I, Monster

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~My POV~
We're in the middle of training and we're making a plan to get Splinter off-guard. At first, we convinced Martin and Chris to come and train with us because it'll be their new success to join us and they accepted it. And the day after we got away from the Kraang with a big help from Leatherhead, we checked on Haley to see she's ok, she woke up and Waunu and I reunited with Haley with a friend hug and we introduced her to the girls, the Kratt Brothers, the guys and our friends and family, so that's what really happened. Before we all began with the plan, I put my ponytail into a bun with my another hairband. "All right, here's the plan. Chris, you take the first strike-" I got cut off by Chris as he got surprised. "Wait just a moment, you want me to get at Splinter? I'll be Chris soup for sure!" Chris said. "Well, being Chris soup isn't a bad thing." Raph said before Chris got mad and I stopped him. "Trust me on this Chris, it's all part of our plan to catch and get Sensei off-guard." I explained to Chris as I pushed my glasses back. "Uh E.C, forgive me when I say this but, don't take this the wrong way, our plans will get our butts whipped by Splinter." Martin said. "Ok, new thought; Martin, you strike first." I said when I put in the new thought for the plan. "She took this the wrong way." Martin said but got punched on the arm by Miah. "Enough, you guys! We're gonna stick to E.C.'s plan, wherever you guys like it or not. Let's do this!" Miah said before I nodded to break the huddle and we circled around Sensei. Martin strike first, Sensei grabbed his arm, flipped him over his shoulder and kicked him away as Martin landed on his back and groaned in pain. Chris strike next, Sensei grabbed him by the shoulders, threw him to the wall, Chris banged into it and he slid down as he groaned in pain also. Mikey strike next, Sensei grabbed his leg, plopped him to the floor and kicked him away. The other six strike, Sensei dodged their blows, swooped Donnie off his feet making him spin, then Sensei punched him and Donnie landed on Raph, Leo, Miah, Waunu and Erika. I then strike, dodged his blows and lastly I punched him right in the face. I felt everything went into slow motion as my eyes widen. I heard gasps from my family and friends, the guys, the Kratt brothers and the girls. 'Oh my goodness . . . I TAGGED SENSEI WITH MY FIST!!!!!!!' I thought as Sensei grabbed my hand and pinned me down while my glasses flew off my face and it landed next to Leo and Raph's feet. I grunted in pain a little. "Oh man, she's doomed." I heard Martin said. "You mean she's a goner." I heard Donnie said. "Oh no, you don't." I heard Mikey said. "Well done. Erwina. But just when you have the advantage, you hesitated, and that made you vulnerable." Sensei said. "Hai, Sensei." I said as I get up and shake my head a bit. "Now, that is all for today. Unless you care for a rematch." Sensei said. We all say no thank you and we're all good here and Sensei went inside his room. Even though my eyes are a bit blurry, I still can see things. I hold my hand that punched Sensei. "E.C!" I heard Mikey and Chris said. The team gather around me as someone put my glasses back on me. I pushed it back. "Not bad." Raph said, crossing his arms. "E.C, I can't believe you actually tagged Sensei. That was epic." Donnie said. Mikey raised my hand that punched Sensei. "The hand that punched Splinter. You know you can never wash this again." Mikey said. "All thanks to strategy and teamwork." I said as I use my hand to move my hair bang out of my face way. "You think we might be catching up to Splinter?" Donnie asked. "You guys are doing good. I say you four are catching up to him and getting better and better." Martin said. "Yeah, even better. You guys won't be needing him to train you guys anymore." Chris said but I slapped them from behind their heads when I heard such words from their mouths. "Ah! What was that for?" Martin and Chris asked in unison as they rubbed their heads where I slapped them. "Martin and Chris, that wasn't cool for what you two have to say. Listen Martin and Chris, Sensei may have taught them, but he didn't teach them everything that he knows." I said as pushed my glasses back and they nodded their head slightly as they understand what I meant about that. The guys smiled and left the dojo along with the girls and the Kratt brothers. Then I've came into realization as my eyes widen and looked at my hand that punched Splinter. 'Hold up, if I tagged Sensei, that meant . . .' I thought as my hand is shaking uncontrollably. "Oh no, what I've done?" I asked remembered the episode and the serum that I put into Martin's head.
~Time Skip~
Martin, the girls and I are sitting by the tree as Sensei trains. Then I sensed Martin's getting a pain in his head, then I heard in my thought that no one knew about my hearing inside thoughts. "Join me, join me." A voice said in my head as I still hear thoughts when I was born with this from my mom. The girls and I see Sensei closes his eyes and opens them to reveal red. He closed his eyes again with a scream. "Sensei! It's all right, just stay calm and brea-" I got cut off by sensing Martin had too much pain in his head and he screamed just like Sensei. He plopped to the floor and held his head as the girls stayed with Martin and I stayed with Sensei. I heard fast footsteps and gasps. "SENSEI! MARTIN!!" The guys and Chris said as they surrounded them. "Their heads . . ." I said as I hold Sensei's hand. Then my t-phone rang of April calling me. It was Miraculous Ladybug theme. The guys, girls and Chris looked at me confused. I chuckled nervously before I answered the call.
"E.C. here." I said as I hold Sensei's hand still.

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