried. Then I sensed something underground. My eyes widen. "Get back, everybody!!!!!!" I said as I pushed them back. The ground breaks as mousers came out and screeches. "MOUSERS!!!" I said. "What the heck are mousers?" Leo asked. Then the mousers starts taking the stuff that they stole and goes back to the hole. Then more mousers came out. "Those things are stealing the stuff that we stole." A purple dragon said. "Wait, where's Fong and the phone?" I asked. We heard Fong laughing and looked to see Fong running off with the phone. "He's got the phone! B-team, go follow him! We'll handled the metal!" Leo said and went to fight the mousers. Martin and I got an eye on one and we thought an idea. "Leo's right, go after Fong. Erika and Chris, go with the b-team and hurry! Martin'll catch up with you guys!" I said. They nodded and went after Fong. We ran for the mouser and pinned it down as I hold my laptop bag with the arm strap. 'Good thing, I brought my laptop and jump drive. Just in case.' I thought. Leo looked at us and went to get us. "Hang on, E.C. and Martin!" Leo said, ready to slice the mouser up. "Leo, STOP!!!!" I said. He stopped. "You four go to where the mousers are going. Martin and I'll take care of this. I'll catch up with you guys." I said. Raph, Leo, Miah and Waunu nodded and went into the hole to follow the mousers. Martin opened the brain core of the mouser as I took out my laptop, opened it up, turned it on, grabbed my jump drive and started hooking it up. "Let's do this, Martin." I said as he and and I fist-bump each other. "Team tech is go!" Martin said as we get started.
~Erika's POV~
We followed Fong to the abandoned warehouse. We went to the rooftop and peeked at the roof glass to see it has Dogpound inside. "Oh man. We can't take Dogpound on our own. Maybe we should wait for Leo, Raph, Miah, Waunu, E.C. and Martin?" Mikey asked as Chris snd I facepalmed. Then we looked at each other, blushed madly and looked away with a sweet smile on our faces. 'Oh man, the feeling. It's been so strong and sweet when he and I see each other for the first time.' I thought but it has been interrupted by Donnie yelling at Mikey. "And tell them we chicken out? Then they'll never stop calling us the b-team. The four of us will use shealth. With the right plan, we can grab the phone without Dogpound ever seeing us. Ok?" Donnie asked Mikey as Mikey nodded. "Hate to be the bad news, but we need to think of something fast or things will get out of hands." I said as Chris agreed with me. "We'll think of something, Erika." Donnie said. "I was afraid you say that sooner." Chris said as his hand brushed over my hand and I blushed madly. 'There it goes again.' I thought again, but shook it off as Donnie starts explaining.
~My POV~
I ran through the rooftop and made it to the old warehouse. I left Martin with the mouser and my laptop. 'I hope Martin don't break my laptop, or he'll pay for it. It's special to me since my 15th birthday.' I thought as I peek inside to see it has Baxter Stockman inside. I smirked as I fixed my hair and pushed my glasses back. 'Found ya.' I thought as I opened the window quietly. When I got in, I closed the window, quietly ran downstairs and hid behind the pillar to hear what Baxter said to the mousers. "Well done, my pretties." Baxter said as I sighed silently. 'More like thieves.' I thought as I silently use my gymnastics and stopped near the spot where Leo and Raph landed. 'This is it. I'll show my appearances with the rest.' I thought as I pushed my glasses back. Then I heard Leo, Raph, Miah and Waunu showed up by jumping down from the roof holders and landed smoothly. "Dexter Baxman." Raph said as they stood up, he took out his sais and twirled it in his hands. That made my cousin-sister and best friend chuckled at Raph's joke. "It's Baxter Stockman." He said. "He was close." I said as I step out of the shadows, wearing my black hoodie, black sweatpants and dark gray sneakers. "E.C!" Leo and Raph shouted as they saw me and smiled widely. "Good thing I dropped by." I said as I put the strand back. The five of us looked at Baxter Stockman as the three of us put our fists up. "So, you three are here to stop me again, with new recruits. Well, you five don't stand a change against my mousers." Baxter said as he points at us and one of the mousers chomp its lips for supper. "Ok. Two things. First off; thats the lamest name ever. And second, what are mousers?" Miah asked as she pushed her glasses back, I gasped slightly and elbowed her to shut up. He spoke about what they are as it got me bored up and yawned slightly. 'Boring!' I thought. "Seems a little force." Leo said. "You mean, a lot of force." I said for Leo as he and Raph blushed slightly and chuckled nervously. But they shook it off and gets into positions. "Since my test robbery was successful, it's time to move on to bigger targets. These are about to make me very, very rich." Baxter said. "And we're gonna make you very, very hurt with numbs you have to survive on." I said as the five of us start walking up to Baxter to pound him. What they didn't expecting that I discover is Baxter took out a silver can and sprayed us with red acid. I gasped as my eyes widen. "Guys, protect your eyes, it's acid!" I said as we shielded our eyes from getting acid into our eyes. We coughed. But when we open our eyes, . . . we're ok. "Guys. We're ok." I said as we heard Leo coughs and placed his hands on his neck and tried to cough it up. "Leo, we're ok." I said as I slightly facepalm my face. When he realize we're ok, he let go of his neck. "You're right, E.C. Get him!" Leo said as Miah, Waunu and I get into fighting postions. "Get me? No, you will be the ones who will be getten got! Gotten? Get them!" Baxter said as the mousers came towards us with screechs. Miah and Waunu yelped in fear as Leo, Raph and I ran and smashed the mousers down. I turned around to see Miah and Waunu are surrounded by the mousers. "Oh man." I said to myself as I ran to help them. I ran and use my fist to smash the mousers down. I looked at the girls. "Get over your fear and start fighting!" I said as Miah and Waunu took deep breaths, put on determined faces, nodded and we ran and mashed them into mouser plates. The five of us landed at the staircase where I used to run down to hide behind the pillar. "Ha! All gone." Raph said as I sensed something next to me. "Raph, you spoke too soon. And you gotta stop saying that." I said in a Nature Cat voice, but quickly covered my mouth, blushed and chuckled nervously. "Sorry about it." I said. "Good thing I made extra." Baxter said as he shows a remote control and pressed a black button that makes the window up. We looked to see a whole bunch of mousers. Miah and Waunu gulped silently as my eyes widen. 'This is going to be too much fun for us.' I thought as the mousers have been activated, the doors open, they ran out of the storage area and screeches at us. We looked at each other and jumped down to attack the mousers. Leo sliced them and Raph stabbed them through while Miah, Waunu and I smashed them through with our fists that are stronger than steel. "I'm calling it, time to go." Leo said. "I'll allow it." Raph answered as we leave. "Same here." Miah, Waunu and I said as we followed them and the mousers followed us, right behind us. 'I hope Martin gets to them soon, because we have trouble behind us! And Baxter's will be next for the foot clan.' I thought as we keep running.
~Erika's POV~
Chris, Mikey, Donnie and I were in a small circle while Donnie's talking about a diversion, so we can swipe the phone before Dogpound notices it. "We need a diversion, so the four of us can grab the phone." Donnie said as Mikey scratched his head a bit while Chris and I thought about getting a second plan, or should I say back-up plan, just like Shelbie did from the few days ago. When we heard a screech, we stood up and see Martin coming up to us with a mouser, but its light is . . . green. "Whoa, what did you do to it to go good-side, Martin?" I asked Martin with my arms crossed as we walked up to him. "Oh ho, it wasn't me who changed it to green. It was E.C, she has the brains to hack into this and use my files, along with yours, Chris's, E.C.'s, Miah's and Waunu's files into this. All she told me right before she left to catch with the others is type some more to update the files into it, so it can go into the rest of the mousers brain core. But it needed is some voice identification for these mousers to join our side." Martin said as he took out Shelbie's laptop plus her jump drive, opens it up and types it up while he's on his knees. Donnie blinked with his eyes widen in surprise. "I don't know what to say for E.C, but she's so cool with technology and more." Donnie said as he smiled at E.C.'s laptop with amazement. I smiled and shook my head with a smile on my face. 'He's right, my cousin's the best at technology.' I thought as we looked at Martin. "I just need time, you guys can tell me about your plans." Martin said as our eyes widen in surprise. "H-how d-di-" Martin cut Chris off. "Don't blame it on me, blame it on the serum that mades my mind go into your thoughts, plus blame it on E.C. for this." Martin said. "Ok. We'll make them think the police are here. We'll need a blowhorn, some flashing lights and a siren." Donnie explains as I took out my notepad, my lucky pen and wrote some notes down. "Operation; copout!" Mikey said excitedly. "Or we can make them think the place is on fire. We'll need a smoke machine, an orange light and some firefighter jackets." Donnie explains more as I wrote some more notes. "Operation; burnout!" Mikey said excitedly, again. "Or we can find a breaker box and shut off the power, we'll need . . . um, nothing." Donnie explains as I kept writing more but put an question mark for the breaker box. "Operation; blackout! No, lights out! No, power out! This one's too good, I can't handle it!" Mikey said excitedly again as he swing his arms up and lays down that made Donnie looked at Mikey, weird. 'This could be a big problem for us four now, and Martin's typing some files for the mouser.' I thought as I closed my notepad, clicked my pen to close and put them away. 'I hope the others are ok.' I thought again.
~My POV~
The five of us ran and jumped from rooftop to rooftop to get away from the mousers. "We need to get them off our tails, E.C! Got any ideas?" Miah asked me about getting them away from us. "I saved my last plan for the best one. But for now, we need to deal and destroy the mousers for fun or not." I said as we stopped at one spot to catch our breaths. I placed my hands on my knees, pushed my glasses back and fixed my hair up. "Did you guys think we lost them yet?" Leo asked us as we heard a screech from afar. Raph and I looked over the edge to see some mousers running up to the building where we are and screeches at us. "I'd say no." Raph said as we kept on running and jumping on the rooftop to get away from them. "How are those things keep tracking us five?" Waunu asked as she pushed her glasses back. "It's got to be the stuff that he sprayed us with." Raph answered her question. "Ok, we better call Donnie." Leo said. "You want to get bailout with the b-team? Forget that!" Raph yelled at Leo. That's where I looked up ahead to see a pipe that connects the water tower to the building. "Maybe you guys won't have to." I said as I use my finger to point at the pipe and we ran up to it. Leo took out his katana and slid to a stop, along with me, Raph, Miah and Waunu. "Whatever this stuff is, we'll just wash it off us!" Leo said as he sliced the pipe to release water and splashed at us, but it ain't warm water as I thought. "Whoa! Cold water!" I said as I placed my arms on my upper arms to warm up. "Ahh! Cold!" Raph shouted as it washes the stuff off us. And Miah, Waunu and my clothes are in drenched from the water. "Great, our clothes are cold. Now, we'll have to move around to get them dry fast!" Miah said in a anger tone. "That oughta do it." Leo said. But the screech sounded again as we looked at the edge to see two mousers coming up the building, saw us and screech at us. "Well, that didn't work." I said. "Of course. We could call Donnie just to say 'hi.'." Raph said as he looked at Leo. "And we better do this fast." I said as Leo got his t-phone out. 'I hope Martin gets this call soon.' I thought.
~Erika's POV~
The four of us walked around in a track-like oval shape to get good ideas and Martin is still typing away. "Is it done?" I asked Martin. "Not yet, it's still updating, but it's on . . . 54 percent." Martin said. I sighed softly and kept on thinking. When I looked at Donnie, as first he had an idea but dropped it and kept going. I kept on going too. When I just have an idea, Donnie spoke first as I got my notepad out, grabbed my pen, click it open and start writing notes down. "I got it. I'll use my t-phone to hack the CIA computer system, then reroute the satellite over the building and focus its beams to get them all splitting headaches." Donnie explains as I put finished it with a 'Big Idea!!' on it. "Operation; spaced out!" Mikey said excitedly with stars in his eyes and I chuckled with a smile on my face. That made Chris blushed when I chuckled. "That's perfect Donnie, but how can you guys gonna get in without getting headaches?" Martin asked as he kept typing for thr brain core of the mouser. "Good question, Martin. That's when we go in, wearing tin foil hats to protect ourselves and-" Donnie got cut off by his t-phone sounded off, he grabbed it and was ready to answer the call, but got stopped by Martin. "Donnie, may I take the call?" Martin asked. Donnie nodded and gave his t-phone to Martin as he answered it. "Martin speaking. Oh hey, Leo. What's the problem? Oh, please don't tell me that the a-team need our help and E.C.'s with you guys? That's great. We got this, they follow Fong to the old factory on fifth. Anyhow, we have an awesome plan to get the phone back. How are you guys doing? Ok, Leo. See ya later." Martin said as he hang it up and gave it back to Donnie. "Ok based on Leo's voice, the mousers are after the five of them. If they catch up to your brothers plus the girls, they're mouser chow for them." Martin said. We go and get the plan started. 'Hope they're not in trouble.' I thought as we grabbed the gear.
~My POV~
Leo was done calling someone. But since I have sense of hearing, I can hear the voice closeup on the t-phone. "That was Martin, wasn't it?" I asked Leo as he nodded and looked at Raph as Miah, Waunu and I looked down to see mousers chomping at the base of the woods that holds the water tower still. Moments earlier, when we tried to smash the mousers, more came up and that's where we are, sitting at the top of the same water tower, even though it isn't enough for the five of us. "You were right. We got to beat these things on our own if it kills us." Leo said as my, Miah and Waunu's eyes widen in surprise. "Uh-" Raph got cut off by Leo. "Ok, bad choice of words." Leo said. "You can say that again." I said as we heard a creak. My eyes widen again as I look down to see the woods starting to break. "Guys, brace for im-" I said but got cut by the woods break under us, we fell to the ground as we yelped in fear, landed to the ground and we groaned in pain. "Pact." I said in a painful tone and I pushed my glasses back.
~Erika's POV~
Donnie placed an AC wire into the circuit box as Chris and I wearing gloves, so we won't get electrified by electricity inside of it. Donnie and Mikey smiled as Chris and I placed our hair strands back a bit. "Ok, let's do this guys." Donnie said as he, Mikey, Chris and I fist-bumped each other. But when Chris and my fists got to each other, we got so surprised, looked at each other and blushed at each other. 'There is it again, the feeling.' I thought but Mikey's voice interrupted us. "B-team is go!" Mikey said but Donnie got irritated that our fists pulled back and Donnie warned Mikey. "Don't call us that!" Donnie informed Mikey as Mikey remembered what he said. "Oh, right." Mikey said as Chris and I smiled softly. "Ok, let's go to the plan." I said as Chris and I got to the flips on the circuit box. "Once we shut it off, you two go into the warehouse and we'll follow. Martin should have the updating done." I said as we looked at Martin. "It's at 76 percent, few more to go. I'll wait." Martin said as we gave Martin thumbs up. When Martin look through the window and gasped. "Uh guys, you might want to see this." Martin said as we walked over to see the other purple dragons coming in with a man with glasses. "Well, that's never a good sign and who's that?." I asked Martin. "Oh no, it's Baxter Stockman. He's the guy who wanted revenge on us since the first day, but it's a long story." Chris said in a scared voice. We see Baxter setting up the laptop and hooking the cord to the phone. That made Martin gasped slightly. "You guys better get moving fast, or we'll be dead meat for sure." Martin said as we get moving. 'Oh, hurry Shelbie.' I thought as we get moving.
~My POV~
Leo kept slicing some mouser, Raph stabbed through them repeatly while Miah. Waunu and I kept on punching them to bits. Leo looked at us as we looked at him. "Look girls and Raph, mouser convos." Leo said as he showed us three on one katana and two on the other. I took out my black phone and took a picture.

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