It Came From The Depths

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~My POV~
We're all relaxing in the living room, except I have some art sketching problems; I can't think of the next art except thinking about the crystal and Martin's nightmares. 'Ugh! This is not supposed to happened to me!' I thought as I threw my lead pencil across the room, closed my sketchbook with rage in my body and placed my face into my hands. "Whoa, someone's not happy." I heard Martin said. "It's because of you having nightmares and that silly crystal you've been talking about!" I heard Chris yelled at his only brother but I don't want to hear more. "Who wants to try my latest creation? We all love pizza, we all love milkshakes, so I combined them." Mikey said as he came in with his hands behind him. At the milkshake part, Miah, Waunu, rika and I let the guys try the milkshake with different flavors like vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cherry and mint chocolate chip ice cream with the milkshake maker. They took the sip and they loved it. Good thing Miah and Erika are taking pastry class while Waunu and I are taking intro to culinary arts. "Ok, that could not be less appetizing." Donnie said as he put his hands up a bit. 'Wait a minute, . . . pizza, . . . milkshake, . . . oh snap.' I thought as I pull my face out from my hands and pushed my glasses back, remembering the episode. "Please don't tell me that you made . . . " I said. "I called it a p-shake." Mikey said as he shows a drink of pizza and milkshake mixed together. My face turned pale as Donnie almost threw up but hold it in. "I stand corrected." Donnie said grossed out as Martin and Chris shivered in disgust. "You guys just have no sense of adventure." Mikey said as he's about to take a sip. "Mikey, don't you dare-" Waunu got cut off by Mikey taking a sip. "Drink it up." Waunu finished as Miah, Erika and I facepalmed on our foreheads. Mikey then spits back into the cup. The rest of us except Mikey said 'ew!'. "Where did I go wrong?" Mikey asked then chugged it all up. We shivered in disgust. "Leo, please change the channel or someone else might throw up in front of us." I said as Leo changed the channel which shows Space Heroes. Miah, Waunu, Erika and I smiled at the show. "You girls have to be the only people in the world who likes this show." Raph said as the four of us looked at him. "To be honest with ya and the truth comes out, we sorta like Space Heroes." I said as Miah jumped in. "Not as much as the four of us like Star Wars." Miah said. "Or Star Trek." Waunu said. "Actually, those two are the only ones we really loved since we were only 6 or 7." Erika said as we agreed with her. They looked at the four of us confused. "Uh, what's Star Wars and Star Trek?" Chris asked as Martin tried to shut his brother up but it was too late. The girls and I gasped along with our family and friends. "That does it! You guys are gonna watch Star Wars and Star Trek with us, right after this!" Miah said as she grabbed the remote and changed it to the next channel. It shows the news. "I'm Joan Grody, with a sewer shocker. City workers attacked . . . by mutants?" Joan asked. I smiled slightly as the guys and the Kratt bros are confused. "It was like part man, part reptile and all monster! Came out of nowhere and attacked me." The man said on the news. They looked at us girls. "It wasn't you guys. It was Leatherhead." I said. "Wait a minute, as in THE Leatherhead, the sweetest, kindest and most special mutant as Mikey said in the episode, but has a little trouble on his anger issue?" Miah asked. I got confused but played along. "Yeah, how did you know?" I asked her as she pushed her glasses back. "Let's call it a big hunch." Miah said innocent. I got so suspicious. 'Something's up with Miah now.' I thought to myself. "That's the one, alright." I said. "Take a look at this terrifying footage." Joan said, showing the footage. The man was talking about the sewers till Leatherhead came up behind him with grey eyes, . . . plus a dirty blonde curly hair girl with sky blue eyes, looking almost like a high school or college senior student. My eyes widen and the same thing happened to Waunu. "Hey, did you see that same dirty blonde curly hair? Doesn't it look familiar to you?" I asked Waunu as she pushed her glasses back. "Yep." She said. Leatherhead attacked the man and the footage ends. "Are malicious mutants menacing Manhattan? Find out next on Grody . . . to the max." She said. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Donnie said. "We have to find Leatherhead first before the Kraang gets to him. Erika?" I asked as Erika nodded, grabbed the remote and rewind it to show the tunnel number. "Tunnel 281." Martin said as he and Chris put on their creature power suit. "Let's move!" I said as the ten of us headed to the tunnel
~Time Skip~
We made it to the tunnel, Donnie and Leo moved tape up a bit and we all through the tape. We kept going, I act brave as I pushed my glasses back and fixed my hair. "Whoa, oof!" Martin said as he stumbled on something and fell to the floor face-first. "Martin, ya ok?" Chris asked as he ran and helped him up. "Yeah, just stumbled on something a bit deep than usual." Martin said. I see a huge footprint. "Martin, you stumbled on this footprint." I said as I showed Martin what he stumbled on and he chuckled nervously as sweat flow down on his face. I sensed Waunu have some sort of power in her. "We're close, something's close. I can feel it inside of me." Waunu said. Then we heard blasters and a roar. I gasped as I got up. "That's Leatherhead!" I said as I ran to the scene. I heard the rest telling me to come back and don't do it, then they went after me. I made it and I saw Leatherhead, bashing and crushing the Kraang up. The rest made it and saw him. The Kraang are zapping him. The girls gasped and I felt rage in my body and it's telling me that I have to save Leatherhead for all cost. The Kraang are telling him where the power cell is and Leatherhead refused to answer the question. The Kraang keep zapping him. 'That does it!' I thought. "Miah and Erika, you two take the right, I'll protect Leatherhead. Mikey, I sensed that you wanted to help too, so you take the left with Waunu." I said, they nodded. The other five tried to protest about this but we made it to the battlefield. I ran straight to Leatherhead, slid on my knees and he saw me. He growled as I 'hush' him calmly, gently and peacefully. "It's alright, we'll protect ya. I promise you that." I said in a gentle voice as I grabbed his hand and rubbed it softly. Then, he passed out as the other five joined the fight. The rest managed to take them all down. "So, what do we do now?" Donnie asked. "We get out of here before more Kraang shows up." Leo said as he put his katanas away. "We can't just leave him here, what if the Kraang finds him?" I asked. "Erwina? Waunuleta?" A voice asked. That made Waunu and I looked around to see the same girl on the news, but she got bruises and a wound with something on her hand. "H-h-Haley?" Waunu and I asked as tears of joy foaming our eyes. She smiled, ran up and hugged us. We hugged back not letting it go. "Thank goodness you're safe." I said. "We thought you never survived, but you did." Waunu said. "I know." Haley said then passed out in our arms as she dropped something out of her hand and three things rolled to Miah, Erika and Martin while the other two stayed with us. "What the-?" Martin asked as the five of us picked them up and see it looked like a wand-liked stick. "Anyway, we have to get both of them out of here." I said as the five of us put the sticks into our pockets in our jackets. "Well, what you want to do? Take them back to the lair?" Leo asked. I made a face saying 'please?'. Leo's eyes widen. "Oh, no. Did you see what he did to those Kraang? We are not bringing that monster home with us." Leo said. "He's not a monster, he's a mutant with a very kind and protective heart. Please Leo, we have to take them back!" I said. Leo crossed his arms. "I'm sorry E.C, but no means no." Leo said. I sighed. "Fine Leo, but you leave me no choice." I said as I take my glasses off.
~Miah's *Short* POV~
Erwina just took her glasses off and turned around while I grabbed and hold her glasses. "Oh man, not the main weakness." I heard Waunu said in a whisper tone as Erwina put her hands together and make the Chibiusa eyes.

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