I Think His Name Is Baxter Stockman

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~My POV~
I was helping Olive, Otto and the Girls doing some meditation and trying to keep Otto's back straight while Terrance was playing his Thomas the Tank Engine collection on the other side of my room. They were meditating for 30 minutes but to them, it felt like hours while I was sitting on my bed with tiredness. Till we heard a crash. I fell off my bed with a thud on my back. The youngsters opened their eyes, surprisingly. I groaned in pain as I rubbed my back. 'What in the world . . .' I thought as I got up to see the kids ran out, I put my hair up into a high ponytail, grabbed my KCHS shirt to put it over my grey tank top, pushed my glasses back and went out of my room to check it out. We walked into the living room to see a pizza box mess, a big ramp and four turtles standing in front of a very mad Splinter. I sighed as I know which episode it is. 'Time for some back-up.' I thought as I signaled the kids to stay where they are as I walked up to them. Splinter's about to ground them for a week till I stepped in. "U-uh excuse me? Sensei?" I said as Splinter looked at me. "I . . . I was wondering if you could ground them for three days? I know it's crazy, but I totally know this episode. So please sensei?" I asked him. He strokes him small beard thinking. Then I used my sacred puppy eyes. He sighed knowing I'm telling the truth. "Very well, they're grounded for three days. No less." He said. I smiled. "Thanks, sensei." I said innocently. He leaves to go back to meditation. Then the ramp begins to fall. "Timber!" I said as the ramp falls and jumpscared the guys and the kids. I went to my room. "I'll be right back. Make sure you guys clean your mess up." I said as I went in my room to changed into my new clothes.
~20 minutes later~
Leo, Raph and Mikey are bored as heck as I'm playing with my little brother while the Girls are playing pat-a-cake and Olive and Otto tried to contact their boss but couldn't go through. I looked at Raph to see him pacing. "Ya guys are actually so lucky that I told Sensei the truth. Otherwise, you'll be grounded for a whole week!" I said. Their eyes widen and gave me 'are you serious?' Look. I gave them the 'duh.' Look and went back to playing with my brother. Then Donnie came in all excited. I smiled and let Terrance go to play his toys in my room. "Guys guys! You wanna see what I make." He asked. "Of course!" Olive, Blossom and I said excited. "Well, somebody's excited." Raph said. I looked at the other three. "Everytime when Donnie invented something cool, I get super excited about it." I said. "So do I!" Olive and Blossom said in unison. "Ok, ok, ok! Girls, remember the other day we were scrounging in that military junkyard?" Donnie asked us three. We nodded with excitement. "Why would we forget about that?! It was way more awesome than we thought!" Olive said as Otto looked at her weird. "Well, I found an incredibly advanced A.I. microchip made from--get this!" Donnie said. I knew what he's about to say next. "Self-assembled chain-linked copolymers!" We all said in unison. "Oh my, I just love that copolymer. It gives me goosebumps from top to bottom." I said as I pushed my glasses back. He smiled widely. "Mine too! And I use it to make this." Donnie said as he takes out the t-pod. "The most advanced music player in the world." He said. Olive, Blossom and I smiled widely. 'The t-pod.' I thought. His brothers, Bubbles, Buttercup and Otto looked at it with amazed faces. "Whoa." They said in unison. "So who wants to try it?" Donnie asked. "I do! Toss me the t-pod." I said. They all looked at me. "The t-pod?" Otto asked. "The object looks like the turtle shell and it's an iPod. So t-pod. Mikey's about to say the same thing, looks like I beat him to it, fair and square." I said. Donnie gave me the t-pod and I plugged in my headphones. "You're really gonna plug an advanced piece of military technology directly into E.C.'s head? What if it melts her brain?" Raph asked. "It won't do that, I promise ya!" I said as I played the music. It played polka, my least favorite music. I gagged at it because I don't like it. "E.C, what's wrong?" Donnie asked. "I'm fine, it's just polka. Good grief, give me a sec to find . . ." I said as I search for a good music. Till I found one of my favorite pop and rock songs. 'Set It All Free. By Scarlett Johansson.' I smiled. "That's better!" I said as I nodded my head to the beat. They just looked at me. "That's it. I gotta get out of here." Raph said grabbing a skateboard. I sighed and took my headphones off as Leo's trying to stop them. 'I have to tell them that I can't skateboard, but I have to get the Girls and Terrance to bed now. But there's one person that I can really trust.' I thought as I gave Olive the t-pod and my little brother's skateboard to use. "Hey guys, I would love to come but I can't skateboard and I have to stay here and take care of my brother and the girls. Plus Olive can't skateboard either and she never done it in her life?" I asked to them as the Girls came up to me. They gasped at Olive. ' '3 . . . 2 . . . 1.' I thought. "We're going!!!!" Leo said as he grabbed Olive by the arm and they went off but stopped by Otto. "I love to go, but I have to stay too." Otto said. "Too late Otto, you're Olive's partner, so you have to go too unless you have to help me to get them to sleep because it's a big deal." I said to Otto as he changed his mind. "I'm going!!" Otto said as they left but Olive came to me for some information. "What happens next?" Olive whispered to me. "Ok, when you guys are jumping roof to roof, you'll hear different songs on the t-pod because the chip will be downloading new songs every second. Donnie will answer the question. And try to explain how it works. After that, Leo falls down from the rooftop and into the greenhouse. Try to warn him before it happens. And try to stop him before he hits the bee hive. When he hits to the ground and on top of the trash cans, you and Otto go and help Leo out. When you reach to the skate park, you'll see a man with an armor on him. You'll see when I say . . . Baxter Stockman. Explain how Baxter Stockman became an inventor and stuff and say to the guys, 'he need a big beat down.' When the turtles and you two get down there, give the t-pod to Mikey and we'll find out what happens next. Then you six have to escape before the cops show up and come back home around two in the morning but don't make any noises. Ok?" I asked as Olive got the info. "Got it, see ya." She said as she left to catch up with the others. "Ok, let's get you guys to bed." I said as I pushed my glasses back, the Girls flew into my arms and I walked them to my room. 'Remember what I told ya, Olive.' I thought as I reached to my room.
~At the surface~
~Olive's POV~
We are jumping from roof to roof with our skateboards except for Otto because he doesn't want to try. "W-Whoa!!!!" I said when Mikey helped me out on Terrance's skateboard that E.C. gave to me along with the t-pod. "There you go! You're doing great." Mikey said. I begin to smile widely. Then I heard new songs. 'Oh yeah. E.C. said "The chip will be downloading new songs every second." I need Donnie's info.' I thought. "Donnie, I think you should come and take a look at this." I said. I felt something grabbed my shoulders. I looked up to see Donnie using my shoulders as a handstand for him to see. "What the . . . ? It's got thousands of songs and it keeps downloading new ones every second, from our world, plus E.C.'s and yours!" Donnie said surprised. "So?" Raph asked. "That means that he didn't program it to do that such thing. Maybe it's the chip that can reconfiguring itself." I said scientifically. Donnie got off me and looked at me with a blank face. 'Looks like I got this right. Wait, if he said "it keeps downloading new ones from their world, plus E.C.'s and ours," that means...no, not Soundcheck songs!' I thought as we kept going. "Guys! We're ninjas, remember? We moved swiftly and--here's the important part--silently!" Leo said. My eyes widen as I saw the ledge and remember what E.C. told me next. 'Warn him before it happens!' I thought. "Leo, look out for the-" I got cut off as Leo falls down. "Roof." I finished as I heard him scream then fell in the greenhouse. I remember the next part what E.C. said. "WATCH OUT FOR THE BEE HIVE!!!!" I yelled. Leo then fell out with the bee hive, next he felled to the stairs next to the building and finally, landed on top of the trash cans. We looked to see him as Otto had his eyes covered from the crashes that Leo got hit at. "That wasn't very silent, Leo!" Raph said. I sighed, motioned Otto to come with me, we jumped down and landed as a ninja when I remember what E.C. told me what's next. We ran up to him. "Hold still, we got you Leo." I said as we moved some of the trash off of him and helped him up. Leo blinked in surprise as I patched him up when Otto gave me a box of medical kits. Once I finished patching him up, Otto grabbed the kit and puts it behind his back and we stand up. "Feel better, Leo?" I asked. He nodded and we helped up to his feet. "Then, let's go." I said. The three of us went to the rooftop and kept going to the skate park. 'Three down, three more to go.' I thought.
~At the skate park~
We made it to the skate park. I smirked, remembered what E.C. told me what's next when we reach to the skate park. Good thing I gave Mikey a try with the t-pod to listen some music. "Who the heck is that guy?" Donnie asked. I looked to see none other than . . . Baxter Stockman in a battle armor. 'E.C.'s right. That's Baxter Stockman alright.' I thought. "That's Baxter Stockman. He's an inventor, plus he wants some revenge and one of those weird nerds.  He also needs a big beat down. Come on." I said as I went to follow him. "Olive, wait!" Leo and Otto said in unison but I kept following him. 'Can't break that promise that E.C. told me not to break.' I thought. As I see him, I landed. "Hold it right there, Baxter Stockman!" I said as the guys landed next to me. He turns around and saw us. "How did you know my name? You will feel the fury of my powered battle--holy cow! You two have four mutant turtles with you kids!" Baxter Stockman said. "That's right! They're the heroes of this city to protect from villains like you!" I said in my heroic tone. Otto blushed when I talk like that as the guys blinked in ultimate surprise. The guys charged at him. As we watch the battle, I saw the t-pod slid off Mikey's belt and it got kicked into the different direction and it went into the dark spot. My eyes widen as I panicked and ran to where it is but can't see. 'Where's the t-pod?!' I thought as I start searching for them. Then we heard the alarms that made Otto and I jumped. We turned around to see the guys putting Baxter Stockman into the dumpster. Then I heard the sirens getting closer, Otto and I went to the rooftop and the guys catch up to us. We made it to the manhole lid, Leo pulled it off. I was the first to jump in, then Otto, Donnie, Mikey, Raph and Leo. But stayed on the ladder to closed the lid up and jumps down and we ran to the lair.
~At the lair~
We made it back home at around 2, plus Splinter's still asleep, same for E.C, Terrance and the Girls. I told them to keep the noise down as they nodded and we put up our skateboards. "Ok, head straight to bed now. Cause if we don't, Splinter will get suspicious on us. Got it?" I asked. They nodded and headed to their rooms. 'Hopefully Splinter won't notice it and I hope E.C. won't be mad at me for this report.' I thought as me and Otto went to our room.
~Next Morning~
~My POV~
I woke up early this morning to watch this morning's training. I can tell the Turtles are a bit tired but I also can see Olive and Otto tired the most. I leaned to Olive. "How's everything last night?" I asked whispered to her. She looked at me and shook her head and yawned the longest. "I gave Mikey the t-pod last night. But during the fight against Baxter, he accidentally lost it." Olive whispers in a confessed way and she teared up. I hugged her. "Don't worry, I have an idea to get it back." I whispered to her as she hugged back. But I see Otto accidentally sleeps on the floor on his back snoring. Splinter notice this. "Ya-me!" Splinter said as everyone stopped. "Erwina, is there something wrong with Olive and Otto?" He asked. The guy's eyes widen. "Nothing's wrong Sensei, it's just they got woken up by my little brother's cries of his nightmare last night and they have to keep to calm him down." I lied as they're very tired and yawned. Splinter smiled, falling for it. Sometimes I'm a very good liar. "Why don't they go back to sleep while you stay and watch my sons train." He said. I nodded and shook Otto up and motioned him to get Olive up and they can go back to bed. He nodded and took Olive by her arm and wrapped it around his shoulder and they walked off. I sighed silently, pushed my glasses back and looked at them. "Is there something you want to tell me?" Splinter asked to the Turtles as I gulped silently. "Something that we wanna tell you? Heh, nope." Mikey said. "You all seem tired." He said. "We're not." Leo said as Mikey closed his eyes with a mischievous smile on his face. "Wide awake." Donnie added. "Fresh as daisies." Raph said. As they're done, Mikey yawned and fell to the floor which made the other three looked at Mikey. "So you would not object to a little . . . randori?" Splinter said as he took out a wooden stick. My eyes widen as I know what happens next. 'Oh crumpets!' I thought as the guys made their worried faces and Mikey gulped nervously. Splinter swinged the wooden stick to hit the turtles. When it's done, the guys laid on the ground, groaning in pain. I made the painful expression with a look of an 'ouch.' "I hope you'll learn turtles . . . that truth isn't the only thing that hurts." Splinter said.
~Time skip~
Leo's sitting near the tv watching 'Space Heroes' and Raph's sitting on the beanbag reading a comic book as I sit on the steps to the entrance with my sketchbook on my lap, sketching and/or writing about the day today. I heard Leo mimicking off the lines of Captain Ryan off the tv. Raph interrupted him by saying something that makes Leo annoyed by that but Leo shushed him which I giggled silently. "Will you--shhh! This is the best part!" But the program was interrupted by the news which made Leo pouted but it involves with Baxter Stockman in a better armor. We all gather to see him smashing the office at the building. "At last, I can have my revenge!" Baxter Stockman said. "Who-who are you?" A person asked nervously. "You'll never know. I'm the thing that haunts your nightmare. I'm the nameless shadow, who-" he said but got cut off by a person said his name. "Baxter?" "No." "Baxter Stockman?" "No!" "Hey everyone! It's Baxter Stockman!" I got bored on it. 'Good thing I told Olive to tell them about Baxter Stockman.' I thought as I crossed my arms. When I was ready to get back into my sketchbook, I heard a voice on the tv that I've never heard and turned around to see two teenager figures with blond and brown hair. "Hold it right there, mister!" A voice said on the news. "You can't hurt innocent people without permission!" A second one said. Baxter got annoyed as he turned around to see two figures and he attacked them but turned around and the screen stop to see the t-pod. Leo, Raph and Donnie got surprise and they glared at Mikey. "He has the t-pod?" Donnie asked Mikey. "Oh! Um, I might've dropped that during the fight." Mikey confesses as I felt my heart saying that it was me and I told Olive to get it to Mikey, but it was an accident. "You dropped it during the fight?! Nice going, Mikey!" Donnie yelled at Mikey. "STOP!!!!" I yelled as they got silent and turned their attention to me. "It was me, I was the one who told Olive to give the t-pod to Mikey last night, but I didn't know that could happen. If you wanted to blame it on someone, blame it on me. It was me, all along." I said as I teared up but felt arms around me as I looked up to see Donnie. "I should've known you did this. I'm sorry." Donnie said as he pulled back and I wiped my tears off and pushed my glasses back. "So the A.I. chip is upgraded his armor the same way it upgraded the t-pod?" Leo asked. "If it keeps going, there's no telling how powerful he'll get." Donnie said. "If he has it, it could changed the armor into something more dangerous that we all can't defeat on. So if you guys beat Stockman down, you can beat him again with me this time. All we have to do is track Stockman down, grabbed the t-pod, and get back here before Splinter knows about it. Plus, we have to find those two that were trying to stop him but failed and got captured by him, begging to let them go." I said as they looked at me. "I can read their minds of thoughts and feelings. Got it from my dad." I confessed to them. "If my opponent counts for anything, E.C. is right." Mikey said as he laid on his shell reading the same comic book that Raph's reading. "Hey. That's nice Mikey, but it doesn't." Donnie said. "Didn't think so." Mikey added. "So, we have to check it out tonight. And I have an idea, and it's a big one yet way wicked of me." I said as their attentions on me again as I whispered my plan out. Once I was done, they nodded and we went to our room, preparing for tonight.
~Time skip to where it's night where we sneak out and went to the old warehouse where Baxter Stockman's hiding~
We kneeled to see Baxter's talking to himself. 'Should've known he talks to himself.' I thought as I chewed my juicy fruity bubble gum, blowed one and popped one. Donnie grabbed the mathematic compass as I took it out and placed it onto the pencil end. Donnie placed it at the center, circled it, banged it to make it loose and pulled it out as I placed my arm inside to fidget the lock on the window. As it was open, I opened it quietly and we went inside to see him talking to the cage that has people inside. "I want one of you two to have good ideas for my new villain name." Baxter said as he banged on the cage paced around it. "Well, you can call yourself with a robo. Like 'RoboBaxter,' or 'RoboStockman,' wait a minute, I have a best idea ever. It's . . . 'RoboBaxman.' Ow!" A voice said as another one hit him. "Bro! Really?" A second voice was called. "I really like the 'RoboStockman' part." Mikey said as we tried to silent him but we eventually jumped down and circles him. "You four fools?! Again?!" He said. But when he sees me in my blue hoodie, with black jeans and silver shoes, he was surprised. "Who are you?" He asked as I smirked. "Your worst nightmare. Oh, the girl ya saw last night that she said your name? It is I, who told her your name." I said as I ran, slid under him, got up and pushed my glasses back. As the guys are keeping him busy, I ran to the cage. I tied my hair up into a high one and use my gymnastic skills to jump up, grab the bars and pulled myself up. "Wow, you are so good." The second voice said. "You should teach us that part." The first one said. "Guys, well you two just zip it?!" I whispered as I went on top, grabbed the wired paperclip and my hair clip out of my pants pocket and picked on the cage lock. Once I heard the lock clicked, I pulled the objects out, dropped them to the floor and open the cage. I jumped down first and landed like a ninja and motioned them to come down. Once they did, I see the same blond and brown. But on them, they have blue and green jackets with brown shorts and hiking boots. Over their jackets, they have creature power suits. And I can see one has blue eyes and the other has brown eyes just like this.

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