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~My POV~
We're trying to track the power cell and following the helicopter that has it with the patrol buggie and Sonic use his own speed to catch up to it. "Stay on 'em, Leo! My Kraang app's tripping out! It's picking up a signal from the power cell." Donnie said. "Again?" Leo asked. I looked up to see the same helicopter with the power cell. I smiled. "Last time, that thing led us to a burrito in a microwave." Leo said. "Guys, listen. Donnie's telling the whole truth, look up!!!" Miah said as I pointed to the helicopter. They looked up and see the helicopter with the power cell. They nodded. "Now, which way, Donnie?" Amy asked. "Left!" Donnie said as Leo made a left turn that some of us hold the rim of the buggie. "Left again!" Donnie said as Leo did it again that made us hold it again. "Guys, they're getting away! We're never catch them on ground!" Martin said as he kept his eyes on the helicopter. "Right!" Donnie said as we made a hard right. I saw a truck coming to us. "Look out!" Waunu said as our pupils shrunk and the truck honked. "Left right, left right, wah!" Donnie said as he hold Miah closed. "That does it!" I said as I pushed my glasses back and pulled the lever on my left side. Immediately it split all of us up, then we got back together. Mikey whooped with excitement. "Yeah, this is more fun than a Shiner's parade!" Mikey said. "What does that mean?!" Tails asked. "Right!" Donnie said as we got a hard right. "Wall!" Erika said as she points at it. I yelped and jumped onto Leo's lap, pulled the brakes and make a big spin on the buggie that made some of us yelped in fear. Donnie accidentally let go of his t-phone and it collided to the wall causing it to break with friction. Sonic skidded to a stop as his sneakers are a bit burning red. We all looked up to see the helicopter flew passed us. "No, we lost them." I said as Martin and Knuckles groaned in disappointment. I took off my helmet that Koki made for the girls, Sonic's friends and myself to let my hair flow free in the breeze. 'If we lost them, I know where they're taking it but for what?' I thought.
~???'s POV~
I was waiting with a Kraang by my side as it glance at the generator with a blank face. "Face it, Kraang. You'll never get the power cell back cause of those . . . pesky kids, they had it and you're lost." I said. "The one known as one of the four heaven kings from the Dark Kingdom has no right to do, known as commanding and telling us what to do." The Kraang said as I crossed my arms. "Listen, Kraang. If they bring the power cell and the Legendary Silver Heart here, we'll tell her or him where the Legendary Silver Crystal is hidden." I said. Then we heard footsteps as we glanced at two Kraang coming back. "I suppose Kraang has once again been foiled by turtles along with the kids and new members and failed to retrieve that which Kraang was to retrieve." One Kraang said. "Kraang is wrong. Kraang has retrieved it. In Kraang's face." The other said as it lifted the power cell up. "The power cell." The Kraang said. "The power cell." The other one said. "So I suppose you didn't get the new Sailor Guardian, along with the missing Sailor Guardians." I said as Kraang walked up to me. "Kraang have already seen the appearance of the missing Sailor Guardians. They are . . . Erwina Chee, Miah Bitsui, Waunuleta Wauneka and Erika Edmo." The Kraang said as I smirked. "So those pretty human girls from another planet are the ones who are the missing Guardians?" I asked. "Kraang is correct what it sees from the thing known as the point of view." It said. "Looks like we'll give our guests and VIPs a big welcoming party ever, once they witness the ending of their world." I said. "The one known as . . . Kunzite has agreed by Kraang." It said as it walked away. "Place the power cell into the generator, so we can begin the invasion." I said as the blue Kraang took the power cell from the other Kraang, walked over to the small box and placed it into the generator. It powered the whole system as I looked at the portal to see it powering up. "Looks like we'll been having more guests for destruction to destroy the kids that held the power cell long. And then, it'll be the end of the world." I said as I chuckled evilly and the Kraang are getting the portal ready for the invasion.
~My POV~
"I'm afraid to say this, but we all have to see Leatherhead as fast as we can." I said remembering the episode as I fixed my hair. I see Donnie's face going pale after his eye pupils shrunk. "Uh, l-l-Leatherhead?" Donnie asked scared. "Since he's the one who took the power cell from the Kraang, he knows where to find it." I said. "He's also the one who likes to grab my face and shake me like a rag doll!" Donnie complains. Martin chuckled as Chris gets worried for Donnie. "Good times, I say. Good times." Martin said. "Martin, cut it out! Donnie seriously hates it!" Chris said. "Come on bro, he's a good friend, 'who likes to grab Donnie's face and shake him like rag doll!'. Haha!" Martin said as Chris got super mad at him. "Right, . . let's go." Martin said as he walks away from Chris as fast as his feet can carry. I sighed and walked up to Miah. "Say Miah, can you, like, give Donnie some good advice for telling him to hide?" I asked. She nodded, took deep breaths and walked up to Donnie. "Donnie, trust me on this. I'll let you know when it's time to hide. Alright?" Miah asked. He blushed and nodded at her. She and I smiled softly. "Alright, let's move!" I said as we went to find Leatherhead.
~Time Skip At The Sewers~
We're swimming through the tunnel. But since Sonic's still afraid of water, we left him back at the lair. We kept swimming till we saw a surface. The guys sprouted first, Martin and Chris went next, then Sonic's friends and the girls. But as for me, I was the last one and manage to get some air. I splashed out of the water, did the somersault in the air and landed on the ground softly. When I opened my eyes, I pulled my glasses out from my pocket, placed them back on and see Leo and Raph blushed madly. 'Must've been an illusion.' I thought as I help the guys out of the pool, along with the rest. "Who can hold their breaths? We all can." Mikey said as I shaked my head softly. "We would've have to if you two hasn't kept swimming off to pick up trash." Raph said. "One person's garbage is another person's treasure." Sticks said as she hugs her trash, sams goes to Mikey in a loving way. "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure it's every person's trash." Amy said as she crossed her arms. "Yeah. And not the crispy kind that Martin almost burned our breafast this morning." Knuckles said as Miah and Waunu don't allow that from this morning. I sighed softly as I twisted my hair to drain the water out, then I heard a deep snore, then turned around and my eyes widen when I saw Leatherhead. "Guys shhh! Look and there he is." I whispered as I guided their heads to look at Leatherhead. "That's Leatherhead, you four." Chris whispered as Amy, Knuckles, Tails and Sticks eyes widen. "Uh, d-did you guys know h-he's a, um, a crocodile?" Amy asked in a whisper tone. "Actually, he's an alligator, he's sweet and he's the guy who took the power cell from the Kraang, so we'll ask him where he found it." Miah whispered as she pushed her glasses back. "We all don't want to alarm him, so no one made sudden moves." Leo whispered. "Aww! Look how cute." Mikey whispered in a lovely tone as he started to go up to him. When he's ready to hug him, Leatherhead's jaw widen open then snapped closed that made Mikey yelled in fear, walked back with fear, landed at the wall with his shell and chuckled worried. "Who's gonna wake him u-GIRLS WHAT ARE YOU FOUR DOING?!" Donnie whisper shout as Miah, Waunu, Erika and I went up to Leatherhead. "Hide guys, hide!" Waunu whispered. The rest hide as Miah kneeled down on her knees and placed his head on her lap, he growled softly as I petted his top head. "Leatherhead, wakey wakey, eggs and bakey." I said softly as I pushed my glasses back a bit. He opened his eyes, gray. He growled in anger. We get up and walked back a bit. He grabbed Waunu by the hips and roared in her face. "WAUNU!!!!!!" The guys, Amy, Knuckles, Tails, Sticks and the Kratt brothers shouted. Miah, Erika, Waunu and I hummed the tune that we sang to him when we all first met. He still looks mad a little bit. So I sign language Waunu to rub his favorite spot on the head and she did as told. Then he calmed down. "There we go, that's it." Erika said with a smiled as we stayed calmed. "Waunuleta, Erika, Miah and Erwina?" Leatherhead asked. Then he saw the guys, the Kratt brothers and Sonic's friends approached him with caution. "My friends. Oh no, I got angry again, didn't I?" Leatherhead asked as he set Waunu down and she pushed her glasses back. "It's all right. You don't have to control it, it's just a nightmare that won't go away." I said. 'Just like Martin.' I thought to myself. "I am sorry. You are my friends, the only ones I can truly trust. That's why I gave you the power cell for safekeeping." Leatherhead said. The ten of us stopped with a worried faces. "Well, uh, ya see, it's-it's uh, it's really difficult to say." I said. "Funny story, true story also." Waunu said as she fidget her fingers. I looked at Miah and nodded. She nodded back and looked at Donnie. "Donnie, hide now." Miah said. Donnie nodded and ran to hide. "Well, ya see Leatherhead, we're really sorry. But I really need to tell you this that we, the fourteen of us, have lost the power cell . . ." I said then I hear him growled in anger as the guys, Kratt brothers and Sonic's friends backed up a bit. "To the Kraang." I finished before I pushed the girls out of the way. We heard him roar, ran up to where Donnie's hiding, found Donnie and grabbed him by the face again. Donnie yelped in fear in Leatherhead's hand as he shakes him up and down. "Girls, he's grabbing me by the face again!!!!!" Donnie shouted in Leatherhead's hand as Amy, Knuckles, Sticks and Tails' eyes widen in surprise. The four of us went up to Leatherhead and petted him again. "Easy buddy, calm down." Miah said in a soothing voice then seeing him calm down. "No, Leatherhead. These are your friends." Leatherhead said. We heard a muffled 'mm-hmm' out of Donnie. He sighed softly and put Donnie down. "Obviously, you all did everything that you could to protect it." Leatherhead said. "Yeah. We all tried to get it back as fast as we can, really we did everything we could." Erika said. "We need to get it back, fast." Waunu said as she pushed her glasses back. "With the power cell, the Kraang can open the portal to Dimension 'X', and when it opens, --" I cut him off. "They can use it to bring everything from their home to here or the girls plus mine or the Kratt brothers or Sonic and his friends or everybody else's!" I said as I pushed my glasses. "Things so horrible, they terrify even me." Leatherhead said. "We need to keep the portal from being opened. Can you tell us where it is?" Miah asked. Leatherhead sighed as I know that he remembers. "All I remember is this." Leatherhead said then he began to draw on the floor. I gasped, took out my black phone and took a picture of what Leatherhead drew. The drawing looks like this.

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