Cockroach Terminator

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~My POV~
The girls and Amy are watching TV while I was watching YouTube on Acrylic painting. Also, Jacob left last night cause he needs to find Endymion by himself. "Let's go Leo, I'm starving!" We heard Mikey said. Waunu giggles at his comment. "Typical Mikey." Miah, Erika, Amy and I said in unison. Then I sensed Miah felt something. "Guys, there's something on me." Miah said in a freak tone after she pushed her glasses back. I looked to see a cockroach on her arm. "Miah, you got a roach . . . on your arm!" I said before she looked, jumped up and tried to shake it off. "Roach!" Miah said before she went next to me, same for Erika and Amy got next to me with their fright yelp. "Oh man." I said to myself as I got off them and the couch and got it off her arm. I set it down, saw a remote-control camera on top of his head and it went to the kitchen. I immediately remembered the episode and I followed it after I motioned Waunu to follow me. "WHOA WHOA WHOA, WAIT LITTLE FELLA! YOU'RE HEADING TOWARDS --" I got cut off by Raph screaming like a girl. "Roach! Roach!" I heard Raph said. "Raph." I finished it and we ran to the kitchen. When we opened the curtain, we saw the roach coming at Waunu. She got shocked as she jumped when she yelped in fear. She almost stepped on him. "Go little fella, head to Donnie quickly!" I said as I pushed my glasses back. It ran out of the kitchen. "Look out!" I heard Sticks said. "Look out for what?" I asked as I turned around. When I did, I stumbled and tripped over on my brown boots and Raph fell with me. We landed on the floor with an 'oof!'. I groaned a bit and opened my eyes to see . . . R-R-RAPH'S ON TOP OF ME!!! I immediately blushed that can put Raph's mask on. Raph looked at me and blushed the same way. Quickly he got off me as fast as Flash Gordon and I sat up quickly. "I'msosorry,E.C!" Raph said really fast. Luckily for me, I understand what Raph said. "It's alright! It's alright." I said, then Waunu helped me up from the ground. "Hey sis, ya ok?" She asked as she dusted me off and pushed hers and my glasses back. "Yeah." That's all I said. Then I looked up to see the rest got surprised, Sonic had dropped his chili dog on his plate with a shock look on his face and Sticks had dropped her chopsticks onto the table with her mouth wide opened while Leo was looking at Raph with jealously in his eyes. Then the girls and Amy came in. "E.C, are you ok?" The girls asked me. "For the second time, yes I'm ok!" I said but calmed down by breathing in and out. Then Donnie came in with the roach. The girls immediately backed up and hid behind me, as for Raph he screamed again and went behind me with the girls. "Are you ok, E.C?" Donnie asked. "Yeah, I'm alright. It's just I forgot to tell some of you guys that Miah, Waunu, Erika and Amy told me that they totally, absolutely hate bugs. Sure they loved them, but they don't like it when the bugs crawl up on or towards them. It's one of their fears, but for me, I'm not scared of bugs, except for tarantulas." I mumbled the last part as they got close to me. "But this roach Donnie's holding. He's special, really special." I said as I went up to it and pet its top head. The girls and Raph got creeped out for what I did. "Alright, Leo's afraid to ask this but." Martin said before Chris elbowed Leo. "Why is it special, E.C?" Leo asked. "Because Donnie outfitted him with a remote-control camera helmet." I said as my mind's sparkles with amazement. Donnie nodded and smiled. "Oh, that explains why Donnie's special." Sonic said in a jokingly way before Tails, Amy, Mikey and Sticks looked at him with disappointed faces. "Watch your tongue, Sonic." I said with a stern face and a stern voice. "We can send him into TCRI and spy on the Kraang. The camera allows us to see what the cockroach sees." Donnie said before push a key on his laptop, we see Miah, Erika and Amy jumped, see Miah shook her arm are before Raph saw the roach. They also yelped in fear, they blushed in embarrassment. "That . . . was . . . embarrassing!" Miah said as Erika and Amy agreed. "But it's so cute though. This is my favorite part right here." Mikey said as he rewinded it a little bit and stopped at the part that showed their like 'OH MY GOD NO!'. "Donnie, can I put this on the t-shirt?" Mikey said. I growled and grabbed Mikey's arm. "Now, you've ruined their secret!" I said in Dolly Parton tone before I flipped him over the table which caused Mikey to roll the other side and landed on the stove with a crash and his yelp. That made Martin, Knuckles and Chris to cover their eyes from the sight. "Don't you even think about embarrassing my sister, cousin, best friend and Amy again or else that happens for ya. For now, we're gonna spy on the Kraang . . with a cockroach!" I said happily with my eyes closed before quickly opening them to hear the roach chirped happily right on time.
~Time Skip At The Surface~
Were sitting at the shellraiser while Donnie's controlling the spyroach. "Come on, roach #1, make papa proud." Donnie said. We see the roach got inside." "He's in! Repeat, the roach's in!" I said as I pushed my glasses. We see the Kraang talking about being on a diet from gluten. Then the roach moved to somewhere else. The cockroach went up and we saw two Kraang with a map system. "Wait a moment, zoom in on the map and the two Kraang." I said. "That is which known as the next phase of the Kraang invasion to the planet known as Earth will soon begin." One Kraang said. "Next phase? That doesn't sound good." Leo said. "That is which the laser drill will drill a hole in the planet known as Earth. That is a hole that is 13 miles in the Earth." The other Kraang said. Donnie downloaded thr laptop for the driller. "Just as I remembered on this part, the Kraang are going to drill a hole all the way down into the earth's core, which is the magma. If it's going to reaches to its destination, there'll be a giant lava fountain." I said. "Yup, that's bad." Leo said. Then Martin and Chris hugged each other with fright faces. "Yikes! We don't want that to happen!!" They said in unison. "Goodbye, harsh winters." Raph said. "Hello, lava season!" Knuckles said cheerful that made us, except Mikey, made a disappointed faces with sweats falling down on our forehead. "Lava surfing rules!" Mikey said as Knuckles agreed with him. "It definitely doesn't, Mikey. And Knuckles, stop being so senseless for once. We have to stop this!" Leo said that made the two go shocked then back to seriousness. "To execute the plan, Kraang needs to proceeding that is which is known as the diamond lens to make work the drilling of the laser drill." One Kraang said. "What does that supposed to mean?" Sonic asked. "They needed the diamond lens to make the laser drill work, now shh! We need to hear more." I said as I pushed my glasses back. "Kraang is already on the way to that which is known as the laboratory that is having the lens that is needed by Kraang." The other Kraang said. "Meaning by that?" Tails asked. "Jeez, one of them is going to the lab to get it." I said. "But which lab? There are a lot of labs in New Yor --" Miah got cut off by Erika tripping on something with a yelp and crashing into Miah, Waunu and me. Before I fell, I grabbed the side that I accidentally pressed a button that controls the spyroach. I got up to see the three on the ground and groaned in pain. Mikey, Sticks and I helped them up to their feet. "You three ok?" Mikey asked worriedly. "Yeah, we're ok." Waunu said as she and Miah pushed their glasses back. "But I must've tripped on something that is sorta hard and it crushed easily." Erika said. When she lifted her feet, I saw a watch. "Maybe that's what you tripped on?" I asked before she looked down, bend down, picked it up and examined it. Then she got piss mad. "Who dropped their watch on purpose?!" Erika asked in madness as she snatched the watch out of my hand. Then we heard a opening of a wrap and we all glanced to see Knuckles opening a piece of chocolate candy that I gave him, just in case he can't help himself. "Only a total dum dum." Knuckles said before eating a chuck of it. "And it's giving me stickiness between my teeth." Knuckles said with his mouth full. "Don't talk with ya mouthful, it giving us the bad chills." Amy said. Then I heard a static, that made me turned around and see the screen static. I clamped my mouth shut with my hands. "Oh no! No no no no no no no no no!" I said before I grabbed the controls that Donnie had and tried to control it but no movement. I got scared that Miah, Waunu, Erika and Amy got super scared. "E.C, what's wrong?" Donnie asked me worried. I snapped out of it. "I must've accidentally pressed a button that controls the roach while I almost fell to the ground after Erika stepped on the watch which Knuckles accidentally forgot to put the straps on. It fell into the mutagen!!" I said scared as the girls got shocked and scared. Raph's eyes widen in fear. "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" Raph yelled panick. While Donnie figures out the map, I saw the roach but in red color. 'Holy shit!' I thought to myself as I nudged Waunu, she looked and saw it too. She did the same thing to Miah, then Miah did it to Erika, and finally Erika did the same to Amy. When Amy saw it, she tapped Raph's shoulder and pointed to the screen, he saw it and the five of them stepped back to their seats. Donnie founded the location, we all went to the seats while Martin, Chris, Sonic and his friends get a hold on the pole and started to move. Till we ran over something. "Ka-dump? That's a really bad sound." Donnie said. "It sounded more like a ba-dump." Mikey said. "Agreed, it really IS a ba-dump from what I heard." I said as I got out of my seat and pushed my glasses back. "What I've heard is a flap." Knuckles said when he crossed his arms. "Flap?" Donnie, Mikey and I asked in unison. That's when he slapped us on our left checks and we rubbed them. "Flap." Knuckles said after he and Raph fist bumped each other and they walked to the door. "News flash and note to the three of us; we'll get Knuckles someday, trust me." I said as I walked to the door and the girls plus Amy followed behind me. We got out of the shellraiser to see the mutated spyroach. They got immediately panicked and hid behind the shellraiser. The rest came out and saw the girls behind the shellraiser. "Why are you four behind the shellraiser?" Raph asked. "That's why." I said as I pointed to the spy roach. Once they saw it, they went up to check it out and I followed while the girls and Raph followed behind me as we get a bit closer. "What is that?" Leo asked. "Ugh, smells like a butt sandwich." Mikey said, that made Raph and the girls hold their vomit in. Martin, Chris, Sonic, Tails, Sticks and Knuckles felt grossed out. "Blech." I said as Donnie and I exams it. "Hmm, hmm. O-oh dear. Will you all look at that? Hideous and beautiful." Donnie said before placing a pencil end close to his mouth. Before he did, I stopped him. "Donnie, don't place that close to your mouth." I said before snatching it away from him. I took out my lead pencil. "Here, use this." I said before giving it to him. He took it and place it towards corner of his mouth. I threw it away. "So what is it, guys?" Leo asked us. I took a deep breath and act strong. "Hate to say this but, it's Donnie's spy roach. It's just as I noticed and almost got a fear." I said as I pulled up the wire connected to the saw. "His what? HIS WHAT?!" Raph yelled in panic again. Donnie began to talk scientifically while he and I explores it with amazed and scared faces. "That's great, Donnie. We all can discuss this more when we're driving away a thousand miles an hour!" Raph said as he and the girls stayed near the door to the shellraiser. We all looked to see the girls are starting to shake uncontrollably. "Pretty please?" Miah asked nicely and scared way. "Come on, you five. What are you guys worried about? We creamed it with a van, it's not, like, gonna get up and come after all of us." Mikey said. Then I heard the roach getting up and I got really scared. 'Oh no! Not now!!' I thought as I turned around to see the roach getting up. "Uh guys? Maybe we should listen to them!" I said before they looked at me. "Why?" Tails asked. I pointed at the roach. "That's why! And Donnie, behind you!!" I shouted before Donnie turned around and he got caught by the roach. It grabbed him by the back of his neck and lift him up while Donnie yelped in fear. It looked at us. "IT WOKE UP!!!" I shouted. "Or maybe it would." Mikey said in worried. Raph screamed in fear again. It threw Donnie to its left and started walking up towards them, but I blocked the way. "Guys, head inside fast!!!!" I said before Raph and the girls ran inside. "Guys, come on!! We have to stop it now!!!" I said as we charged at it with our war cries. When we did, we tried to hold it off from getting closer to the five, but it moved a bit and we tried to hold it harder. "This thing's tough!" Leo said as we're struggled to hold it back. "Naturally on that part! Actually online that I found about cockroaches, they're one of the bugs that can live for eternal time until it reaches to its destination of death!" I said scientifically. "And the grossest, E.C." Mikey said before the roach hit him and Knuckles back. They landed on their backs on the wall, fell down and they crashed into the opened trash cans on the upper bodies, but the lower bodies shown. "Make that; sensitive roach." Knuckles said as he waved his legs a little bit. They looked around to see the girls and Raph, but not there. "E.C, where're Raph and the girls?!" Martin asked me. "I told them to go into the shellraiser, just to be save for their own sake of lives!!" I said. Then we heard the whirring opened and we turned around to see Raph at the manhole cover launcher. "Eat hot manhole cover!!!" Raph said before he shot manhole covers at it. We all moved out of the way so it can aimed at it. He kept shooting at it till he managed to get it knocked out. The five sighed in relief. "Alright, that should do for now! We all have to get out of here before it started to revives!" I said as we all went to the shellraiser. "Revives?" Raph asked as he follows. "They live for the longest time and can't be broken or die unless the poison helps and trust me, I studied it and hate it too. And also I've seen movies about the robotic terminator parts one and two plus the new one, 'Terminator: Dark Fate.'. They're the robots that are dressed as humans that came to Earth from the future and start to kill people for its darkness, but their target is the person that leads the operation from thr future, but the person that came from the future comes into the past and save the person who is the past of the person that leads the whole operation. Now let's move!" I said as we head inside and drove off. Then I checked the screen to see it gone. Miah, Waunu and Erika got scared faces saying 'this shit is stupid! Could've stayed back at the lair!', and they tighten the seatbelt. Once we got there, Donnie checked the screen and saw the Kraang got the lens already. "They must've picked up the lens." Donnie said. "What now?" Sticks asked. "We rammed that sucker down!" I said. Then Leo floored the shellraiser and we rammed the van over to the side. "Yes!" I said. We skidded to a stop and we got out of the shellraiser to see the Kraang coming out from the van. We gathered, the guys, except Raph, pulled out their weapons while the rest, except Miah, Waunu, Erika and Amy, raised our fists. "Halt Kraang!" I said. "A halting of Kraang is not the thing that the ones who are the turtles, girls, Legendary Silver Heart, Chris Kratt and the Möbians will be doing to Kraang." The Kraang said. "Wrong! The halting of Kraang is exactly the thing that the ones who are -- just halt!" Leo said when he tried to imitated the Kraang again. "Who should we all save first? The world or the English language?" Donnie asked. "Stop being so negative now, Donnie!" I said as I pushed my glasses back. Then we heard skidding, we looked to our right to see Raph, Miah and Erika holding the box that holds the lens inside while Waunu had her fist up and Amy have her piko piko hammer out, just in case. "We've got the lens!" Miah said as they came up to us with it slightly. Then thr roach came in and landed on the Kraang that made us looked at it. That made the girls and Raph yelped in fear and went behind us. Then the roach cracked its neck and uses the gun to shoot at the Kraang. While they're keep going and the rest are watching, I signaled Raph and the girls to go behind the shellraiser and I signaled them that I'll be here, just in case. They nodded and hid from the scene. We see the Kraang kept shooting at it, but the roach started to shoot the Kraang and they got shut down. Then the roach jumped down from the van. "Donnie, Mikey, Martin, Chris, Sonic and Knuckles, you guys take the roach. Raph, girls, Tails, Sticks, E.C, you guys are coming with me." Leo said as we got it, but the five didn't listen. Leo turned around and see they're not here. So they shouted their names. "Raph? Girls!" Leo said. "I'll take this way, you guys take care of the lens!!!" I said as I ran to one spot and I skidded on my knees to see Raph and the girls gathered with fright on their faces, but Waunu just covered her ears and repeating saying 'this needs to stop, I want that roach to be gone!'. I went up to her and I hugged her softly. "Waunu, calm down. It's ok, it's alright, you're safe in my arms." I said in a comfort voice. She calmed down and take slow and deep breaths. I pulled back and see the rest are calmed by my comfort voice. "Guys, I know you five are scared so am I, it's just I don't want to get you five hurt. Let's try to listen to my words and not look at that scene." I said, the four nodded when Waunu was calmed already. I saw the Kraang got the lens. "Oh no, they got it." I said as I pushed my glasses back. I nodded, we got up and ran to the Kraang that had the lens. But the roach landed in front of us. They screamed in fear and we ran back. But the roach grabbed me by my hair and my left arm and raised me up, a few feet from the ground. I yelped as I tried to kick it to let me go. "HELP, GUYS!!!!!!!!" I shouted. I see the girls and Raph stopped and see me with the roach. "E.C!!!!!!!!!!" They shouted then Raph growled in anger. I closed my eyes and screamed in pain as the roach squeezed my arm too hard. Then it quickly let go of me and I heard a crash. I landed on the ground. I looked up after the girls and Amy helped me up from the ground. I dusted myself off and looked to see Raph in front of me in protective mode. He looked at me with white eyes. "R-Raph?" I asked. He hold his head for a moment and blink for a minute. His pupils turned back to normal. "What happened?" Raph asked. I looked over Raph's shoulder to see a big hole in the wall. "You kicked the roach to the wall." I said. He turned around, looked and his eyes widen. "I . . . I did that?" Raph asked. I nodded then hissed in pain when my arm got worse. Then the Kraang flew away with the lens. "Guys!" A voice said. We looked to see the rest are coming to us. "You girls ok?" Sonic asked. "W-we're alright, Raph saved me but when he looked at me, his eyes are white. Like he lost motion or something like that." I said. We all looked at Raph, he shrugged. "Now's not the time to talk about it, we've lost the lens! We gotta find the drill before the Kraang cracks Manhattan open like an egg." Miah said as she pushed her glasses back. We ran back to the shellraiser and drove off. Waunu and Tails fixed and bandaged my arm up with wraps. "I'm sorry." Erika said as her voice was about to crack into sadness. That made some of them looked at her. "For what, Erika?" Chris asked worried. "It's my fault that I accidentally stepped on the watch that made some of us fall and made E.C. pressed the button that controls the roach and got mutated, it's my fault I didn't save E.C. when the roach grabbed her by her hair and arm. I blew everything up." Erika said. "Erika cuz, it ain't your fault, you were just scared cause of the fear you've seen." I said as I pushed my glasses back. "We know." Erika said sadly. "Now it's time for me to put you, Waunu, Miah, Amy and Raph's heads together and face your fears." I said as Miah and Waunu nodded after they pushed their glasses back. Donnie found the location of the drill and we smiled softly. "Alright guys, we all still got a little time left before the Kraang starts drilling." I said. Then I've heard something, then whirring. "What's that sound?" Raph asked. "I don't see anything outside." Donnie said. "I'll check." I said as I placed my calculus shades on and typed on the keyboard as fast as I can and saw the roach under the van. I took it off. "Oh no, he's back!" I said. Raph came up to me. "WHAT?! Where?! Where the heck is he?!" Raph asked panicked. "Hate to burst the bubble, but he's underneath the van." I said before Donnie got up from his station. "He's underneath the van?!" Raph, Miah, Waunu, Erika and Amy yelled in unison panicking as Raph jumped on Donnie. The roach cut the drive shaft that made some of us hit to the wall hard. "It cut the drive shaft!" I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt and helped some of the guys that crashed into the wall. "How does it keep finding us?" Leo asked. "Oh, I don't suppose to know, but Donnie must've put a homing signal on the roach so it can makes its way back to the shellraiser, that's the answer." I said before the rest looked at him. He chuckled nervously. "Oops." He said. "There's a homing signal?!" Martin asked Donnie, that made him flinched up a bit. "Dude, why didn't you tell us that before?!" Chris asked. "Man Donnie, even I could've shut that thing down." Knuckles said before nodding his head with his eyes closed. "Excuse me, Knuckles. I've been a little distracted." Donnie said. "Hold up a moment, maybe I can try to hack into the signal to tap onto the camera, to see what he's really seeing." I said as I put my calculus shades back on, went to my station and typed on the keyboards to tap into the camera. "None of this make sense, E.C, why's he so mad at all of us?" Raph asked worried. "And . . . bam! Maybe those three can be the answer to the question." I said as I pressed a key that has three memories the roach has in the camera. One has Miah, Erika and Amy got scared when Miah tried to shake it off her arm, one when Raph's trying to stab the roach and the final is Waunu almost stepping on the roach. "Oh crud." Raph said. "Oh no." Miah, Waunu, Erika and Amy said in unison. "Oh man, he's not mad at all of us, he's mad at you five." I said as I took off my shades again. "Whoa, that stinks for some people who are totally afraid of roaches." Martin said. Miah pushed him back. "Alright, we all get it. Thanks M.K, so is there anymore surprises?" Raph asked. Then the saw cut through the shellraiser. "I FORGOT HE HAS A SAW!!!" I said as Raph and the girls moved out of the way to avoid the saw. "That cockroach has a saw!!!!" Waunu said. I jumped over it, grabbed Leo's katana and cut the saw off. It wiggled around, releasing oil. "Gross." Amy said. "Not anymore." I said as I gave the katana back to Leo, walked over to the bag and pulled out the stick that Haley had when we saved her and Leatherhead from the Kraang. "Donnie and Tails, the rest of us will keep that roach busy." I said. "We will?" Raph asked. I nodded. "Yes! You two have to fix the shellraiser fast, like sonic fast!" I said. They went out and I pulled out the book of spells that I bought at the book store. "A book?" Donnie asked. "Why would you need a book for?" Tails asked as I put them in my travel bag and put the bag on my shoulder. "You'll see." I said as I walked out of the shellraiser. The guys looked at me and I grabbed Raph while Waunu, Miah, Erika and Amy are ready when they're scared. I cleared my throat. "HEY SPY ROACH, THE FIVE ARE OUT HERE!! COME AND GET THEM!!!" I shouted. I heard it critter. "Really? You're using the five of us as bait?" Raph asked. "Yeah." I said. Then the roach came out. It started walking towards us. "RUN RUN RUN!!!" I said as we all ran as fast as we can, but Sonic, he uses his speed to run. The girls, Raph and I stopped as the roach comes closer. "Guys now!!!!!" I said. Then the others came in with a trash can, it landed on the roach and Mikey placed the lid on top. I grabbed Raph's hand and we took off. "E.C, what are you doing?!" Chris asked. "Trust me on this!!" I said as we ran out of the alley. We turned a corner and see wet cement. "Jump!" I said and we six jumped over it with skills. We ran into the alley which had a dead end. I heard the roach from a distance and hid Raph and the girls plus myself behind the boxes for cover as Raph began to apologize for no reasons. "Stay here." I whispered and I got out to see the rest coming in. I sighed in relief. Mikey made a silent 'shush' and chuckled silently. "On one condition." Mikey said acting scary. "Aaah! Anything!" Raph said. "Be good to Michelangelo." Mikey said. "Aaaa-what?" Raph asked confused as the girls came out where I hid them. "Let him read your comics once in a while." Mikey said. Raph looked to see Mikey and immediately got mad. "MIKEY!" Raph said before he kicked his butt. Mikey went behind Waunu and I stopped Raph. "Ow! So much for learning your lesson." Mikey said before rubbing where Raph kicked him. "Nice job, you guys." Leo said. I smiled softly. "What did we do?" Miah asked. "What in tarnation are you talking about, Leo?" Waunu asked in her Mexican/Texan tone. "What does that mean?" Erika and Amy asked in unison. "Where's the bug?" Raph asked. "Don't believe him? Follow me and you'll regret for what y'all saying." I said as we walked out the alley to see the spy roach in wet cement, frozen solid. "Hah, stuck huh? Not so tough now, are ya roachy?" Raph asked as he taps the head with his sai. "You're just a . . . hollow of shell?" Miah asked when the head fell off. I gasped softly as the rest fell to the ground. "What the-?" Waunu, Erika, Amy asked in unison. Mikey checked one part. "Oh no, I almost forgot to tell y'all, cockroaches also molted-" I got cut off by Knuckles. "Wait a minute, they molt?" He asked confused. "Yeah. It meant roaches only shed their skins off once when they get too big and the skin is too tight for them to take care on." I said in a scientific way. "But if that's the skin, then where's the real bug?!" Sonic asked. I hear it churning as the rest gasped. I gulped worried. "It's right behind me, isn't it?" I asked worried. "Yeah, but don't turned-" I cut Martin off as I turned around slowly and saw the roach but way more scary and disgusting.

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