The Pulverizer

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~My POV~
We're all told to meet Donnie and Tails at the old subway, they also told all of us that Donnie wanted to show us something amazing. While we're waiting for them, Knuckles shown me his one arm push-up and Sonic tells me his stories of how he (plus the gang) defeat Eggman in one piece that made me chuckled softly as I sensed Leo and Raph's jealousy. Luna and Artemis were watching Terrance while telling him a story how their home was destroyed. "Ugh, what's taking so long? Donnie knows I have a short atten-oh, gum!" Mikey said before picking up an old chewed gum. Raph slapped it away from Mikey before he had a chance to eat it. "Man, this better worth it." Raph said. I heard something, I turned my gaze away from Knuckles' skill plus Sonic's stories and look at the source. My eyes widen with a smile as Miah squealed and shook my arm with excitement. "Uh, Raph. This really is worth it." I said when I guided Raph's head to the source of the sound. We all see the shellraiser rolling in. I immediately remembered the episode as I squealed in fangirl and jumped up and down with joy as Miah did the same. We ran around and examine it with happiness. "Definitely worth it." I heard Raph said it. We heard the doors open before Miah went up to meet up with the rest. "So?" Donnie asked. "You turned Leatherhead's old subway car into this?" Leo asked. "Donnie, have I ever told you how awesome you are?" Raph asked. "No, you haven't." Donnie said. "Well, I'm seriously considering it." Raph said. "Guys, where's E.C?" Donnie and Tails asked in unison. "THIS IS THE BESTEST DAY EVER!!!!" I said as I pushed my glasses back. "And there goes her fangirlism." Terrance said in disappointment. I ran up to my brother and hugged him really tight. "I can't believe it, Donnie finally made their own ride, with Tails' help!" I said as I let go of my little brother. "What do you call this thing?" Leo asked. As Donnie answered scientifically, I looked at Mikey along with Miah and we nodded. 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . "The shellraiser!!!" The three of us said it at the same time. The rest look at us. "What?" Donnie asked. "The shellraiser! It's a perfect name for this coolest ride." Miah said as she pushed her glasses back. "That is a perfect name." Leo said. "Of course it is, guys. It's just, that, you three have always underestimated Mikey." I said. "Agreed." Miah said as she grabbed Mikey's arm. "Come on guys, let's go and test out this bad boy out!" I said as I pulled the guys inside as the rest followed. I head to Donnie's seat and pressed the power button, we all see the shellraiser perfectly. "Cool." Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks said in unison. "Ok, I know this episode. So I know the seat arrangements since I listen to Donnie really carefully. Leo, you'll take the driver's seat. Raph, you're handling the weapons. Donnie's in charge of music and power. And Mikey, you'll take the navigation station. *chuckles* Oh man, that rhymes. Maybe I should join poetry club." I said. "Why's Leo driving?" Raph asked. "He's at least a driver who can't hit something for fun." I said. "True." Mikey and Raph said in unison. They all got into their stations. "Oh Miah, Waunu, Erika and E.C, I have a surprise for you four." Donnie said as Tails press a button. It revealed four seats with some buttons and eight levers. We gasped so did the others. "Tails and I made you four four seat that can give the shellraiser a boost also. Also, I'm not in charge of music . . ." Donnie said as he guided Miah to her seat which is the second seat as we took the seats. I got the first one, Waunu got the third one and Erika got the fourth one. "You are, E.C. Also I have heard that you and Miah love the sightings around New York City, so by the time we're driving, Erika can pressed a button that opens the hatch and you two will see the sightings around New York City, do you four like it?" Donnie asked as Tails gets worried. "We love it!!! Thank you so much, Donnie and Tails!!!!" The girls and I said in unison as we sat down at our seats. Martin, Chris, Terrance, Sonic and the gang hold onto the pole. Knuckles growled in disappointment. "How come the girls get the seats and we don't?" Knuckles asked in disappointment. "Don't worry, Knux. It's just luck, I suppose." I said before the girls chuckled silently. "So, how do we get this baby going?" Leo asked. I see a blue button and pressed it to reveal the screen of Leo. 'Ok, that's easy as pie.' I thought. "Ya see the handle that has the letter labels on them, Leo?" I asked. Leo looked and saw it. "Yeah." Leo said. "Push the break down, switch the handle to D then release the break and press your feet at the gas pedal." I said. He did as he's told and we start moving. "Whoo, what's powering this thing?" Raph asked. "Donnie used the power cell as the only main source to activate the shellraiser, that we got from Leatherhead." I said as Waunu gave me a high five, can't leave my best friend hanging. "Who's Leatherhead?" Amy asked as the four are confused what we're talking about. "You'll find out later, Amy." Chris said. "I thought Donnie said that was dangerous, like, the Kraang could track it." Leo said. "He definitely did, that's why he placed the power cell under a led glass sheild. Now, he can regulate the out point and prevent the Kraang from tracking its signal." I said. "I hate to interrupt but, dead end!" Mikey said. We're all getting closer to the wall. "Uh, g-girls, how do I stop this thing?" Leo asked. I pressed the same blue button and it showed Leo on the screen. "Whatever you do, don't stop!" I said. "What?!" Leo said. "Trust me on this one!" I said. Then Donnie came on Erika's screen. "Erika, push the button to your right!" Donnie said to Erika. "What button? There are several buttons on my side!!" Erika said. Then Donnie sighed softly on Erika's screen. "The fourth one!!!" Donnie said. We heard the guys plus, Martin and Chris, Sonic and his friends scream as Erika finally push the fourth button. The hatch opened to the surface and now we're at the surface. "Donnie, you're awesome!!" Raph said. We turned corner to corner with the exact speed that I always wanted. "Can we all get some music please, E.C?" Donnie asked. I winked with a click that meant 'ok' and looked at the songs choices from the girls and my world, plus theirs, the Kratt brothers and Sonic's world. I saw some rock and roll. "Alright, your request is coming up. And we're up for some." I said as I pressed the button, rock and roll started playing. Miah and I nodded our heads to the beat, same to Waunu and Erika. "Let's all have some fun!" I said. The guys, Sonic and his friends, Martin and Chris whooped agreeing with me, along with Waunu, Erika and Miah. I cracked my knuckles as the shellraiser speeds up. We all kept checking out new equipment as the guys plus Martin and Chris gather in line and hold the bar above them. The girls and I hold on to the sides of our seats. Then Leo begun to do the swivel and the donut spin. The girls and I whooped for fun as the guys plus Martin and Chris, Sonic and his friends are cheering and laughing. After that, we kept on driving. Raph got to the top, but Waunu pressed a button to open the top and Raph sat there with a smile on his face. I blushed slightly as I saw that sight with a smile. 'He looks so cute when he does that.' I thought as I put the strand of my hair to the left side. But it got interrupted when Raph bang the top of the shellraiser. "Leo, pull over!" Raph said. When we stop, we looked at Miah's screen to see the Purple Dragons stealing something from inside. "Purple Dragons? Oh, this night keeps getting better and better." Leo said. "Oh yeah, it's like candy for my knuckles." Raph said as he cracked his knuckles. "And tonight's Halloween." Raph said. "Wait a minute, who's that?" Donnie asked. I looked to see Timothy in the shadows. "Oh boy." I whispered as I signaled the girls to follow me, we unbuckled our seatbelts and silently left the shellraiser. We ran to the nearest trash bin and we peek over the edge to see the whole thing. "Excuse me, boys. I think you forgot to pay for that. But don't worry, I accept cash, check or teeth." He said confidently. I smirked as the girls got surprised with smiles on their faces. "That's actually a pretty good line that he said to them." Miah whispered as I agreed with her. "What are you going to do about it? There's one of you and three of us." Fong said. "Hey, you wanna call a couple of friends to make it even." Timothy said. He jumped and landed like a ninja. "He's seriously got guts." Waunu whispered. "I know." Erika whispered also. "It's time to face the wrath of the Pulverizer!" Timothy said. "Here we go." I whispered as I facepalmed. "What is it?" Miah asked in a whisper tone. "Watch." I whispered as I guided their heads to Timothy. He failed miserably to fight the Purple Dragons. "Watch and learn." I said as I ran up to Fong, punched him in the face, and he collided to the wall. "You!" The big guy said. "Hey boys, ready for a big beatdown?" I asked as Miah, Waunu and Erika came out from behind the bin, ran up and stand beside me. "Make that four of us for a big beatdown!" Waunu said as she cracks her neck. Timothy gasped. "I can't believe it, it's THE Erwina Chee!!" Timothy said. "If you're gonna fight to hurt Timmy, you're gonna have to fight us!" Miah said as we get into fighting postions. We blocked their blows as Waunu, Erika and I used our skills to punch and kick the most tattooed guy. "We could use some help out here!" I said. "Agreed more!" Erika said. "Make that ten!" Leo said. "Plus five more!" Sonic said. Then Mikey and Knuckles punched the most tattoed guy to protect us three. Waunu and I blushed a little bit as I smiled softly. "Whoa, the turtles! And weird hedgehogs." Timothy said. "How does he know who we-" Donnie got cut off by Fong punched him. Miah growled as she ran and punched Fong in the face really hard enough for him to be knocked out, cold. 'No one messes with my Prince Charming.' I heard Miah's thought as we kept fighting the Purple Dragons. "To answer your question Donnie bro, he saw us when we're fighting the Stockman-pod." I said. As we're kept fighting, I saw Timothy in shock. I smiled and wink at him. I looked to see Fong coming at Martin. I ran up to Fong, tried to kick him with my right leg but Fong grabbed it, use my left leg, kicked him in the face and did the three backward flips like Carman Cortez on Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams. Then he got up, grabbed the box of stuff they stole and ran off. "Oh no you won't! Mikey!!" I said as Mikey swang his chains, instead of getting Fong, it's Timothy got caught around his chains. Timothy's trying to get Fong. Fong got away. "Oh, dang. Almost had him." Timothy said. "Oh man." I said as I ran up and grabbed Mikey's chains. "Brace yourself." I said. "For what?" Timothy asked. "For this!" I said as I pulled the chains which accidentally spins Timothy, then landed face forward. I chuckled softly as I walked up to Mikey and gave him back his nunchucks. We heard sirens in the distance. "Cops! We gotta scram!" I said as we headed to the shellraiser. I see Timothy following us. "Oh, hey, uh, great teamwork, guys!" Timothy said. I let the guys, Martin and Chris, the girls, Sonic and his friends in, but I stayed out to talk to Timothy. "Timmy, look, what I told ya is not to try this at home! That doesn't meant for you to go all around New York and fight like us. If you're gonna learn to fight like us, . . . take some tai kwon, go to karate class or whatever. Consider this one as an only advice, got it?" I asked. He nodded and I went inside. "Yeah, but I was thinking maybe we can meet again and--" I cut him off by spinning him around. "Hurry and scat back home. But don't you dare try to tell the cops or everybody else about us or two." I said as I shut the doors. I went to my seat and sighed softly after I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes out. Then we drove off. I heard muffled screaming. My eyes widen as I placed my glasses back on. 'I must've accidentally closed the doors on Timmy's mask. Shit shit shit and fuck!' I thought as I kept hearing muffled screaming. "Hey E.C, since we've heard music from our world, we're all wondering if we can hear some songs from the girls and your world." Leo said. I smiled widely as I checked out the song list from the girls and my world. I saw some of my favorite songs as Miah pointed to one song that I always hearing a lot. "Sure thing, but I must warn ya. Some songs have cuss words in it. Some has a lot, some few. But some has none." I said as I picked that song. "Here's my favorite song of all times." I said.
{Don't You Worry Bout A Thing by Tori Kelly from Sing. Warning: some songs can change description. Still supporting the artists of the songs of all times. Bold and Italics mix together = Changes}
Yeah, everybody's got a thing
But some don't know how to handle it
Always reaching out in vain
Just taking the things not worth having

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