Chapter 38: First Day

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Peter POV

I'm excited for today, since it's the first day as a representative for supers. I quickly put my suit on and ran over to Mr. and Mrs. Parr's room to see if Elastigirl was ready. She had a new suit as well, but her suit looked way different. The colors looked drained, having a dreary black and grey with occasional bits of red.

"Edna designed that?" I asked in confusion.

"No. Some guy named Alexander Galbaki did," Elastigirl responded.

"That suit looks good. Who made that?" Mr. Parr asked.

"I did. Mr. Stark has a set of suit making equipment," I replied.

"Seriously?" Elastigirl said as she looked around at my new suit.

"Yeah. Rebuilt everything to my specifications," I added.

"Alright. Let's go," Elastigirl instructrd as we both ran to the garage and Elastigirl got onto her Elasti-Cycle. I had activated a new feature that I had put into my suit. I activated these patches of lightweight durable webbing that went under my arms. I got onto and stood on the back of the Elasti-Cycle, using my powers to keep myself on the bike.

"What are those?" Elastigirl asked.

"Web wings. Once we get up to speed, I'll let go and glide the rest of the way," I explained. Mr. Parr and Aunt May walked over and saw us ready to leave.

"You two do good out there. Make a good name for heroes," May cheered.

"May and I will watching the kids," Mr. Parr informed.

"Do your best," Elastigirl joked as she revved up her motorcycle and rode out through the waterfall onto the freeway. People saw us going by and were understandably confused. Who werr the costumed Yahoos they were probably thinking. Then when we going at 90 MPH, I jumped off the bike and spread my webwings to glide along the air.

Now I can probably hear you, why are you using webwings? You can just swing. I'm conserving my energy and my webbing for when I'm actually in action and in the city. I was gliding through the air, trying to keep up with Elastigirl on her motorcycle. After what felt like hours of gliding, we were both in the skyline of New Urbam. I perched myself onto the rooftop of the New Urbam DevTech building, where Winston Evelyn and Tony were all waiting for me. Elastigirl was in the alley adjacent to the building.

"Here's your suit camera, Spider-Man," Tony said as he handed me an attachable teched up version of my chest spider logo. I took the camera and put it on top of my spider logo.

"Now. When stuff starts going down, how are we going to get people to see this?" I asked. There was this collective murmuring around the three adults.

"We can't just cut off the news broadcast. That takes too many hoops to get through without a lot of paperwork," Winston brought up.

"I mean I can ask the tv station if we can invade the air waves," Evelyn suggested.

"We can't just brute force our way in. It would take too much time to do it," Elastigirl denied. Which sparked an idea in my head.

"Well....maybe I could?" I said shyly.

"Say what?" Tony asked.

"I'll need a briefcase computer, some cables and access to a satellite dish," I listed off.

"I could find the computer," Tony immediately said, pushing the button to call his iron man suit.

"I could find some cables around my workshop," Evelyn said.

"Satellite dish? I got you," Winston said as he pointed at the signal dish on top of the building.

"We'll meet back here in like 20 minutes," I said. 20 minutes later, I was now on top of the DevTech building; tapping away on the computer with cables connecting to the satellite dish and running down into the broadcast room of DevTech.

"What are you doing, Spider-Man?" I heard Elastigirl ask me.

"I am trying to make an algorithm that can crack the security system and break through the firewall of the tv station. That way, when we need to show people our heroics; Winston and Evelyn can jack the signal and let us steal the show," I explained.

"Uh huh...You know that sounds absolutely crazy right?" Elastigirl asked me again.

"So? You're a woman who can stretch her limbs indefinitely, and I'm a teenager who can do what a spider does. Crazy for other people is Tuesday for us," I broke down as I finished my algorithm and started running it.

"I'll join you on the ground, it's a but boring up here," I said as I jumped down from the building and slid down using my powers. I hopped off the wall and landed next to Elastigirl.

"It's weird, waiting for crime to happen," Elastigirl said.

"Not for me. I was doing this sort of thing when I first became a hero," I said, reminiscing on my first year.

"What was it like? Not knowing heroes were illegal?" Elastigirl asked me.

"It felt...odd. I knew that all of these heroes existed, but I never thought about why they never showed up. It just felt like I was another name in the huge catalog of superheroes. I never thought there was a law that forced heroes to be forced into uncle Ben said you heroes were the best of us," I explained, prattling off my emotional dumpster fire.

"How did it all change when you found out heroes were illegal?" She asked me.

"It suuuucked. Since I thought I was doing good. I thought people saw me as being friendly, not a menace,"  I responded plainly.

"Hey you two. We're having a problem with the new hovertrain. Might require super intervention," Tony informed.

"Ready to be Incredible?" I joked.

"Depends. You ready to be Spectacular?" Elastigirl joked in return, revving up her bike.

"Ah. Spectacular Spider-Man. I like the ring of that," I responded as I slingshotted myself over the streets and started swinging.

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